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  1. #1

    Default Updates I would buy in the DDO Store

    Given the Standing Stone Games ownership is new. Here's a few things I'd like to see added to the store or the game. For generic game systems, I'd have no problem with there being a store kickstarter items that are funded for future development once they get enough pledges and then become available to everyone. Your TP will be returned if said item is not funded in the ~4 weeks it is shown on the DDO Store Pledge Page. This really gives the players a means to push items the devs think can be made available into builds sooner than later.

    From the DDO Store:
    • Quest Magic Mouth: At the quest but forgot to take or reward and retake the quest (does not qualify you for a quest you couldn't take from the quest giver). For 10-20TP a magic mouth option is available for the character to communicate with the quest giver and get the quest granted as well as a previous reward followed by granting the quest. Great for LOB, MA, Necropolis, etc quests that start far from their quest giver but that one player who always forgets to take the quest doesn't delay the group. Unbound... for giving to said friend in some cases.
    • Paint your hireling: Tired of 3 exact same owlbears or level 27 clerics in the group? Now you can modify the primary color of your pet/hireling summoning device.
    • Different bard instruments: **** Lute. No MORE. Give me my bard gnome-manufacture-harpsicord-animation with harpsicord sound effects option. Change-able via meta-key per bard song. Buy all the new bard instruments: flute, kazoo, trumpet, fender-bardo-caster, violin, cowbell, etc. Okay... maybe not harpsicord.
    • Armor and/or armor glamering color/FX selection/modification.
    • SSG 8 inch tall Plushy set: Beholder, Flesh Render with bacon, Arraetrikos. DONE. WIN. Special bonus plushy for a limited time: Broccoli.

    Generic game options to put on the DDO Pledge Page:

    • New racial access to class PRE's. So very one-off having just elf/helf arcane archer. At least two more please.
    • Paint your druid wolf and bear: Different primary colors for druids. Why don't these hair dye's work on my druid wolf form? Blargh.
    • Add an option when you right-click on a hotkey spell to modify targeting (Do not cast on targeted monster/Cast on Anyone). Well, doesn't have to be that generic of a system. I'M TIRED OF DOING TINY DAMAGE TO EPIC/LEGENDARY TARGETED UNDEAD WHEN WHAT I REALLY WANT IS TO HJEAL MYSELF. [Fix all the terrible targeting on SLA spells while you're at it. Fireball as a spell works well targeted and follows your reticule untargeted. Fireball SLA targeted mostly works but untargeted attacks god above or your shoes regardless of reticule location. Many other SLA's are similar. Has been like this since SLA's came out.]
    • Update the BIO page with a little greater than 1980's DOS capability. WYSIWYG colors, font editing. An account-shared and character specific set of pages. Option to make account-shared page public/private.
    • Polymorph spell. I felt a great disturbance in the SSG, as if millions of engineers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. Sorry. Nevermind. Though there was mention long ago of a Time Stop spell (Kate Paiz times). Though the only way I could see to implement something like that would be by pre-slotting the ~3(?) actions/spells/etc you would take when hitting the Time Stop button. e.g., Cast Heal, Tumble Backwards, Draconic Dragon Breath.
    • Really. Some more spells. Not so much primary casting classes... but Bards, Rangers, Druids,Arties. And the Illusion school is feeble. Despite having an iconic race of illusionist gnomes.
    • Add polearms/halberds etc animations and items.
    • Fix the stats on all of our raid items that are way below the current attribute, etc curve for their level.
    • Add evil as a character alignment set and redo all dialogues before quests to have an evil selection to them. Easy right? Just trying to employ an English major here for a summer+ job.
    Casual DDOaholic

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Very sweet and nice ideas for DDO store. I like how non of them are pay to win oriented and alot of players would buy them.
    Generic game options seem sweet to.

  3. #3
    Community Member ssgcmwatson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I would pay for BtA containers (cookie jar, augment bag, etc).

    UDR Loot Rules:
    1) No griefing people for pulling loot that dropped in their name
    2) When rolling, classes for which the item is "useful" get +10 to the roll
    example: Wiz and Barb both roll on a Torc, the barb saying "I'm TRing into an arcane next week"
    Wiz gets +10 on his roll

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