Hello everyone.

If the developers plan to continue to make champion enemies, they need to actually play a game with them, implying that the champions actually have to roll dice. Rolling dice is required in this game, yes??

I stopped playing DDO a while ago. The monk update seemed interesting. So, I logged back on.

My monk has 194ac and 160prr. He gets demolished in melee. How the heck does he even get hit? He is level 28, geared very handsomely. He died very easily in an epic elite quest, level 20. The quest is eight levels below him on epic normal. So, trying the quest on EE seemed appropriate. He died three times on trash mobs. I'm not trying to complain that he died. I'm complaining he died against melee enemies when the character has 194ac and 160prr, playing the same character for over five years.

Obviously, the monk update did not change how this game performs. I gave the game a very good try at extending it a reasonable chance, playing the character all the way to level 28. I gave the developers a chance to overcome the games basic requirements to be defined as a game. Unable to win is like watching the movie "War Games" with Matthew Broderick: how about a nice game of chess ??

Good bye, again.
from, Jelly Fish 21