Epitaph for Europe : Valete Keeper Devourerque -- honos et laus insint memoriam et honorem vestram. Gaudium et praedas, quos dedisti generose ad gimpes nostris, in cordibus atque nostris sempiternum. Valete atque semper et gloriose in aeternitatem fideles et robustes CCC !!! - I Was a Mournlander ... - Keeper/Mournlands/Lamannia/Ghallanda
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkmRE3nQmR0&t=17s And the point of this is???
Epitaph for Europe : Valete Keeper Devourerque -- honos et laus insint memoriam et honorem vestram. Gaudium et praedas, quos dedisti generose ad gimpes nostris, in cordibus atque nostris sempiternum. Valete atque semper et gloriose in aeternitatem fideles et robustes CCC !!! - I Was a Mournlander ... - Keeper/Mournlands/Lamannia/Ghallanda
You are suggesting that this nerf won't make Healers desiderable because they cant self-heal. Throw a Cocoon at the Healer if it's needed. You will have one person healing 5 (or 11), the others can help the healer when needed. Self-healing nerf should stay, and I think it's a nice way to nerf our toons.
I doubt this will end the debate of No Self-Healing vs Self Healing but I don't see this as a binary all or nothing argument against Reaper.
The cool thing about Reaper is that it has 10 skulls of difficulty, each with a scaling decrease on the effectiveness of a variety of character parameters such as damage dealt and yes, self healing.
Self healing on 2 skulls will be better than self healing on 3 skulls; self healing on 1 skull with be more powerful than self healing on 2 skulls.
No matter the build, there will be a Reaper difficulty for your build.
It is also the case the certain abilities and therefore certain builds won't perform as well on 10 skull as they do on live.
I have characters on live that dish out high melee damage but don't have much in the way of defense; these characters will not fare as well at the higher reaper difficulty than say my melee characters focused on stun/trip that is otherwise "less powerful" on live. Same is true for my "more powerful" radiant servant that depends of bursts to heal the party who does fine on live but will suffer on 10 skulls vs. my "weaker" zen archer healer who is built to heal from a safe distance and may be more valuable on higher reaper difficulties than she is now on live.
Most of my characters are built for soloing via self healing or some other mechanism; some that can solo elite on live won't fare as well in the higher skull difficulties while other "weaker" characters will excel in a team environment
And I am ok with this...my "strong" self healers will still excel soloing low skull reaper...my "weaker" support role characters (who are less able to solo) will be better suited/more valuable in a team/party versus higher skull reaper difficulties.
I see this as increasing the richness of our play experience for a larger segment of character builds than exists in DDO as it is today.
Epitaph for Europe : Valete Keeper Devourerque -- honos et laus insint memoriam et honorem vestram. Gaudium et praedas, quos dedisti generose ad gimpes nostris, in cordibus atque nostris sempiternum. Valete atque semper et gloriose in aeternitatem fideles et robustes CCC !!! - I Was a Mournlander ... - Keeper/Mournlands/Lamannia/Ghallanda
I stated that the debuff of primary healing abilities should be mitigated for balance purposes.
Your stack of 100 Heal scrolls is not a primary healing ability.
Nor is it when it happens to be in the inventory of a cleric.
There is NO REASON why a Healer should need to have a primary ability nerfed when no other primary abilities are similarly affected.
Is your DPS nerfed 96% at 10 skulls ?
Epitaph for Europe : Valete Keeper Devourerque -- honos et laus insint memoriam et honorem vestram. Gaudium et praedas, quos dedisti generose ad gimpes nostris, in cordibus atque nostris sempiternum. Valete atque semper et gloriose in aeternitatem fideles et robustes CCC !!! - I Was a Mournlander ... - Keeper/Mournlands/Lamannia/Ghallanda
All this talk about 10 skull better be a joke
If they screw it up that bad,
Well they will just have to adjust it hot fix time
Should be talking about 5 skull
10 skull should be like shangrila
Never seen
Back to aura
This should heal cleric fully just like healing others
That'll teach em to kill off cleric class
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
So long as there exists the cheese factor where a character can stand out of harms way and deal ranged damage this whole discussion is irrelevant. Enemies need a way to deal with this, whether it's a buff so they also jump up and one-shot the Cheezer, or are given a ranged weapon that stops a kiter in its tracks. Bolos and eliminating perches would go a long way to make this game much more difficult and balanced.
Epitaph for Europe : Valete Keeper Devourerque -- honos et laus insint memoriam et honorem vestram. Gaudium et praedas, quos dedisti generose ad gimpes nostris, in cordibus atque nostris sempiternum. Valete atque semper et gloriose in aeternitatem fideles et robustes CCC !!! - I Was a Mournlander ... - Keeper/Mournlands/Lamannia/Ghallanda