Hello all, first off, let me say that while I am an old player that has just recently returned, I've never been entirely good with creating my own builds, but I've had the idea of a swordmage rattling around in my head since I first started playing DDO.. and I am referring to a true swordmage. For those who have ever played Baldur's Gate or Dungeon's and Dragons, or even read any of the Forgotten Realms books, you all know what I am meaning..
I do NOT mean a battlemage, a magi in heavy armor slinging spells, and I do NOT mean a spell buffed melee.
When I say a swordmage, I am meaning a character who is equal parts caster and melee, offensive casting that is. Wearing light or no armor, single weapon fighting, using spells as their armor and ranged offense, with a sword for close range. Technically a true swordmage's sword applies to close and mid range, while the spells are the same.
Anyways, on to the builds.. let me say that these are all flavor builds and I do not know first hand if they are capable of EE/LE content as my first attempt was a first life fail, so to speak. I am currently working on a 27 life TR project, to build up the right past lives to make such a build fully capable. Don't get me wrong, someone else can possibly manage to make a good first to third life build capable of it all, and if anyone sees anything that can be improved upon for my builds, please speak up.
Regarding the builds, the majority of these will be using Wizard or Sorcerer's Eldritch Knight.. most likely leaning more towards Wizard/Fighter combinations, due to the added feats. A Bladeforged/Warforged Sorcerer/Fighter/Paladin makes for a handy Battlemage, for anyone interested in that line of fighting - S&B Buffed melee using Tensers, tank capable with Reconstruct + Reconstruct SLA healing.
1) 12 Wizard/6 Fighter/2 Barbarian - SWF + Orb, Half-Elf/Human
2) 12 Wizard/6 Monk/2 Fighter - SWF no Orb, Half-Elf/Human
3) 12 Wizard/5 Fighter/3 Bard - SWF no Orb, Helf-Elf/Human
4) 12 Wizard/6 Fighter/2 Monk - SWF no Orb, Half-Elf/Human
5) 12 Wizard/6 Fighter/2 Rogue - SWF + Orb, Half-Elf/Human
6) 12 Wizard/8 Fighter - SWF + Orb, Half-Elf/Human/Warforged
7) 12 Sorcerer/8 Fighter - SWF + Orb, Half-Elf/Human/Warforged
8) 12 Sorcerer/6 Fighter/2 Paladin - SWF + Orb, , Half-Elf/Human/Warforged/Bladeforged
I do not know enough about the warlock or bard classes or I might consider a warlock/bard split to be an adequate swordmage idea, once I get an idea on both classes later on I might update this thread. I will be linking each build in posts below as I go through and properly create them on the planner. (Wednesday this week)