Is it honestly too late to provide suggestions and feedback for Ninja Spy? I mean it's clear that this build will be the update released most likely next week, but is it possible to revisit ninja spy when update 34 is released in January? The constant 5d6 sneak damage is a minor damage buff in the long haul, and the 20 second clicky for the same amount is rather paltry when the cooldown is considered. Take in consideration the other two 'sneak attack' heavy trees (barring rogue's natural sneak damage die progression); Deepwood Stalker gains 6d6 sneak attack from the core abilities and Assassin gains 4d6 in the core with another 4d6 in the enhancement lines. As of this update Ninja Spy will have the ability to deal 9d6 sneak damage before using the clicky, which is a good amount. The problem comes from the differences in trees fully.
Both Assassin (Assassin actually has two) and Deepwood Stalker gain abilities that reduce enemy fortication and creates sneak attack opportunities without requiring a save or any form of itemization/stating. With the recent 'pass' in update 33, the Unbalancing Strike was added which atleast removes sneak attack immunity at the downside of having both a DC for negating and periodic saves on the effect. This gap is widened by the fact that both Assassin's Trick and Mark of the Hunted remove fortification.
However, this is even further exaggerated by the abilities in both of these trees compared to Ninja Spy. Both have strong in-tree synergies that don't require multiclassing (Or even using a different tree in their class) to feel adequately powerful. Assassin's gain one of arguably the best instakill abilities in the game through Assassinate; additionally after their pass they gained a passive 30 melee power buff for simply staying in sneak which they were already doing to boost their assassinate DC. On the other hand Deepwood gained 20 MP/RP, +4 Dex, and +3d6 sneak attack in their capstone; not even mentioning the MP/RP, damage boosts, etc. in the T5 lineup. Both of these trees share the coveted Killer enhancement for the +20% morale doublestrike/doubleshot, and you even gave Deepwood an additional +10% doublestrike and +20% doubleshot T5. Assassin Poisons are incredibly useful but yet we didn't see Ninja Spy's poisons remotely get a similar treatment in either effects or updates to the Ninjitsu line.
In the case of buffing 'tree themed' weapons, assassins again have the ultimate advantage. At level 12 their T5 gives daggers +1 to multiplier and range, while their core 18 doubles the multiplier damage to an x4 base for daggers. That makes your average untouched dagger turn into a 18-20x4 before Improved Critical/Keen, Overwhelming, etc. On the recent spectrum the T5 for Ninja Spy; Deadly Striker gives +1 threat range to non-handwraps or quarterstaves, while also giving +2 threat range to shurikens and kamas. While a ninja spy doesn't get their +1 crit multiplier until their capstone at 20. That means in comparison your average untouched kama is now a 18-20x3 before Improved Critical/Keen, Overwhelming, etc. Now take into consideration that there are plenty of named daggers with unique profiles, damage, effects, etc. at all levels while there is a total of five unique named kamas in the game, you can see a bit of a problem here.
Additionally; we've gone through a full update and most likely two patches before Ninja Spy has had it's enhancements or their costs tweaked. Most of the Enhancements are severely outdated, remnants of the original Enhancement Pass over 3 years ago. But even then most of them were legacy holdovers from the original Ninja Spy enhancements. Things like No Mercy being 2AP per rank, while the same T4 for Acrobats is 1AP per rank. Deadly Exploit 2AP per rank, should be brought down to 1AP per rank as well and double checked to work with the new Poison Exploit damage formula. Sting of the Ninja is weak; especially compared to direct damage weapon toggles/effects such as: Venomed Blades, Kinetic Bond, Storm Dancer, and especially Lighting the Candle with the buff to its damage in this patch.
What I would suggest is take the 5d6 sneak attack from capstone and redistribute it in the cores, but not as sneak attack damage. Instead redistribute it as poison damage to capitalize on both the theme of Ninja Spy and Ninja Poison's vulnerability portion. Change the cores as follows: Basic Ninja Training (Level 1) weapons gain 1d4 poison on hit, Advanced Ninja Training (Level 3) weapons gain 1d8 poison on hit, Shadow Veil (Level 6) gains 1d6 sneak attack die, Poisoned Darts (Level 12) turns the poison damage into a 3d8, Diversion (Level 18) gives 1d6 sneak attack die and +5% stacking Incorporeal or +5 Dodge Cap, and finally Ninja Master (Level 20) turns the poison damage into 5d8. This scaling gives Ninja Spy a similar base damage increase similar to Keeper of the Chalice while maintaining the unique identity of Ninja Spy's poisoning nature without adding purely late core damage in the form of another active ability on an already overactive class and a big capstone sneak boost without the means to make it consistently damage most enemies.
The only overall big change besides the cores would be the T5s. Ninja Spy is arguably a TWF tree by design, however they lack a boost to their offhand chance. Yes, you can pick up Deft Strikes from Shintao for 10% which is fine, however they lack the ability to take Meditations of War as well and gain full offhand bonus. I would suggest changing Crippling Strike to the following: Crippling Strike: On damage you have a 10% chance to hamstring a target for 50% move speed, as well as increasing your offhand chance by 10%.
Touch of Death also needs to have Stunning Bonuses added to it's calculations like every other monk finisher/ability to match the rest.
This also applies to Fists of Darkness and Touch of Despair, and the rest of the Dark Finishers as none of them were effected in the Lamania Patch despite the patch notes.
Deadly Striker needs one last tweak; please, please, please finally allow us to be centered with default monk proficiency weapons. Let Deadly Striker center us with daggers, handaxes, and crossbows. Let Henshin Mystic or Shintao center you with clubs.
All in all it's a long rant on changes and balance, but I think this would overall help the Ninja Spy tree feel balanced compared to similar trees of other classes and competitive with the updated Shintao (especially with their +3W boost) and Henshin's insane multipliers during Cauldron of Flame. (By no means am I arguing that Ninja Spy should be similar to Deepwood or Assassin despite the initial comparisons. What I would like to see is Ninja Spy's current sneak attack bonus traded out to a tree appropriate poison damage to keep the unique mechanics and damage type of Ninja Spy alive, as currently there isn't enough synergy in Ninja Spy to warrant high sneak attack like Assassin and Deepwood have with fort reduction/bypass and sneak vulnerability.)