Str 8
Dex 15
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 15 +4
Cha 16 +3
Feats 8 + 3
Longsword pdk1
Dodge monk1
Mobility feat1
Twf monk2
Weapon focus slash feat3
Spring attack feat6
Whirling steel strike monk6
Combat expertise feat9
Whirlwind feat12
Ic slash feat 15
Itwf feat18
Ok losing the bab at first level really messed some things up
Had to up dex to 15, lower wis to 15
The first build was elegant but wrong
This will make a pretty average stat build out of PDK and ckt
The alternative is to go human and just use dex and ninja it
Having to stat charisma really flavors this bad
And staying pure is respectable
But a mc would do it better with longswords
About whirlwind, well it's whirling steel
And if you go cleaves then you have to stat strength
Or you could go PDK but go dex
That would consolidate stats
But I commend you on going longswords
Didn't know monks could do this
It's a workaround, more for mc, but you go