Quote Originally Posted by Kebtid View Post
ejidz in fire stance has stacking amp, zeal gives spellpower, exalted gives spellpower/amp, store pot gives stacking spellpower and d crsusader which i picked has stacking heal amp.
Your numbers are minimal, i might have said ran gen staff, but rest was maxed out.
You count 60 devotion only, 20 skillranks 10 epic levels, 4 ghero 2 finisher shipies and a lets say minimal stat of 18 start 6 tome (wont add 7), 2 complet 4 pots /yugo and remnant, and 25ish from item, makes it 65, 55/2 27ish, with the added before 36 thats 64 before adding a item and the rest of the stacking sources dont let me started on good luck augments and wisdom from cores that you get. That is without skill tome.
Crit chance as well wont be 36% but with slavers 27% 5% base and empyrian 10 to a okish number of 42% ( i am not aware that ene crit works with positive spells)
Spellpower when in drcusader is vastly higher as well with its clickie.You say 461 devotion only, you dont count heal skill book, completionist and for implement you count 32 only and dont add leg gsteel
Store pots? Divine crusader abilities? Legacy epic loot that is totally outclassed by other gear choices? Picking magical training as a feat?

I am not trying to pick a fight, but surely we can agree that those are all bad choices. LD is by far the best choice for a monk.

As for heal skill, you can add 30-40 to it, I didn't check carefully my total, but it won't affect the numbers much. All that to say that even in a quite maxxed out monk (Pls, best gear, and even gimping yourself a bit for more heals) , most heals will be under 1k, and crits between 1-2k. Of course assuming that you are trying to build a good toon, not just showcase the maximum potential of healing ki.