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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Make Drow weapons craftable...

    but make it rare, bound to account and difficult

    maybe have some story arc with mountain and a river of lava where you can blank them... i dunno, but the those base items with the enhancements are awsome... but at the same time being stuck at level 21 kinds makes them suck

    maybe also link them back to the CITW raid... which doesnt seem to be run anymore....

  2. #2
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Craftable=not rare.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Wh070aa View Post
    Craftable=not rare.
    lols hence why i posted it in the suggestions

    vault of the artificer stuff was craftable once upon a time too

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    Now I could see an argument for Augments, I'm not so sure making them craftable via the Cannieth Crafting system would not make them too powerful.

    These are Epic Level items. Making them craftable potentially makes them available to heroic levels where they will over-perform.

    Next issue is Drow Weapons are a combination of exceptional craftsmanship and magic. I don't think there is a good enough story line to allow someone to re-craft something so expertly put together.

  5. #5
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I could see it if like some armors they had an Absolute Minimum level beyond which it could not be crafted or equipped lower than.
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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by 5chinoble View Post
    but make it rare, bound to account and difficult

    maybe have some story arc with mountain and a river of lava where you can blank them... i dunno, but the those base items with the enhancements are awsome... but at the same time being stuck at level 21 kinds makes them suck

    maybe also link them back to the CITW raid... which doesnt seem to be run anymore....
    Power creep? For lower levels, there are non-craftable named items like the Nightforged weapons that have expanded crit ranges. Cannith crafting got a big boost so it really stands on its own, no need to buff it further by giving it an expanded crit range blank
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