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  1. #1

    Default High Lords will host epic Vault of Night teaching raid on Saturday, January 14 at 9pm

    Last week was our 2017 inaugural teaching raid event with Legendary Shroud, which saw the best turnout we've ever had for an inaugural event. It was also the first time we've ever live streamed one of our teaching raids! If you missed it, click here to read about it and watch the live stream!

    I wanted to take a moment to share some of my early experiences with raiding to those out there who are still avoiding raids for whatever reason. Several months after I started playing DDO in late 2009, I decided that I wanted to start raiding because there were certain items that I really wanted from old school raids like Vision of Destruction and Hound of Xoriat. I had some really bad experiences when I first entered the raiding scene. I found a lot of the raid leaders that I ran into were elitist jerks that didn't want to explain anything but were quick to scream when something went wrong. Raiding was quite often a miserable experience for me but I powered through it because it just seemed like that's what I had to do to get some of the gear I wanted. Then I ran into a raid leader named Glam. Those of you who have been around Sarlona for many years may remember that Glam used to lead a morning epic VON 5-6 and epic chronoscope every day. Glam was patient with newbies, always explained things, made sure people understood how it was going to work and let us know what methods we were going to use to be successful. It was then that I realized that raiding didn't have to be a stressful, pot drinking screamfest where we'd hope enough people knew what they were doing to get completion. With just taking a little time to explain things, I saw that raids could be smooth, understandable and most importantly fun.

    Those early experiences with Glam's legendary morning raids set the foundation for the way that I lead raids today and shapes that way that our teaching raids are conducted. If you have had bad experiences with raids and were turned off by them, I understand because I have been there big time. Whether you're a new player or you are new to raiding, I hope you will consider joining us for our teaching raid events.

    Next in our series of teaching raids will be epic Vault of Night and Plane of Night (aka EV5-6) on Saturday, January 14 at 9pm EST!

    All events in this series are for players new(er) to the raiding scene or players that are looking to learn raids better. First timers welcome! Dbags not welcome. Please have sound and be willing and able to follow instructions.

    The goal is to welcome newer players into the raiding scene, to teach people how raids work, to get players more comfortable with raids and to enhance the Sarlona community. There is no level cap for any of our teaching raids, but you must be at least level 20 to enter epic content.

    If you are new to EV5-6, you will need to flag by running the first 4 quests in the Vault of Night story arc (aka VON1-4) in House Kundarak: Tharashk Arena, The Prisoner, Jungle of Khyber and Haywire Foundry. You will need to have access to the Vault of Night adventure pack. You can run the flagging quests on heroic or epic difficulty to flag just the same.

    EV6 contains some remarkable loot, including one of the most sought after 2-handed weapons in the game (the Epic Sword of Shadows) and Kundarak Delving Boots, which is the only heroic item in the game that provides a continuous Freedom of Movement effect. VON5-6 are also great xp raids, so there's every reason to learn!

    Space is limited so reserve your spot ahead of time! If you would like to reserve a space in this Saturday's event, please contact me in game on Gingerspyce or preferrably Voodu, who I've been playing most lately.

    If attendance is good this week, we will be live streaming the event again on my Youtube channel.

    Thanks for all the support and special thanks to DDOCast and DDO Chronicle for mentioning our events. We hope to see you in raids soon!

    Much love,
    Gingerspyce and The High Lords of Malkier

    PS. All are welcome to attend our Friday Night Mark of Deathfest. These events aren't as formal as our teaching raids but we are happy to explain how the raid works to new players.
    Last edited by Nachomammashouse; 01-11-2017 at 02:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dalros's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    This kinda reminds me of R/Item's teaching raid for Abbot and Titan raid over at Orien. Good to know someone else is doing the same thing in other server and keep on doing the good work
    Character: Obveril Orien server (current theme i will add you encase in jade to my garden of contemplation!)

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Dalros View Post
    This kinda reminds me of R/Item's teaching raid for Abbot and Titan raid over at Orien. Good to know someone else is doing the same thing in other server and keep on doing the good work
    Awesome that someone is doing those as teaching raids on Orien. They are 2 of the most technically challenging raids and it's so hard to find good groups for them, which makes it especially valuable that folks are teaching those raids. We will be including Abbot, Titan and the rest of DDO's raids in our 2017 lineup on Sarlona

  4. #4
    Community Member Dalros's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Sadly he left the game some time ago, 2 years ago i think, his raid channel still exist which a lot of the veterans hang out was kept alive this way and help newbies that wanders into the channel, its open channel so anyone can join.
    Character: Obveril Orien server (current theme i will add you encase in jade to my garden of contemplation!)

  5. #5


    Still space available in tomorrow's EV5-6 teaching raid. Don't miss out on learning the intricacies of this puzzle-laded raid that can be really confusing to new players. This is the kind of raid that you could easily do well over a dozen times and still not understand how all the objectives work.

    Contact me in game on Voodu or Gingerspyce to sign up

    This event will be live streamed.

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Thumbs up Thanks for another successful event

    Quote Originally Posted by Nachomammashouse View Post
    Still space available in tomorrow's EV5-6 teaching raid. Don't miss out on learning the intricacies of this puzzle-laded raid that can be really confusing to new players. This is the kind of raid that you could easily do well over a dozen times and still not understand how all the objectives work.

    Contact me in game on Voodu or Gingerspyce to sign up

    This event will be live streamed.
    Thanks to Ginger and the rest of the High Lords for another successful (and enjoyable, and educational) event. I have run VON a few times before, but it has always been the case that the folks that know the raid, simple do what needs to be done, and less experienced members of the group are simply left in the dark. I learned more about the raid in the one run, than all of the previous runs put together.

    Thanks again,
    - Xiggs

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Cold_Spike View Post
    Thanks to Ginger and the rest of the High Lords for another successful (and enjoyable, and educational) event. I have run VON a few times before, but it has always been the case that the folks that know the raid, simple do what needs to be done, and less experienced members of the group are simply left in the dark. I learned more about the raid in the one run, than all of the previous runs put together.

    Thanks again,
    - Xiggs
    woot! I'm glad you had a good time and I hope to see you again in our teaching raids soon

  8. #8

    Default Another great turnout!

    Our 2nd teaching raid event of 2017 saw another great turnout. We had 6 people that were new to or still learning von 5-6!

    We live streamed the event and also had some folks who were watching that were also learning. So cool that the live streams are broadening the impact of these events and reaching people on other servers who aren't able to attend in person.

    If you missed the event, you can watch the live stream below

    Next week's teaching raid will be Defiler of the Just, so get flagged and I will post details in the Sarlona forum soon.

  9. #9
    Community Member Starkk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Thumbs up last night teaching raid ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Thanks to Ginger and the rest of the High Lords for another successful (350K XP run), enjoyable, and educational evening. I had NEVER run VON 5/6 before, but it was a breeze. Simply stated Ginger and High Lords new what needs to be done, and the less experienced members of the group were guided thru every aspect of the raid. I felt like I had my own personal mentor for the raid. I learned more about the raid in the one run, than by watching all the online videos , put together. As a first life newbee toon ,,,, I am glad I selected Sarlona and got involved with these newfound friends.

    Thanks again,
    - Spycelocks

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