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  1. #1
    Community Member plendil3's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default I need Slime Mold, Blister Beetles, and Polished Ore

    Hi Sarlona:
    I am doing some crafting and I need:
    5 Slime Molds
    5 Blister Beetles
    2 Polished ore

    For trade I have some combo of
    10 Brass Censers
    2 Black Dragon Scales
    2 White Dragon Scales
    2 Blue Dragon Scales
    2 Flawless Black Dragon Scales
    2 Flawless White Dragon Scales
    2 Flawless Blue Dragon Scales
    1 Flawless Red Dragon Scale
    Pure shavareth iron
    Demons blood
    Heroic greensteel larges
    Astral shards
    Please PM me with what might work.

  2. #2


    Hi Plendil,

    If you haven't seen, someone did a really nice write up on where to farm collectables if you're interested.

    If you still need the collectables on your list you are welcome to contact me in game on Voodu or Gingerspyce

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    +1 to using the awesome guide to farming collectibles.

    My recollection is that The Last Stand in Red Fens drops Slime Molds by the dozen, and that Blister Beetles can be had there pretty easily as well.

    Polished Ore is tricky. I suggest you focus on finding a farm location that requires you to fight the absolute minimal amount (preferably "none") and has an "any" node within as short of reach of quest entry as possible. You are going to be farming an "any" node over and over again. Thankfully you don't need much Polished Ore. I'd recommend you budget two hours for that farm, and hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised at it taking about an hour.

    (I didn't have any luck getting MOB treasure bag drops of Polished Ore. I Just don't think there is a location with a high enough density of gargoyles, in the right level range, in quick reach of quest entry. IME the "any" node approach for Polished Ore is more fruitful.)

  4. #4
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DownClan View Post
    +1 to using the awesome guide to farming collectibles.

    My recollection is that The Last Stand in Red Fens drops Slime Molds by the dozen, and that Blister Beetles can be had there pretty easily as well.

    Polished Ore is tricky. I suggest you focus on finding a farm location that requires you to fight the absolute minimal amount (preferably "none") and has an "any" node within as short of reach of quest entry as possible. You are going to be farming an "any" node over and over again. Thankfully you don't need much Polished Ore. I'd recommend you budget two hours for that farm, and hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised at it taking about an hour.

    (I didn't have any luck getting MOB treasure bag drops of Polished Ore. I Just don't think there is a location with a high enough density of gargoyles, in the right level range, in quick reach of quest entry. IME the "any" node approach for Polished Ore is more fruitful.)
    Madstone crater on HE.

    Run in, go over to the right where the 3 trolls are, loot the backpack, run out, reset, repeat.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    Madstone crater on HE.

    Run in, go over to the right where the 3 trolls are, loot the backpack, run out, reset, repeat.
    I think I did Tavern Brawl HE for Polished Ore, since you can avoid any fight at all. But then in Tavern Brawl you have to recall because you can't run back out the exit, so you have the recall delay.

    A bonus for Tavern Brawl is that since it is accessible from Hall of Heroes, you have quick access to get to it for farming. You don't have to traverse any wilderness at all to get setup.

    I don't like farming for mats but I do find it manageable. It's just booooooring.

  6. #6
    Community Member plendil3's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Thanks

    Thank you all for posting. I will try the Red Fens.

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