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  1. #1
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Default World Character Transfer Wizard

    This might be worth using. It depends on some unanswered questions. If I get happy answers, I will be spending about 150$ to put all my characters on a single server.

    So these are the questions:

    I have 56 toons, and 9 spaces per a server to keep toons. I have 7 toons on 8 servers. If I move all my toons from 1 server to another, it would total 14 toons, but as I stated I have 9 spaces. What happens? Do I get an additional space to keep the toon in? Does it bump the number of toons I can store on that server or does it just allow me to exceed that number, but if I delete a toon I lose the space too (since it still exceeds 9). If I move all my toons to a single server, that is 56 toons, is this going to cause me to lose anything? If I have to buy spaces for each toon... this transfer is going to be too expensive to appeal to me.

    I noticed a transfer ALL option. This is the critical question. I would like all my toons on the same server, but spending 20 bucks a toon with 47 toons is 940 dollars. That is not going to happen. No. I will keep my toons on different servers before spending that much to get them all on one server. But... if the price is the same even if you use the transfer ALL option, so whether you move 1 or 7 toons with this, the price is 2495 TPS, then I am only paying around 20 x 7 to get them all, or about 140 dollars, I would throw in another 20 or so for whatever good TPS deal there was, and have a few TPS to spare afterwards.

    So... at 140$ I am interested,

    and at 940$ get lost greedy @$$hole!!!

  2. #2
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    As far as I can see this.

    Say you have 8 slots free on Cannith, and you want to bring in your toons from Khyber. You can only bring in what toons fill up those slots (ie: choose). If you need this dumbed down further, remember when we were kids and given the 'put the square object into the square hole'.. think of the extraneous toons you have as rounded - and rounded can't fit into a square hole.

    Next, the transfer wizard. Logically, it will mean 2495 TPS to move one.. 4990 to move two.. and so on.

    2495 x 3
    2495 x 4
    2495 x 5

    How are they greedy? They have specified a price for the service. If you want to use that price then you pay for it. They say "if you want to move a toon, it costs this much BUT you can do multiple toons".

    It's not really rocket science.

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeDatRogue View Post
    As far as I can see this.

    Say you have 8 slots free on Cannith, and you want to bring in your toons from Khyber. You can only bring in what toons fill up those slots (ie: choose). If you need this dumbed down further, remember when we were kids and given the 'put the square object into the square hole'.. think of the extraneous toons you have as rounded - and rounded can't fit into a square hole.
    Basically it's always been that you HAVE TO HAVE THE SLOT FREE TO TRANSFER THE CHARACTER!
    Or you could just buy the extra slots you need first.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeDatRogue View Post
    Next, the transfer wizard. Logically, it will mean 2495 TPS to move one.. 4990 to move two.. and so on.

    2495 x 3
    2495 x 4
    2495 x 5

    How are they greedy? They have specified a price for the service. If you want to use that price then you pay for it. They say "if you want to move a toon, it costs this much BUT you can do multiple toons".
    This price is frankly way higher than it needs to be!

    Think about all those people who've made characters on multiple servers and would like to consolidate them down to 1 or 2 servers.

    Well at 2495 tp most players will only be able to afford one single transfer and maybe another 6 months down the line.

    But at say 1295 those same players would likely do 2 possibly 3 at a time. {they would be more likely to buy the extra points or farm out the DDOPoints for a 3rd transfer at 1295 than a second at 2495!

    Take the price down to say 795 and you could get 4 or 5 transfers out of some people.

    Also 2495 outright takes this option out of the range of a lot of players - It's too expensive for even one transfer when you think of everything else a player needs points for {Classes, Races, Packs, Shared Bank, Tomes, MM and so on and so on}.
    TBH there might be a number of people who would also baulk at 1295 or 795 for a transfer and I know I'll be doing at least one transfer at 2495, I also know I'd do a lot more at 1295 or 795.

    My main problem is that it's my F2P Alt Accounts I want to consolidate but those are the accounts where I still need to buy other things {no shared bank, missing a number of packs etc.}.
    My Main VIP account - I have maybe 1 character I'd be transferring.

    P.S. I got my Tertiary Account both Druid and Archons Trial this week - That account is now below 100 tp again.
    My secondary Account is currently at exactly 100 tp after I got it Archons Trial and then created a brand new character and a brand new opener on my main account to dual-box it back up to 300 favour.
    There is no way I'll earn the other 275 tp necessary to get Druid before it comes off sale. {And that's the account I want to consolidate!}.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 12-22-2016 at 12:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Associate Producer Cocomajobo's Avatar
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    Character server transfers have no impact on your character slot totals.

    If you transfer more characters to a server than you have slots for then the next time you log in to that server you will be prompted to select which characters you would like to have become inaccessible and locked. These characters would remain inaccessible until your total number of characters on that server no longer exceeds your number of available character slots (regardless of whether you accomplish that by increasing your number of character slots or reducing the number of characters you have on that server).

  5. #5
    Associate Producer Cocomajobo's Avatar
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    In addition, the price for a sever transfer is per character being transferred. The "Transfer All" checkbox is simply a means of selecting all characters at once. The cumulative price for the transfers would be the same as if you have transferred each individually.

  6. #6
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeDatRogue View Post
    ... ...

    How are they greedy? They have specified a price for the service. If you want to use that price then you pay for it. They say "if you want to move a toon, it costs this much BUT you can do multiple toons".

    It's not really rocket science.
    Hey Zee... I will sale you a piece of bubble gum for say... 500$. How is that greedy? I have specified a price and you do not have to accept it.

    Seriously? You think no one sees the obvious here o.O. You can pretend not to see it yourself, or maybe you really lack the intelligence to see it (which would be amazing to say the least), but seriously it is greedy and because it is greedy I will NOT support it. I do not support greedy, I support fair trade. DONALD TRUMP STYLE FU!

    If it costs me 20$ to move a freaking toon then I got a bad deal with China, and China can go **** itself.

    If it costs me 20$ to move 7 toons using MOVE ALL bottom, then China is being just and fair instead of a greedy land and I am happy happy happy to trade.

    Setting bad prices and hoping they attract people is one of the worse ways you can sell a product. You do not want to go too low or too high, where there is a demand you want to make an offer that no one can refuse, and yet you still make money.

    With Transfer Wizard we can now easily move our toons without it being a seriously time taxing issue for others. So why the high price then? It is just digits moving around digits, no one is there doing any work anymore, just collecting royalties from the work done. This justifies lowering the price to make the service far more attractive to those considering to use it.

    Bottom line, if it costs 20$ to move a single toon, then it is too much to move all 47 toons and I wont do it. Nothing you or anyone says will change that. It is GREEDY... do I have to shove that word down your throat so you understand??? How can you or anyone not see this? I truly do not understand... how anyone could possibly miss this?

    Its bad enough I got to spend like 5 bucks a spot, but that is manageable... as prices stack my interest crumbles...

    Either they will make money because the price is more attractive and thus more people use the service, or not. The funny thing is, you often end up making more money when prices are lowered... good business understand this, greedy amateurs dont quite get it. If the price to move a toon is 5 dollars, then it is much more tempting not only for me, but for 1000s of others, and the service tends to get abused more because of this. They start doing things with less fear, they act more, get more involved, and this is a good thing that equates to even more money in the long run, they are more likely to purchase other things with the move then without the move. Make it easy and manageable, and people will become a market place. Make it scary and expensive and people will hesitate, and that means you are NOT making any money from that channel.

    Carnegie made more money from Steel when he lowered the prices, not only right away, but in the long run too, more people figured out more things to do with metal because they werent so afraid to buy it, and some of these new ideas became standard requirements for more advanced applications, thus... sales for metal spiked. Then, Carnegie slowly raised the price of metal, not too fast, or too much, but just a tad bit above the inflation rate to make sure people keep buying lots of metal and doing what they did when they started, but also to make sure he is moving faster then the dollar sinks. This is how Carnegie Steel become the wealthiest metal company on Earth.

    If the metal costs too much, not a lot of people will participate in using it, and so... the company will sit on its stock collecting dust.

    It's not rocket science, really!
    Last edited by Wonedream; 12-22-2016 at 01:19 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ebondevil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    Character server transfers have no impact on your character slot totals.

    If you transfer more characters to a server than you have slots for then the next time you log in to that server you will be prompted to select which characters you would like to have become inaccessible and locked. These characters would remain inaccessible until your total number of characters on that server no longer exceeds your number of available character slots (regardless of whether you accomplish that by increasing your number of character slots or reducing the number of characters you have on that server).
    I believe there is a maximum of 30 Character slots available per server, with this in mind what happens if you try to transfer a character to a server which has that maximum number of Character slots already filled?

  8. #8
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cocomajobo View Post
    In addition, the price for a sever transfer is per character being transferred. The "Transfer All" checkbox is simply a means of selecting all characters at once. The cumulative price for the transfers would be the same as if you have transferred each individually.
    2,200 points is $34.99 {Yes I know with bonus points you get 4,100 for that but the next points cost down only gives 1,900 total}.

    The old price for a transfer if I recall correctly was $20 Cash {which no you couldn't farm TP for}.

    Honestly I think you're hurting your own bottom line here as I feel you'd get a tonne more transfer requests at a fairer price.

    Warlock was what? 1495?
    Druid similar
    Gnome Race 1295?
    Why charge almost twice as much as the latest class or race to transfer a single character across servers?

    Why not work out a reduction in cost for multiple transfers done at once?
    1 Transfer: {let's use your price} 2,495
    2 Transfers: 3,495
    3 Transfers: 3,995
    Maybe max it at 3 at a time.

  9. #9
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ebondevil View Post
    I believe there is a maximum of 30 Character slots available per server, with this in mind what happens if you try to transfer a character to a server which has that maximum number of Character slots already filled?
    I have 31 slots so no it isn't 30 max.

    I think it's 50.

  10. #10
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Even if it were 10$ to move a toon I would hestitate and not do it. I still got to spend 5$ to open a space for each one. Its just not an attractive offer, it is reject-worthy.

    If the price were 5$ to move a toon (a very reasonable price) then I will participate and they will see my money for the 47 toons I would move, but never if the price is too high. That is already 235$ they would make over the period of 2 to 4 months as I pay here and there until I got em all moved.

    So, my offer is this... 235$ you will be seeing or not. It is simple. How much work does it take to get that? Just going into a program and setting a decent price instead of a jacked up corporate scambag ****job price that only makes me upset and not feeling good about getting ripped off. The Transfer Wizard will do all the work from there, you just sit back and start catching some fish...

    USE THE ****ING BAIT!!!

  11. #11
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Interesting thing about a Market is the demand will effect the price.

    If the price is set too high now and people don't use it, they will see this in the reports
    If the price is too low and just about everyone is using it, they will see this in the reports

    I am all for people telling them this costs too much, I won't do it etc. They will at least have these responses when they try to figure out why the sales are not where they expect them to be.

    Personally, I think it is great they are working to automate this. There are many posts about how people can't find groups on their server. This allows people to create temp characters on different servers to check out population and when they are ready give them a more straight forward method of transfer. The service is a good thing. Just need to hash out the price.

  12. #12
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    While were on the topic, would love to see one free transfer a year per server or account.

  13. #13
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    Interesting thing about a Market is the demand will effect the price.

    If the price is set too high now and people don't use it, they will see this in the reports
    If the price is too low and just about everyone is using it, they will see this in the reports

    I am all for people telling them this costs too much, I won't do it etc. They will at least have these responses when they try to figure out why the sales are not where they expect them to be.

    Personally, I think it is great they are working to automate this. There are many posts about how people can't find groups on their server. This allows people to create temp characters on different servers to check out population and when they are ready give them a more straight forward method of transfer. The service is a good thing. Just need to hash out the price.
    The problem is there WILL be a spike in transfers - Without a doubt even at that price there'll be plenty of people willing to go for it under the assumption that that's the price it will always be.

    Then it'll hit a cliff once the novelty has worn off and the Devs won't get repeat custom out of it!

    2495 is fine for a one off but not for something that you're going to want people to use multiple times.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by digitaljc View Post
    While were on the topic, would love to see one free transfer a year per server or account.
    That might make a nice favor reward.

  15. #15
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyed-Pyper View Post
    That might make a nice favor reward.
    Favour rewards are meant to be character based and work in the Lore of the game.

    How would a server transfer pass that requirement?

  16. #16
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    The problem is there WILL be a spike in transfers - Without a doubt even at that price there'll be plenty of people willing to go for it under the assumption that that's the price it will always be.

    Then it'll hit a cliff once the novelty has worn off and the Devs won't get repeat custom out of it!

    2495 is fine for a one off but not for something that you're going to want people to use multiple times.
    First market correction are very seldom seen quickly - Unless no one buys the item.

    Second I agree people will buy it at this price if they feel what they are getting out of it has more value then what they are paying for it.

    Third the assumption that this will be a regular thing seems wrong to me. I would think this type of service would be something someone does very seldom (possibly with multiple characters at the same time). Maybe to be with RL friends or simply the server does not met their grouping needs or even simply to get away from a group.

    Again if they see people not purchasing it, but still asking to be able to do it they will know it is too expensive and then it is up to them to make the adjustments.

  17. #17
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wonedream View Post
    At the end of the day, they are quoting you a price to use their service. Irrespective of whether or not it is overpriced by our POV, that is the price they are charging for it.

    It's a bit like you take your car to get a new transmission installed. The garage quotes you a price, and your car is stuck on their forecourt. It's either you leave it there, drag it back home and make do or pay the price.


    They might argue that the price is justifiable to them, because it means one of their support team is going through "unlinking" your account from this or that, and that you will want all your nice shiny toys to work smoothly on the other side.

    If we apply your view of what you are offering, you are telling the garage that you'll pay them a fraction of what they are charging. Don't work that way.

    Now, from the other side of things - yes, it is overpriced. I, personally think it should be half that. But my opinion, like yours - counts for bod all

    do I have to shove that word down your throat so you understand???
    Really mature... is this the resort to being a five year old response?

  18. #18
    Community Member Wonedream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeDatRogue View Post

    Now, from the other side of things - yes, it is overpriced. I, personally think it should be half that. But my opinion, like yours - counts for bod all

    Really mature... is this the resort to being a five year old response?

    I needed to hear you say you see that it is overpriced in order to maintain respect for you and be able to listen to you in the future. If you did not see that I would see it as evidence you lack decent judgement and avoid listening to you. I listen to people who make sense, and who do not defend ******** (too many people feel like they need to defend ******** these days... making the world a sadder place... England is a perfect example of this... how many people are defending the invasion and gradual transformation of England into... englandistan. Why does Europe suddenly feel it has to transform itself into islam??? Oh, yes... people defending... ********!!! The days of being nice.. mature.. or whatever you call it are fast coming to an end, and soon to be replaced with people saying what MUST BE SAID!!!).

    As to you questioning my level of maturity, I could care less. I am usually easy going in conversation, but I can get frustrated at times, and I will throw out comments like this because they should get your attention (which they did) so I can make certain I understand if you are worth listening to or not. If a leader fails to see the trouble.. I will not follow them. This applies down to the individual. I learned how to fight so I wouldnt have to hold my tongue when talking to people face to face, so I could tell them just what I am thinking whether they like it or not. The world needs truth, not more ********. I am not trying to live by other people's standards, so it really doesn't matter to me if you think I am immature, but it does matter to me that you have enough intelligent judgement to see that paying 35$ to move a toon is a rip off. We can compare it to anything, but no magic is gonna fix this, the price it too high.

    I prefer it to be something people can use regularly and abuse. Making the toon you must take care or you end up with a bad toon, but picking the server shouldnt be such a grave issue. It should be easy to move to where friends are, this will be better for the game. The game is hurting itself by making this less accessible with high prices. Happy players pay more without noticing it.. Making it easy to move toons contributes to happy players, meaning, (as I said before) they will more likely buy other things.

  19. #19
    Community Member MerolenAmakiir's Avatar
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    Default Totally Agree!!!

    I have one toon I want to transfer over to my main server but even as a VIP I can't justify spending 2495 TP (or 5 months of saving nearly EVERY point I get) to bring him over.
    There are a couple of upper favor slots (like out in Eveningstar where the PDK's say maybe someday we'll have a suitable reward) that have no reward, or even add that to the
    5k favor list. It's a long hard grind to make 5k favor, and after you've done it 6 times there is no reason to repeat, not like you can add ANOTHER plus 5 tome to a toon!
    But if I could earn 1 transfer, it would be tempting to keep grinding for that 5k instead of TR'ing at 30. Or better yet, since it's now possible to reach 5500 favor, make that milestone
    a transfer.
    I'll work for that any day!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyed-Pyper View Post
    That might make a nice favor reward.

  20. #20
    Community Member Ebondevil's Avatar
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    The Member of the Twelve (250 The Twelve Favor) currently doesn't have a reward, and since the twelve deal in Plane hopping shenanigans, it could make sense to put a character transfer reward there.

    But: If there is a character transfer reward, it would be nice if was an option, so someone who isn't interested in moving that character could select a different reward.

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