~Founder of Cormyrian Sovereigns~
Alessi[Smiter] ~ Arktanis[Tank]~Kajsalisa[Druid]~Kanaela[Completionist]~Kiaransalli[Stealth]~Kjorvik[Melee]~ Raikki[Enchanter]~Talassriel[Archer]~Ytthrimuir[Warpriest]
~Founder of Cormyrian Sovereigns~
Alessi[Smiter] ~ Arktanis[Tank]~Kajsalisa[Druid]~Kanaela[Completionist]~Kiaransalli[Stealth]~Kjorvik[Melee]~ Raikki[Enchanter]~Talassriel[Archer]~Ytthrimuir[Warpriest]
We're bringing down Lamma for a short time now in order to update the build to resolve this issue as well as a couple other things. Will let you know when we're back up. =]
I was referring to this guys post:
He had it happen in the new ToF quest in heroic. From what I understand those orcs are kinda weird as is. Someone else stated on epic difficulty they seem to have 100+ saves.
Building a Better DDO
Building a Better DDO
These arguments around self healing are pretty pointless if you ask me. Let's simplify things a bit:
Reaper is being designed for TEAM play. The developers make it clear what their intentions are when designing this gamemode, and although their definition of what team play is may not be the same as what YOURS is, the changes being made are in fact being put in place for a reason.
Now is the reason behind this good? That is arguable. My opinion is that it is very good, because it revives the game back to what it was before they released the epics as they are now, and it puts everyone on the level where they must strategize and think again when they enter a fight, and focus on the resources they have available in order to succeed in the quest. With the changes made within recent years to DDO, the self healing nerf (among other changes) was one of the best solutions, as it applies to reaper alone, and DOES NOT AFFECT OTHER DIFFICULTY MODES. That said, those who are not willing to adapt are going to have a very hard time getting completions on reaper difficulty, thus finding the gamemode very frustrating and tiresome. Needless to say, it is not for everyone, and I advise those who are not willing to adapt to stick with elites where they are comfortable.
Arguing against it and insisting that you are not willing to adapt only emphasizes that reaper mode isn't for you. Reaper isn't being designed around the self healing soloist, but instead a balanced party of skilled players who are seeking a challenge greater than what the game provides now. The developers (hopefully) will not make any changes to benefit the self-healing style of play, as it goes against what reaper is made for - so please stop causing drama over it!
Also, despite what you may think, there are players out there who are willing to adapt and are thoroughly excited to play reaper in action. I'd suggest gathering a group of players who you know well and creating a static group with them
^Note: Nothing I said above hasn't been said already by other players in this thread and other threads around this topic, but hopefully it summarizes things a bit.
Leader of the Crusaders of Heaven, Khyber
Guild is currently Level 140 - We are always openly recruiting.
PM: Josetta / Sarahanne
"This is why we can't have nice things."
Self healing divine tank that uses torc/concordant opposition/etc. is now useless. Build busted. (Not saying its a build anyone plays, but some do). The healer will just have to hope his group will toss him/her a cocoon from time to time.
Damage being scaled down to 10% of max is really what will force you to group, not any sort of self healing nerf. That's just an added FU to any build that is set to be self-reliant. It's really, from the top down, a dumb idea. Let's break it down.
1 - If the amount of damage coming in is so light that rejuv/renew is enough to beat it, then you will not suddenly see an influx of dedicated divines. What you'll see is everyone twisting renew instead of rejuv since it's a much better heal and you just all heal each other as the damage comes in. This is pretty much how it is on live anyways in regular groups. If I have rejuv/renewal I toss it on whoever is hurt.
2 - If the amount of damage is so great that rejuv/renew can't keep up then a self healing character isn't going to rely on that to begin with and will have to rely on a dedicated healer -anyways-. The important thing here to note is that it will be -regardless- of whether or not he could self heal. Self healing (or the lack thereof) does not change the dynamic at all.
3 - The source of a heal doesn't really matter anyways. What does it matter WHO cast the heal? If you really wanted to force grouping, make it so that each player cannot do more then 21% of a mobs HP in damage. If you want to kill it you have to bring at least 5 people. BAM, GROUPING FORCED! It accomplishes the exactly same goal.
Let's make it pretty clear here that if Divines brought something to the table other then the ability to spam mass heal and greater resto they wouldn't have taken a back seat. Unfortunately DDO is designed such that wizards are far greater buffers/healers/specialists. Blur, otto's, mass hold, all the insta-kills, haste, etc...all these offer groups far more then what a Cleric can bring. Those spells will prevent more damage then a divine will ever heal.
Druids have EarthQuake and....that's about it for useful divine spells to benefit the party.
You want to encourage groups to bring Divines? Don't nerf healing. Give divines some useful stuff. 20% 'divine' haste. +4 'divine' bonus to stats. A special 'divine' hold person that works even on red/purple bosses, no save/no SR (lasts 3 seconds, 1 min cooldown, puts debuff on boss so no more then 2 can be cast per minute). +25% incorp 'divine' buff that even bypasses ghost touch. +10 mp/rp 'divine' buff. Replace all those crappy low level spells that have resistance or enhancement bonuses and make it a stacking 'divine' bonus. Make a higher level version of 'find traps' that is 'suppress traps' which when cast in an area prevents traps from activating for X seconds per divine level.
And so forth.
Building a Better DDO
Epitaph for Europe : Valete Keeper Devourerque -- honos et laus insint memoriam et honorem vestram. Gaudium et praedas, quos dedisti generose ad gimpes nostris, in cordibus atque nostris sempiternum. Valete atque semper et gloriose in aeternitatem fideles et robustes CCC !!! - I Was a Mournlander ... - Keeper/Mournlands/Lamannia/Ghallanda
If you don't want to adapt stick to elite and stop ask for nerf.
It's hilarious for how long we asked for something difficult and now all those complaint about being difficult..lol
Reaper is designed around people who want challenge, if you don't want it stay out of it, nobody is forcing you to play it.
Some build may not work in reaper, but some build that work in reaper will not work outside of it, so where is exactly the problem?
Self healing is adding on team coordination despite whatever you guys will say and restrain people from zerg even in low skull since you're going to die if nobody is around you.
As well no self heal, no solo completion, only team effort will give you a completion.
Last edited by Vanhooger; 01-13-2017 at 07:04 AM.
Triple Heroic & Epic completionist. Eroic : 42/42 - Epic : 36/36 - Iconic : 12/12.