Hey guys,
Just returned to game after about 14 months. I started playing DDO in 2006 and have played hardcore at times, casual at times, and have taken breaks for other games. I always seem to come back. In the most recent years my current guild has lacked members or maybe members with my play style and sense of humor. The following is what I'm looking for in a guild, could you pass my info on if you know any guild that would be interested in me leeching off their success
* Looking for guild that has numerous players that are heavy into TR's
* Looking for guild that enjoys zerging quests
* Looking for a guild that enjoys to power through content quickly
* Looking for guild who is semi serious but ALWAYS likes a good laugh (and lots of good laughs at that).
* Looking for an older group of people as well as I'm in late 30's was looking for a 30-50ish age group of guys
I'm not looking for an elitist group of punks but looking for extremely good players (who by some may be considered elitist) but that they like to laugh and have fun while they are grinding this game to pieces
Although it will take me a little time to get up to date on all the new changes and quest, I am very familiar with much of the old stuff as I have been playing for 10 years on and off.
Thanks for your consideration
Main toons: Juijitsu, Banjochanter, Elders