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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default High spirits - bug or WAI

    Hello, either description of high spirit enhancment in warchanter is misleading or it's not WAI.

    High Spirits: Your spirits are always high, and you are immune to Crushing Despair, Waves of Fatigue and Waves of Exhaustion.
    Rank 2: You are also immune to Sleep.
    Rank 3: You are also immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Skaldic Rage.
    +(5/10/15) Positive Spellpower

    Picking this ability (rank 1) still makes you vurnable to ray of exhaustion.
    Now, I could understand that developers decided to give immunity to waves ofexhausion, but not to the ray version, although I have no idea why would they do that. BUT if that's the case, than the part "your spirits are always high" should be removed, since it's obviously not the case.

    Am I missing something?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    High Spirits does not function 100%. Here's an older thread where I tested interaction with Crushing Despair.

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