The +10 positive spellpower from Altruism rank 3 is not appearing in the positive spellpower breakdown on my character sheet. Anyone else noticed this bug?
The +10 positive spellpower from Altruism rank 3 is not appearing in the positive spellpower breakdown on my character sheet. Anyone else noticed this bug?
Wiki mentions the same bug, so apparently you're not the only one.
This really deserves to be fixed. As do the too-high action point costs for basically everything in the tree, come to think of it.
Going to /bump this again.
The Wiki sill reports this as a Bug for I do not know how long and this post is from 2016; maybe now that the rumor is some divine classes are to be looked at in the next patch this can be addressed ????
I filed a Bug report # 52884 ……….. After making a test Character and I am still NOT seeing this +10 Positive Energy Spell Power being added at rank 3 as shown in the in-game tooltip.
Maybe at least a Dev could comment on if this is a Display issue OR a Bug ????
I was thinking more on this and thought if tracking down / fixing the +10 Positive Energy Spell Power would take a Dev more then 15min then how about just making the Rank 3 Heal +13 ?
I know the Heal addition works for this enhancement… what would take a Dev… 2min to add a 1 in front of the 3 in Heal ??
+10 Heal is nearly the same as +10 SP and a quick fix to address this : )
Thus a total of +13 Heal at Rank 3 of this ability.
This has been fixed internally, and will be in an upcoming patch.
100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.
"Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"
Tested this today and all is good…thanks again : )