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Thread: Monkcher

  1. #1
    Community Member vrobel's Avatar
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    Default Monkcher

    Hey everyone,

    i've recently came back to the game and I was wondering whether monkchers are still viable. My main is a lvl 23 double TR 12monk/6ranger/2paladin monkcher. I've stopped playing shortly before epic shroud came out (i think?).
    What are the current monkcher builds, if they are still viable. Which adventure packs should I get to get to the current endgame? Any other tips?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    i'm not sure what the current "go to" monkcher build is anymore, but i'm not having any trouble tearin' it up with my (for the most part unchanged) 13 ranger/6 monk/1 rogue... and my friend was kicking arse with no problems with his 8 paladin/6 ranger/6 monk (he just TRed out of that one and is doing the same life over again. MOAR HAMP!!!!! lol)

    they've changed how manyshot works. you no longer get 4 arrows per shot... instead you get a huge boost to your doubleshot... which seems like a nerf, but they also increased the ranged power by a good deal when you activate manyshot, so now the individual arrows hit for a lot more.

    oh. also... 2 things to remember. your extra crit multiplier comes from fire stance now not earth, and ninja spy dex to damage is a little bugged with bows... it works great, but it overrides your str, even if str is higher... so you either need to go whole hog dex build, or NOT use ninja spy enhancements.

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  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    As katz said, Turbine revamped archers last year: Manyshot and TTS functionality was changed (read the wiki pages); while AA got seriously buffed (imbues are a lot more useful and there's actually good reason to take the higher-level cores now). In particular, notice that Turbine eliminated the Doubleshot penalties from MS and TTS; instead, both feats now add temporary bonuses to your DS and Ranged Power. So Doubleshot bonuses went from pointless to must-haves on monkchers (and archers in general). It also means you really want the last two AA cores for the +25% Doubleshot now, which is why any modern monkcher will be elf or HE for the racial tree, IMO.

    See my monkcher thread; also see jakeelala's thread which are monkcher+shuriken hybrids.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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