Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
So...first, sorry for abusing the use of the 'quote' function like that. But I agree with much of what you say, especially about MOTU vs SC, so there's little point filling the page up with it again.

Let me be perfectly clear: I have plenty of sympathy for those who won't be able to immediately afford the expansion. However that's not really different than them having to save and buy an update.

Its what a real-cash-only-update represents in terms of free vs premium vs vip. As a premium player who owns everything content wise like a freakin' magpie, I'll certainly be buying it. I'm not a VIP, so I'm not speaking for whether VIP is worth it to others whilst still paying extra for expansions - that's my bugbear and the ship has sailed. But in terms of keeping free-level players around? I don't think a firm paywall is sensible, and that should be avoided except where essential in my view.

Anyway, that's my own thoughts, and not actually that pertinent to the question I was asking really. The question of expansion vs update for me is not one of money.

If the question was only 'does it warrant a paid for adventure pack'? then I would give a resounding 'shut up and take my money!' but that's not the same as an expansion, and I'm wondering what it is about a new world specifically that warrants taking that paywall step.

NOTE; I'm not calling for some "expansion boycott" or for turbine to "justify" themselves or anything like that. I'm just interested in what other players think because I'm interested, not because I have an ulterior motive to attack anyone/anything.
I am not necessarily sure I can answer your question in this Forum (pun intended) because it may take more interaction than we can do on a game forum.

Expansions work better if they exist separate from existing content, especially at the beginning of their life cycle.

As an example it wouldn't make any logical sense to put an expansion located between the Harbor and Marketplace, in the middle of existing content, it needs to be an off shoot and a separate hub.

MOTU was never designed as a Paywall. The quests required to travel to Eveningstar were all free to play and any character who completes those quests could access the questing hub of Eveningstar. The initial quests located within Eveningstar were all included in the MOTU expansion, future quests/adventure packs could all be purchased separate of MOTU. And I believe all of those have free access to VIP except the SC expansion.

The Disciples of Shar is similar, as it is a free to play quest, but Wheelon Docks (the questing hub in SC) is different because there are no additional Adventure packs available.

Expansions aren't just about Content, even though that is the biggest driver, it is also about new systems, update to existing systems, new classes/races, PRE, and so forth.
You really have to provide value.

Maybe that value is a $15 off coupon for VIP or extra 500 TP a month from whenever we pay for the Ravenloft Expansion to its launch or ...