Do short swords gain from Kensai Martial Weapons line if added from Ninja Tree? Does Zen Archery, which says it turns Bows into Ki weapons, then get added to the list of martial arts weapons within martial focus of Kensai Tree?
Do short swords gain from Kensai Martial Weapons line if added from Ninja Tree? Does Zen Archery, which says it turns Bows into Ki weapons, then get added to the list of martial arts weapons within martial focus of Kensai Tree?
AFAIK, the Focus weapon groups are fixed and never change; i.e., short swords and short-/longbows don't get added to Martial Arts Focus just because you have Ninja Training or Zen Archery. But TBH I've never tested in-game to verify.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.