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  1. #1
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    Default constant zone crashes/other crashes

    i've returned to playing seriously after a while break where i would only log in occasionally...and since i've come back my crashing has gotten to the point it's really super frustrating. before i mostly stopped playing i knew i would probably crash loading into sands or necropolis, especially after playing for a while... and i knew that if i swapped characters a few times i was setting myself up for an impending crash if i didn't completely relog once i was done swapping characters...

    lately, however, it's worse. trying to zone into sands, 3bc, necropolis, or pretty much ANY large open zone is pretty much a guaranteed crash, no matter HOW short a time i'd been playing previously (a few days ago i relogged (quit out completely to desktop and restarted client) just before zoning to 3bc, figuring it would save me from a crash... zoned into 3bc and promptly crashed). it's also now started to crash while i was doing non-zoning related things... like now it will crash sometimes while i'm trying to examine items. i know a crash is impending if i hover over an item and nothing at all happens, but i can hit Z and it will show the item stats. if i examine a few more items... boom, i'm out of the game

    i am running windows 10 32bit with all current updates to the OS, and current drivers for my video card. computer is older, but still decent. (Athlon Phenom 2.4G quad core, 4 Gigs DDR2 RAM, Radeon R7 200 series video card with 2 Gigs of it's own onboard ram), and i am running DDO from an SSD drive.

    things i have attempted so far that have failed: attempted to make DDO "large address aware" using instructions from this thread
    used the DDO preloader from this thread
    defragged the drive DDO is on (didn't think you were supposed to defrag SSD drives, but i'm starting to grasp at straws at this point)

    does anyone have any suggestions?

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  2. #2
    Community Member Greantun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    i am running windows 10 32bit
    That is the main issue right there. When running 32-bit, a 32-bit app (like DDO) can only see 2GB of your 4. Even if you have more memory, they can only see 2GB.

    DDO is a memory hog. It takes a minimum of 1.4 GB, and going into large areas does make it use much more.

    Now, I have upgrade to Windows 10 64bit, and the problems are gone. This is because on a 64bit OS, a 32bit application can see more than 2GB, so you will have more space.

    The other thing that I recommend, if you can upgrade, is to make sure you use some preloader, either the one built into the launcher (Click the down arrow in the upper right, select options, and at the bottom is a checkbox for "pre-cache game logic"). This can help some.

  3. #3
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    i'd always read that 32 bit windows could use 4 gigs, which was why i have 4 gigs, even tho my motherboard could support more (up to 16G iirc)... i read into it when i built the comp originally back in 2009. i do want to upgrade to 64 bit.. i'm just draggin on it. wondering if there was anything i could do in the meantime.

    forgot to mention. i'm also using clean mem as someone recommended. that didn't do anything either
    Last edited by katz; 12-27-2016 at 05:44 PM.

    the official home of LOLWUT
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  4. #4
    Community Member Greantun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    i'd always read that 32 bit windows could use 4 gigs, which was why i have 4 gigs, even tho my motherboard could support more (up to 16G iirc)... i read into it when i built the comp originally back in 2009. i do want to upgrade to 64 bit.. i'm just draggin on it. wondering if there was anything i could do in the meantime.

    forgot to mention. i'm also using clean mem as someone recommended. that didn't do anything either
    It is correct that 32 bit Windows can see 4GB, however it reserves 1/2 of that 2GB for itself, and will only give 2GB to each application (though most of them it is only an address space, not actually physical memory).

    With 64 bit Windows, there is 16TB (that 16,000 GB) of address space available, and it still reserves 1/2 (8TB), and gives the other to applications. In that case, a 32bit application can use all 4GB of address space it can potentially see, so then 4GB of memory on the computer could all be used by one app (though it never does).

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