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Mutiple res-s with monk phoenix active some jibbers and couple cakes abuse vahno, and the most efficient melee build you can create atm (overvaan).
Also max fully buffed with close to maxed gear (some mythic items lacking)on a build that is purely defense focused with dps as byproduct and using all items at my disposal (cookies i gatherd over the years, temp buffs etc), most players would not be able to do it solo as a melee (in all honesty some hits are really brutal up to 2 -3 k thro 250 prr, i did complete some quests with 1-2 deaths but some had 6-7, it really isnt as easy as i make it sound as a melee, as a ranged i feel i would have a much easier time and proly be able to complete some content without a death).
Also i dont complain about ranged vs melee, just in current form i see absolutely no reason (esp with guards) to play a melee in reaper, this serves as a prewarning for people who plan to play that content or as a warning for devs to make the guard work on spells and ranged (honestly that is the only fair solution).
Lets assume a example in practical gameplay.
Lets say i run a unarmed monk, i attack with ww in a pack that someone ccd, one of those champ crown tier 3 mobs in that pack had that guard, lets say my ww procs 4 times, that is 4 hits and average 250 damage, i recieve 1000 force damage, even if we assume that i equip the cloack from thslayer and reduce that damage by 10% it is still 900 incoming damage that i need to somewhat handle.
Even if i stun or render that enemy helpless with jade prison the guard seems to still be active.
And dont let me started when a boss spawns with that guard.
ITs much easier to kite around as multiple ranged then to relly on a tank that can die anytime if a reaper puts debuffs on him and a champ passes by with fortification bypass.
Now if the guard was active on ranged as well, then i can imagine the need to drop shuri/shiradi builds since the guard also punishes current fotm melle builds since it could directly negate shuri toss and shiradi mm spam.
Equality for all in the fear from reaper xD
(some reapers have a debuff that makes you take 20% more damage per stack which can stack up to 100 times and stacks with vulnerability, some have dots that can tick up to 400 damage per tick //cant really mitigate it and i assume it goes higher but i would be either dead or have killed it before further stacks stacked, and if you add the overall damage income you get it really turns into a mess, some have tseing some have conceal bypass as a perma buff, some have dodge bypass as perma buff, so you cannot rely on a tank to survive hits, a fully dedicated tank can die in 2 hits like anyone else if unlucky with champ buffs or 1 hit if really unlucky).
There are couple abuse mechanics you can do, like oozes for example, a tosser build with lege ooze might be the best tank you can get in reaper atm since oozes scale and actually can tank more then any melee.
I like the iteration of reaper, but some changes need to be done, it should not promote ranged again.
Old epics were just like that (premotu), all blue bar raids(epics and everything actually).
We are running in circles as it is now.
I can adapt and play a ranged np, but im sure many players around here wont like that