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  1. #21
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    For those who don't know WoP = Wounding of Puncturing.

    It is NOT a slur against Italians.
    Laughed out loud.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
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  2. #22


    I have replayed many of the same quests on similar settings after the latest Lamannia update.

    1) There is still something wrong with Hirelings. I am still guessing that something about their damage and HP are still being scaled with the quest.
    2) I completed multiple quests at level solo with a hireling healer on passive with six skulls with relative ease. In four quests not a single champion spawned and I only got one reaper.
    3) Reaper is still all about fighting that one champion. Trash Mobs are pointless. Getting hit for 11 to 30 points of damage in a level 14 quest on Reaper (Six Skulls) isn't a challenge.
    4) There is something wrong with Aggro in Reaper. Occasionally (happened three times) after a character death all the mobs stop and freeze. Like the Aggro is frozen. They don't move or change until a mob takes damage. Obviously a bug that can be used to um heal up a party if you know it happens.
    5) Too often a champions animations are not in sync with their attacks. I heard multiple players say that they were killed before the attack animation started and I have experienced it multiple times.
    6) Damage from champions don't make sense. You do increased damage, I get that, but 300 point variation in swings in a Level 15 (6 skulls) attack is pretty wide and no feed in combat log makes it hard to understand what is going on.

    I'll add more later.

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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldyGopher View Post
    I ran Tower of Frost on heroic Reaper 2, solo with a 28 point pure paladin THF build at level 15 using a Hireling Healer.
    Having never run the quest before nor spending any time learning about the quest ahead of time maybe I bit more off than I can chew, but I doubt it.
    A first lifer that does a quest for the first time? And complains about the reaper difficulty? Really?
    Using a hireling while you have available quickened heals? You complain about damage received without posting your PRR?

    *moves on to another thread*
    Last edited by Sanader; 01-15-2017 at 07:34 AM.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Sanader View Post
    A first lifer that does a quest for the first time? And complains about the reaper difficulty? Really?
    Using a hireling while you have available quickened heals? You complain about damage received without posting your PRR?

    *moves on to another thread*
    I don't think you understood the compliant. Maybe you should re-read the OP.

    The Twilight Avengers are always recruiting -

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldyGopher View Post
    I have replayed many of the same quests on similar settings after the latest Lamannia update.

    1) There is still something wrong with Hirelings. I am still guessing that something about their damage and HP are still being scaled with the quest.
    2) I completed multiple quests at level solo with a hireling healer on passive with six skulls with relative ease. In four quests not a single champion spawned and I only got one reaper.
    3) Reaper is still all about fighting that one champion. Trash Mobs are pointless. Getting hit for 11 to 30 points of damage in a level 14 quest on Reaper (Six Skulls) isn't a challenge.
    4) There is something wrong with Aggro in Reaper. Occasionally (happened three times) after a character death all the mobs stop and freeze. Like the Aggro is frozen. They don't move or change until a mob takes damage. Obviously a bug that can be used to um heal up a party if you know it happens.
    5) Too often a champions animations are not in sync with their attacks. I heard multiple players say that they were killed before the attack animation started and I have experienced it multiple times.
    6) Damage from champions don't make sense. You do increased damage, I get that, but 300 point variation in swings in a Level 15 (6 skulls) attack is pretty wide and no feed in combat log makes it hard to understand what is going on.

    I'll add more later.
    There was an issue recently where mobs would hang around corpses (pets) / Soulstones and not pay attention to other live targets. If you die and the mob is in this state that would explain why your hireling could kill it. Was the mob fighting back?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldyGopher View Post
    I ran a series of quests on Reaper mode and in general hate it. No that's not quite right, my initial belief that it was a overly complex solution to the current situation in game concerning game difficulty that will bring further division and disillusionment of the player base was confirmed.

    I ran Tower of Frost on heroic Reaper 2, solo with a 28 point pure paladin THF build at level 15 using a Hireling Healer.
    Having never run the quest before nor spending any time learning about the quest ahead of time maybe I bit more off than I can chew, but I doubt it.

    What exactly is the added difficulty of Reaper? The champion who does 18 times more damage and has 250% more hit points than the other similar mob? I go toe to toe with 8 Orcs non champions, they can't hit me and when they do it is for 20 to 24 points of damage. One Orc champion (orange crown) steps up and two shots me faster than I can click my mouse for 360 and 480 points of damage. The damage was before the animations even occurred. Really that is supposed to be the great challenge. The fact that one mob in 24 can now basically one shot my character.

    Okay thanks to multiple accounts I pulled a Tank build in, level 16, AC 52 points higher, 55% more HP, More double PRR, same mob ... same result. Two shot before the animation even concludes.

    Okay going to highlight said mob and look at what buffs he has going on. Guess what, the UI won't let me click on the champion. I can click on the note, the mob around the corner who is still passive, but not the solo champion standing over the dead bodies of my characters.

    Now get this, my hireling, Jatina Sartosa, suddenly gets a wild hair up her bottom, walks over goes toe to toe with the Orc Champion and smacks it around for 15 seconds and kills it.

    Ice Mephet Champions - No big deal, Troll Servant Champion (Pandemonium) again Jatina takes down while I get smacked twice dead.

    So went back on ran it on Heroic Elite, guess what everything was the same CR, but damage was reduced by 65% I am guessing thanks to Damage Scaling.

    I could go on, but all I keep saying to myself is what a waste of developer time to make a system that 1 mob in 20/15/10 whatever is now a champion and really is the only threat in the quest. You need team play, nope, just a Cleric hireling with a bad attitude.

    Dump reaper and fix the actual problem. It just dumbfounds me that adding complexity to further fracture our player base is the solution, one that doesn't work even.

    My question to you is if two skull reaper is to difficult to solo with AI healing why are you doing it? This is not a solo play game and it never has been. One big problem for people like me who have been playing the game since the level cap was ten and you lost exp every time you died is the fact everyone became so focused on self healing and solo play. A lot of us remember having to use group play, smart tatics, mob pulls, and having a dedicated healer and tank to run some quests. For me reaper has brought that back. To run higher level reapers on the harder quests you really need team work and the right party make up to complete. This game used to be hard to run quests on elite and over time it became way to easy to the point where no one needed to pug anymore because they could all solo. I shouldnt be able to solo a quest on epic elite with a barbarian who can self heal just by hitting things. That is absolutely ridiculous. If you dont like the idea of running with a group im sorry but you need to make a better build, run a lower diff setting or play a game that isnt based off of the historic Dungeons and Dragons

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    My guess would be WoP's. I still have my WoP repeater and everything just goes helpless after a few clicks.
    I just respeced my arty to a mech rog and been using my old wop i had and i thought maybe they had been nerfed by now but oh nooooo ips and just aim for the back two seconds later all sneak attacks lol

  8. #28
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    For those who don't know WoP = Wounding of Puncturing.

    It is NOT a slur against Italians.
    LOL! Yeah con stat damage in reaper could prove effective again. Or some other physical stat drainer. My old loot dropped scimis are Wounding of Enfeebling (WoE). They have ice crafts on them so they aren't low levelish anymore.
    Last edited by Seikojin; 05-19-2017 at 09:23 AM. Reason: spelling mistake

  9. #29
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldyGopher View Post
    I don't think you understood the compliant. Maybe you should re-read the OP.
    I think the biggest problem is that reaper punishes players. Not NPC's. So your hireling who is not a player, is not being debuffed in reaper. A simple solution: reaper doesn't allow hirelings. I mean it is a mode meant to punish the easy buttons of the game. As well as provide challenges.

    Overall, I think reaper is as good as champions. We as players adapt to the change in challenge really well. See a crown = take em down. See a wraith = swap weapons. Also with reaper not offering exp towards capping, this allows it to be severely optional and expands what can be done to incentivize the challenge, like actually increasing opportunities for X/Y/Z thing players grind for.

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