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  1. #1

    Default 2016 Holiday Games for prizes!

    Happy Holidays from the High Lords of Malkier! Every day from Christmas eve through New Years Day I will host games of hide & seek and trivia for prizes in the Harbor!

    The exact time of day will vary, but I will post in the LFM panel when I am doing.

    All games prizes are donated by me and my guildies, as well as many other supporting members of the Sarlona community. Thank you so much to all who have contributed to the games

    Much love,
    Gingerspyce and the High Lords of Malkier

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  3. #3


    Merry Christmas eve Sarlona! Today begins the holiday games!!

    Today's games will be in the Sarlona Harbor starting at noon EST. Hope to see you there

  4. #4

    Default Great turnout for day 1!!

    wow what a great turnout on day 1! We did 10 games of hide & seek and 40 games of trivia and gave a way a bunch of prizes and freebies!!

    Have a safe and happy Christmas tomorrow!

  5. #5


    Merry Christmas!

    Today's games will be at 11am EST in the Sarlona Harbor and will go for a couple hours. We'll start with Hide & Seek and then do Trivia after

  6. #6


    We've done 130 games so far and given away hundreds of prizes already and there are still many days of games remaining!

    Today's games will be at 12:30pm EST in the Sarlona Harbor

  7. #7


    Wow that was a lot of Hide & Seek and Trivia!! Over 500 prizes and freebies were given out and good times were had.

    This year the community support in donations was bigger than ever. So many people contributed and it was an awesome help, as all games prizes come from donations.

    My next big event will be Easter Hide & Seek and Trivia, but as always I will host smaller random games between now and then.

    Thanks for playing e1 and Happy New Year

    Much love,
    Gingerspyce and the High Lords of Malkier.

    PS. Our 2017 teaching raid series is about to kick off and I will be making the first forum post about it tomorrow!

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