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  1. #1
    Community Member Mr_Helmet's Avatar
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    Default What I loved/hated from the last reaper test

    Since I'm a negative person, I'll start with what I hated. This was from running 5-10 skull stuff for a few hours on a melee during the last test.


    - The reapers: This isn't Ghostbusters online, this is a stupid artificial, immersion-killing mechanic that is just plain dumb. They aggro and affect the players through walls (QA said this was a bug, but we all know that means it'll go live with this) and any "broken" encounter that gets instant alert becomes a ****-show almost instantly.

    - The healing de-buff: This is just annoying, really really annoying. More annoying than hard. This will kill many builds if this goes into affect. The higher-difficulties will "require" a healer anyway so this isn't needed for them to feel useful again. I know you want to force teamwork, but this isn't needed to do that, the other mechanics in the game will do this.


    - Everything else. with the exception of the two things I mentioned about I absolutely loved this. De-buffing our damage makes more sense than giving trash mobs 100,000 HP. Teamwork is greatly encouraged and it was very fun seeing that in the game again. Content was dangerous for a change, we couldn't just zerg like idiots and had to coordinate each encounter.

    Overall I have to say this was a good idea, well done.

    5-7 skull was fun, 10 skull was fun to have completed and I guess might be fun if you're over-level.

  2. #2
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    what you loved would make #3 on my hated list and why I will have nothing to do with Reaper. I disagree that debuffing damage makes sense in a powercreep game because the alternative does not necessarily have to mean giving mobs more hitpoints. there are lots of interesting things the devs could do, but I do think it is warranted to increase mob hitpoints where necessary when player potential damage has risen exponentially the past few years.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  3. #3
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    there are lots of interesting things the devs could do....
    Such as?
    I recall your suggestions involved a massive amount of coding for each instance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    ... but I do think it is warranted to increase mob hitpoints where necessary when player potential damage has risen exponentially the past few years.
    Relatively speaking, there is no ****DIFFERENCE**** between more HP or player attack DEBUFFS, besides making summons more viable.

    If I have X dps and the mob has Y hp, then it will take S in seconds to kill it.

    Y/X = S

    When you decrease X, then S increases.
    When you increase Y, then S increases.

    Same thing in terms of S.
    Wearing Barbarian Goggles, OH OH BIG NUMBERS, is silly.
    Play a TWF tempest. They do more DPS.
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  4. #4
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-u-r-eye View Post
    Such as?
    I recall your suggestions involved a massive amount of coding for each instance.
    all suggestions require coding, but I have suggested some things that probably would require a lot of coding and also some that might not. some of my suggestions is just boosting existing code as well. when it comes to Reaper, I have made no suggestions. how many months of planning, testing, coding, tweaking, meetings did it take for Reaper across all levels of quests that has gone back at least year that we know of? really what happened was instead of going back and boosting existing code the devs felt it was worth the time and investment by developing a brand new difficulty and keep the rest of the game as is out of fear that players would threaten to leave or threaten to stop spending money on the game if the current game changed that players have been used to for the past few years.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  5. #5
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    really what happened was instead of going back and boosting existing code the devs felt it was worth the time and investment by developing a brand new difficulty and keep the rest of the game as is out of fear that players would threaten to leave or threaten to stop spending money on the game if the current game changed that players have been used to for the past few years.
    fair enough, I agree that this may be true
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

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