I've been hearing that warlocks who use the aura are much stronger than the ones that use eldritch blast cone shape, but I do like the idea of an infernal warlock using finger of death, wail of the banshee, hurl through hell, and devour the soul. That means that I'd have a lot invested in Soul Eater (41 points, and the tier 5s). My idea was to try and walk the middle road.
My question is this: will it work?
Drow Warlock, max CHA then Con.
Spell Focus: Necromancy
Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
Spell Penetration, maybe toughness? Not sure about this one.
41 Soul Eater. Eldritch Wave, Feed on Magic, Finger of Death, Devour the Soul, +2 CHA
6 Racial: +2 CHA
33 Enlightened Spirit: Eldritch Aura, Eldritch Burst, Spiritual Retribution, Celestial Spirit, +2 CHA
Things that I'm missing and wish I could have:
- Higher Con. I'm a drow, and I'm taking the CHA bumps over the CON bumps
- Spirit Blast. Extra damage is always nice, but I'm taking Soul Eater tier 5s.
- Shining Through. The temp hp would be very nice, but can't use the tier 5s.
- Ultimate Enlightenment. The missing 20% hp here really hurts, but I'm going for DCs and instakills, so I need soul eater capstone.
Things I have that I'm happy about:
- Finger of Death. Instakills are nice.
- Devour the Soul. Instakills are nice, ignoring death ward and working on undead is very nice.
- Hurl through Hell. Everything about this is great.
- Eldritch Wave. In my opinion, this makes up for not having Spirit Blast, as it is a very good SLA.
- Feed on Magic. This is my spell point battery, letting me cast almost infinitely.
- Stricken and Consume. Single target damage SLAs that also have great effects with other enhancements.
So, is it worth it to go ES warlock, or should I just stay Soul Eater with some Tainted Scholar? If I do the latter, I can pick up a little more pact damage and use Cone blast shape, some bonus spells, as well as some important stuff.
Important stuff I could get through Tainted Scholar:
- +2 spell pen through core.
- +1 CHA. I wouldn't put as many points into Scholar, so I could put 7 into Harper for the 2nd core.
- +30% spell crit damage.
I don't think these losses are huge, so if the points into ES are worth it, great. If not, then this is my alternative. Thoughts?