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  1. #1
    Pale Fox
    LightBear's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Default 20 FTR Dwarf - D.Axe & Board - I'm impressed

    Just wanted to note that down as I did not expect a pure fighter to be any good.

    Throw your weight around and focus on a dwarven axe, take the two handed fighting feats and hold a large shield in your off hand.
    And you're ready to go. I was struggling at some epic levels but now that I can put on my nice legendary gear at levels 28 and up things got a whole lot better again.

    I've based my build mostly upon work of others and made some tweaks left and right to sweeten it to my tastings.
    But as the title says... I'm impressed.

    Sure there are a few points where the sheer number of mobs are overwhelming, and yes even tho I can focus on just one stat (con ofc) my dps is not that impressive it is that usually I'm the last one standing.

    Trick is to up your dodge while upping your ac and prr/mrr at the same time.
    I'm not into that LGS or SL crafting stuff, but those things could prob make it even better.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Ive been thinking about a Dwarf Fighter Tank for my next life. Could you please list the Feats you took? The gear you had while levelling and what you are wearing towards end game?

    What sort of HP / AC / PRR / MRR are you able to hit while levelling and at cap?

    How much focus did you put on DPS and how much on survivability?

    And the most important thing, assuming a reasonable healer is in the group, what sort of Reaper level do you think you could handle while levelling and at cap?

    Others please feel free to jump on board this thread.

    Cheers !

  3. #3
    Community Member Maxxcore's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    How can you up your dodge while in heavy armor? Probably a pretty basic question >.>

  4. #4
    Community Member Niminae's Avatar
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    Aug 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Maxxcore View Post
    How can you up your dodge while in heavy armor? Probably a pretty basic question >.>
    Well the OP didn't provide much of a build other than taking the dwarven tree up to TYWA, but here are some options:
    Van - Vanguard Armor Mastery: [+1/+2/+3] to armor class and armor maximum dexterity bonus.
    StD - Stalwart Defensive Mastery: +[1/2/3] Armor Class and Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus.
    Dwarf - Dwarven Armor Mastery: +1/+2/+3 Armor Class and Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus.

    Caveat: I do not know if the various abilities which improve armor max dex bonus (the limiting factor on your max dodge) stack.

    Sapphire of Armored Agility +2
    Halfplate has a higher max dex bonus and still provides the PRR of heavy armor, at the cost of some AC.

    This part of the OP is suspect:
    even tho I can focus on just one stat (con ofc)
    Because unless you take Int to hit in Harper you're not going to be hitting much, and that means you still need to focus on two stats.

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