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  1. #1
    Manager, Customer Service SSG_Alkaid's Avatar
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    May 2014

    Default Standing Stone Games Customer Service

    Hey all!

    Firstly, welcome to the next chapter of Dungeons and Dragons Online! If you have yet to read the official announcement, please read this first. We also have a general FAQ set up to answer any overall questions you may have about the new studio.

    My name is Michelle, aka Alkaid, and I will be taking over as the Manager of Customer Service for Standing Stone Games. With that, I wanted to briefly address how Customer Service will operate going forward.

    For now, you can still use to submit any inquiries, although this website will change in the coming weeks. We’ll announce when that happens, and explain more about contacting us. Submitting a ticket in-game remains unchanged, and in-game GMs are ready to address the same concerns they've dealt with previously.

    You will notice some new names along with the names of familiar GMs while we train up new agents. Please bear with us as we get everything squared away during this phase, and we will do our best to keep delayed response times to a minimum. My goal is to increase live service hours after the transition so that we can provide the best Customer Service possible.

    As always, thank you for your patience, loyalty, and understanding. I look forward to seeing you in-game!


    Update Feb 07, 2017: New Support Site!

    Hey all!

    I am happy to announce that our new Help page is now live, and you can contact Customer Support by visiting

    Be sure to check out this article to get yourself familiar with the new site, how to get in touch with CS, and let us know what you think!
    Last edited by CS_Alkaid; 02-07-2017 at 11:04 AM.
    I do respond to PMs, but please note that I can get backed up. If you need immediate assistance, please refer to the links below!
    To request support from a Customer Service Agent, please visit
    Contact us on Twitter @DDOUnlimited

  2. #2
    Community Member kbaskins's Avatar
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    OK, it makes me feel better about the situation now that you've been made manager of CS. Congratulations Michelle!

  3. #3
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Is there a definitive date on the transition.....I am sure you can't counsel us to delay purchasing points until after a specific date but knowing the definitive date of transition will let us make an informed purchasing decision.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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  4. #4
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CS_Alkaid View Post
    Hey all!

    Firstly, welcome to the next chapter of Dungeons and Dragons Online! If you have yet to read the official announcement, please read this first. We also have a general FAQ set up to answer any overall questions you may have about the new studio.

    My name is Michelle, aka Alkaid, and I will be taking over as the Manager of Customer Service for Standing Stone Games. With that, I wanted to briefly address how Customer Service will operate going forward.

    For now, you can still use to submit any inquiries, although this website will change in the coming weeks. We’ll announce when that happens, and explain more about contacting us. Submitting a ticket in-game remains unchanged, and in-game GMs are ready to address the same concerns they've dealt with previously.

    You will notice some new names along with the names of familiar GMs while we train up new agents. Please bear with us as we get everything squared away during this phase, and we will do our best to keep delayed response times to a minimum. My goal is to increase live service hours after the transition so that we can provide the best Customer Service possible.

    As always, thank you for your patience, loyalty, and understanding. I look forward to seeing you in-game!

    i'm glad to see you got a promotion. i hope we will have useful agents like you were. you were so helpful to people and went out of your way to check on things. so congrats on that.

  5. #5
    Manager, Customer Service SSG_Alkaid's Avatar
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Spoonwelder View Post
    Is there a definitive date on the transition.....I am sure you can't counsel us to delay purchasing points until after a specific date but knowing the definitive date of transition will let us make an informed purchasing decision.
    Oh you can still purchase and play the game like you normally would, nothing is going to change for you there. We actually have the FAQ here that covers these concerns if you want to check it out. The transition I referred to is the CS one, in which you may notice new GMs as we sort out the new crew. Sorry for the confusion!

    Quote Originally Posted by kbaskins View Post
    OK, it makes me feel better about the situation now that you've been made manager of CS. Congratulations Michelle!

    Quote Originally Posted by arkonas View Post
    i'm glad to see you got a promotion. i hope we will have useful agents like you were. you were so helpful to people and went out of your way to check on things. so congrats on that.
    Thanks guys! I definitely appreciate it and I am super stoked for what the future looks like!
    I do respond to PMs, but please note that I can get backed up. If you need immediate assistance, please refer to the links below!
    To request support from a Customer Service Agent, please visit
    Contact us on Twitter @DDOUnlimited

  6. #6
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CS_Alkaid View Post
    Hey all!
    I like you so much, you're so efficient and helpful and friendly. Congrats on the promotion!
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  7. #7
    Static Guy Xgemina's Avatar
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    Woot! Happy to see that you're transitioning to Standing Stone as the CS Manager. Congrats on a well deserved promotion!
    Per Cocomajobo - Ranged has easy access to AOE - apparently 3 feats, BAB 11 and Dex 19 is considered easy access these days. post here

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  8. #8
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CS_Alkaid View Post
    Hey all!

    Firstly, welcome to the next chapter of Dungeons and Dragons Online! If you have yet to read the official announcement, please read this first. We also have a general FAQ set up to answer any overall questions you may have about the new studio.

    My name is Michelle, aka Alkaid, and I will be taking over as the Manager of Customer Service for Standing Stone Games. With that, I wanted to briefly address how Customer Service will operate going forward.

    For now, you can still use to submit any inquiries, although this website will change in the coming weeks. We’ll announce when that happens, and explain more about contacting us. Submitting a ticket in-game remains unchanged, and in-game GMs are ready to address the same concerns they've dealt with previously.

    You will notice some new names along with the names of familiar GMs while we train up new agents. Please bear with us as we get everything squared away during this phase, and we will do our best to keep delayed response times to a minimum. My goal is to increase live service hours after the transition so that we can provide the best Customer Service possible.

    As always, thank you for your patience, loyalty, and understanding. I look forward to seeing you in-game!
    I've seen you answer and help others in the forums on a regular basis. Knowing you got a promotion is very good news, you deserve it. Congratulations Michelle.
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  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CS_Alkaid View Post
    Hey all!

    Firstly, welcome to the next chapter of Dungeons and Dragons Online! If you have yet to read the official announcement, please read this first. We also have a general FAQ set up to answer any overall questions you may have about the new studio.

    My name is Michelle, aka Alkaid, and I will be taking over as the Manager of Customer Service for Standing Stone Games. With that, I wanted to briefly address how Customer Service will operate going forward.

    For now, you can still use to submit any inquiries, although this website will change in the coming weeks. We’ll announce when that happens, and explain more about contacting us. Submitting a ticket in-game remains unchanged, and in-game GMs are ready to address the same concerns they've dealt with previously.

    You will notice some new names along with the names of familiar GMs while we train up new agents. Please bear with us as we get everything squared away during this phase, and we will do our best to keep delayed response times to a minimum. My goal is to increase live service hours after the transition so that we can provide the best Customer Service possible.

    As always, thank you for your patience, loyalty, and understanding. I look forward to seeing you in-game!

    Only one time have I needed support. People told me "don't even bother with DDO support, they never answer, they don't care" and so forth.. took an hour and I got a response from Alkaid that fixed the issue. So with her in charge I think support is in good hands.

    Also increasing service hours for support is ALWAYS a good thing

    I for one, welcome our new Alkaid overlord.

  10. #10
    Community Member DeathbringerGod's Avatar
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    Default Congrats!!

    Congratulations for the promotion Michelle! It's very good news! :-)
    Happy holidays!!
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  11. #11
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CS_Alkaid View Post

    For now, you can still use to submit any inquiries, although this website will change in the coming weeks. We’ll announce when that happens, and explain more about contacting us. ....

    First, I must admit to missing this thread when it first popped. (Got overrun by Sev's SSG intro thread on the Dev Tracker) So, belated grats.

    Second, you've been WAY too quiet since the 22nd.

    And the point of this post - is there updated info on Support protocols in place yet?
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  12. #12
    Community Member
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    Default Grats on Promotion

    As the New customer service Manager, How do you Get Help with a Tr bug When out of game Tech support says in game tech support needs to help you and vice versa and you've sent 14 emails in game and out of game over a 11 day period of time, What would you suggest I do?

  13. #13
    Community Member MerolenAmakiir's Avatar
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    Default Internal Error message

    Long LONG time player and VIP, just hit a problem I've never seen before. When I try to open the game launcher, either from my usual shortcut or from the game file itself, I get the following error message:

    "Internal Error, contact customer support"

    and then the launcher crashes.

    Looked in the Knowledge Base, found that problem, followed the steps listed (and yes, I had no trouble opening as administrator) but there were no files with "DDO" in them ANYWHERE. I finished the remaining steps, did the dns flush, rebooted, same error message. I then submitted a ticket.

    I do have to mention at this point that I have very VERY little faith in the ticket system. I have an ongoing problem with my legendary greensteel item that the original ticket was submitted for at Thanksgiving last year, and I'm still waiting for something more than the initial canned reply of "needs further investigation"

    This is my "mental adjustment" outlet, I play for at least a little while nearly every day, and I'm more than a little concerned. I pay per gig using satellite internet, so downloading and reinstalling the game is actually very expensive for me.

    If anyone knows anything else I can do/try to fix this problem short of uninstalling and downloading the game all over again, I'd really appreciate a suggestion or 20.

    Despite the above mentioned GS item issue, I love this game and consider my time online playing to be "home time", visiting with friends and enjoying some stress relief with a few well-placed blows or spells on a nasty old monster. I firmly believe overall that the Devs who work on DDO are some of the finest game designers in the world, and the multitudinous hours of enjoyment they've given me are hours well spent, not "wasted playing games".

    Thank you for your efforts and I look forward to returning to Ghallanda SOON!

    Achara (aka Merolen/Paytra/Temkin/Sabreena)

  14. #14
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by MerolenAmakiir View Post
    If anyone knows anything else I can do/try to fix this problem short of uninstalling and downloading the game all over again, I'd really appreciate a suggestion or 20.
    Check the dev tracker first when you have log in problems. Then wait for today's update to finish before trying to log in.

  15. #15
    Founder Salamandar's Avatar
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    Default Michelle please help!!! 5 hour old in-game ticket and no response!?

    Michelle I am begging you for your help, I have been waiting for 5 hours on in in-game support ticket without any response (Ticket #3629283), I have given them my LOC and am stuck mid TR literally in Limbo until I get a response, which I cannot seem to get. Is the VIP support ticket system no longer functioning? Is 5 hours a reasonable time to wait, especially since we all know if i'm not "johnny on the spot" with an immediate GM response or if god forbid I am offline, the ticket gets auto closed. I feel trapped, cannot move around and do anything (character is naked and TR prepped), cannot log into another character and miss the response from the GM without starting all over again, further delaying my play time. Starting to feel like a sucker for paying you guys VIP subscription money.
    Once a King, always a King.
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  16. #16
    Founder Salamandar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salamandar View Post
    Michelle I am begging you for your help, I have been waiting for 5 hours on in in-game support ticket without any response (Ticket #3629283), I have given them my LOC and am stuck mid TR literally in Limbo until I get a response, which I cannot seem to get. Is the VIP support ticket system no longer functioning? Is 5 hours a reasonable time to wait, especially since we all know if i'm not "johnny on the spot" with an immediate GM response or if god forbid I am offline, the ticket gets auto closed. I feel trapped, cannot move around and do anything (character is naked and TR prepped), cannot log into another character and miss the response from the GM without starting all over again, further delaying my play time. Starting to feel like a sucker for paying you guys VIP subscription money.
    Doe has responded and I am restored! My thanks!
    Once a King, always a King.
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  17. #17
    Manager, Customer Service SSG_Alkaid's Avatar
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    May 2014

    Default New Support Site!

    Hey all!

    I am happy to announce that our new Help page is now live, and you can contact Customer Support by visiting

    Be sure to check out this article to get yourself familiar with the new site, how to get in touch with CS, and let us know what you think!
    I do respond to PMs, but please note that I can get backed up. If you need immediate assistance, please refer to the links below!
    To request support from a Customer Service Agent, please visit
    Contact us on Twitter @DDOUnlimited

  18. #18
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Default Typo??

    Quote Originally Posted by CS_Alkaid View Post
    Hey all!

    I am happy to announce that our new Help page is now live, and you can contact Customer Support by visiting

    Be sure to check out this article to get yourself familiar with the new site, how to get in touch with CS, and let us know what you think!
    So, on your new support page, it says there's a big, orange "get help" button on the right. I don't see that - I see a big, orange (that turns red when hovered over) "contact support" button. And clicking it goes right to the "Submit a Request" page. So that looks like it works, but seems to be bypassing the initial "get help" part.

    Just FYI.
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

  19. #19
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComicRelief View Post
    So, on your new support page, it says there's a big, orange "get help" button on the right. I don't see that - I see a big, orange (that turns red when hovered over) "contact support" button. And clicking it goes right to the "Submit a Request" page. So that looks like it works, but seems to be bypassing the initial "get help" part.

    Just FYI.
    If you are on the main page it says get help. As soon as you go to an article that goes away.

  20. #20
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Default I see

    Quote Originally Posted by Krelar View Post
    If you are on the main page it says get help. As soon as you go to an article that goes away.
    Ah. However, it's the article that was linked and the article which has the instructions, so may still want/need to modify. Also, if you click on the LotRO/DDO pictures to get to the game specific pages, they still have just the "Contact Support" buttons, not the "Get Help" buttons.

    So the only place I see the "get help" button is on the main page, which does not have the 'instructions' on it.

    Just seems a bit inconsistent, is all. Consistency is good. Just trying to help 'iron out' the 'bugs'.
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

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