So i am finally gonna be going into 20+ levels after getting completionist. I have been playing quite a few years but never past 20. Only thing I ever did was unlock primal avatar on accident. Though I hear that wasn't too bad of an accident. Anyways my question is this. I hear a lot about pale master forms. That they are absolutely needed in end game because of so many things they negate. Is this true?
I am playing a version of Sal'vations Pale Drawlock but I much prefer say a 12 fvs 6 fighter 2 monk to solo with or any strong dps self healer solo build. So if I end up not liking this build and reincarnate yet again, will I be ok not having a pale master build?
I am always up for learning more about this game. Thanimal was grooming me to kinda take over his role of being knowledgeable but i had a lot of personal things happen so i don't know as much about the game as I would like to or should. So I am ready to go down that path.