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Thread: The Dark G Star

  1. #1
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Default The Dark G Star

    The Dark G Star

    Deep gnome monk20
    Lawful neutral
    Dark path
    Requires a LR+1

    Str 6
    Dex 17 +3
    Con 14
    Int 14
    Wis 18 +4
    Cha 9
    +6 tomes

    Skills concentration, balance, jump, Umd, hide

    1 monk shuriken expertise
    Feat point blank shot
    2 monk twf
    3 rapid shot?*
    Monk dark fists
    6 monk 10k stars
    Feat precise shot
    9 ic:thrown
    12 dodge
    15 imp precise shot
    18 icierce

    21 oc
    24 itwf
    26 PTWF
    27 blinding speed
    28 doubleshot
    29 chaos
    30 astral

    41 ninja
    13 henshin
    16 Shintao
    8 Harper
    2 dg

    The playstyle.
    30 sec 10k stars and 30 sec twf poison attacks

    The perilous is the split
    Kta is untested by I.
    So I don't know how good it is, was going there with the Shintao build...
    The eta on u34 is now january,
    So I'll save unarmed until then.
    So I've decided to go full dark ninja
    On a deep gnome. Barely makes the difference
    I built this with multi playstyle, like a traditional ranger
    It's all untested.
    So I'll give up most of December delving into an iconic.
    Lots of feedback to give here,
    But shuriken and shortswords should do the job.

    The trade off is abilities to go deeper into gnome
    Or to lose Harper and do the same. For at least blur.
    I'll have to switch it up and see.
    Plenty of flexibility in the build,?*
    Can already see its split hard and won't reach the 76 wis I saw on my henshin...
    And the finishers are more crucial.
    It'll be a twist to play both ranged and melee,
    Like a good ninja, gotta know where to engage
    Like a bad ninja, a touch of death.
    Well at least heroics will be fun.
    For all 5 levels of it...

    I imigine this will be a shuricannon, or furyshuri
    Never played one gonna see what it's about...

    Still 30 as henshin, again.
    Farming slavers and seeds for another week
    2 epic martials and a monk
    This run
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  2. #2
    Community Member adrian69's Avatar
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    Feels like it is trying to do to much, but that's just my opinion.

    My concern for a thrower is not maxing dex. What is your dex and wisdom looking like at cap? It seems this build is made for cap?

    Otherwise, I've heard monk DCs are still poo-bar, so I'd toss all level ups into dex for 7% chance of extra projectile with DS% chance for another extra if you find DCs lacking at cap.

    Interesting concept otherwise.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    See my drow ninja thread. Free Shuriken Expertise is nicer than +2 WIS, IMO.

    A few specific pointers:
    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    3 rapid shot?*
    If your question is "does Rapid Shot affect throwing weapons?" the answer is "yes, it does." But Quick Draw is more important and I don't see it listed anywhere. EDIT: duh, forgot Henshin lvl 6 core provides free Quick Draw - and it's even in my build! So NM...
    9 ic:thrown
    BAB is too low on a pure monk to take Improved Crit before lvl 12; recommend moving ITWF to lvl 9 and IC:Pierce to lvl 12. IC:Thrown is only +1 crit range on shuriken, so it can be delayed or skipped, IMO.
    12 dodge
    Drop this: you don't need it and you can't spare the feat if you want TWF+thrower DPS.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 12-09-2016 at 11:32 AM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Couple notes
    For U,
    Shuriken expertise taken as monk feat is gravy,
    The question mark gets inserted sometimes, no question
    Core3 henshin sounding staff gives quick draw
    And yes I have to take ic at 12. Thx.
    I backloaded gtwf to 30 as kinda capstone

    On LR+1
    When you reincarnate using +1 or greater on an iconic
    You have to choose class at character creation, not iconic
    This will change your first level to what you want.
    Learned that the hard way.
    Thanks to Dionysus for quick response to ticket.
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  5. #5
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    I've found melee/ranged hybrids to be quite fun, though the ones I've done were THF/Bow with many shot. And there are quite a few mixes out there that you can do that works well. And unbongwah, there is more to Deep Gnome than +2 WIS and INT (INT helps KtA): size. A smaller character makes it much easier to line up Improved Precise Shot... HOWEVER unless they've fixed it, Deep Gnome is throwing at Human height, thus negating this advantage. If this is what you are looking for, Halfling is the way to go (and they work well with throwing builds anyways).

    If TWF + Throwing is a way that you are looking to play for fun rather than any form of meta gaming, then I really only have a few suggestions (other than considering race if the throw height is broken where you would be better served by Halfling or Drow):

    Scion of Ethereal over Astral. Seriously boosting your SA all you can works well with TWF and Shurikens due to their volume attack style, and would give you MUCH more DPS than 8% DS would. Tactics is a non factor here as you're not investing into stunning moves of any type. You should be able to get your hide to 100+ and having it grant you ~35 SA damage before the 150% power scaling. Rogue past life (active) essentially becomes a +25 SA (before scaling) clicky, also making it a worthwhile investment.

    You will be better served by Legendary Dreadnought. Without being backed by a Slaying Arrow, Furyshot loses much of its clout, and LD is superior DPS.

    If you're considering Meta, honestly TWF would be a DPS loss over a properly set up shuri thrower. You should be getting a higher volume of attacks with a shuricannon than you do with TWF, hit multiple targets unlike TWF, are at the safety of ranged... and if you have proper SA, shuri would actually be superior DPS as well. Essentially you're just putting yourself in danger for no gain. And once you fully commit to ranged, there are a few other considerations:

    Going Elf and diving to Arcane Archer to gain imbues (which you can make work with shuri and are very powerful) and a Many Shot bow swap for increased DPS. Though you can't go for a slaying arrow fury combo and capstone Ninja with this.

    While the damage is very RNG and will require you to wear universal spellpower items to get proper damage, Shiradi is tree where you can give up a little DPS potential for a good chunk of CC. Especially if you lack imbues, nerve venom could actually push you ahead of LD for trash DPS while making it easier on you. Really, outside of a Slaying Arrow setup on a shuri build, I consider it being between this and LD.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  6. #6
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    D, thx for your insight
    Yes I planned this build to cover several approaches
    First it's a shuriken build, with twf thrown in
    That's because I wanted a thrower and a deep gnome and a ninja
    But the finishers are all melee attack
    And building ki is all melee attack
    So it's got a dual purpose
    And I'm testing kta on this too
    So I'm covering a lot of bases in this build
    Mostly wanted to see dark path for monk
    So it's got to be able to melee
    Thus the twf and ic pierce
    In addition to thrower build

    So far I've tested in Gianthold and it's holding up
    Got a tier2 Greensteel shuriken and pair of brushhooks
    With 10k stars everything dies pretty fast
    And it's all kill before it touches you easy
    But the melee and touch of death require to close distance
    Or like traditional ranger
    Shoot until they close and melee finish them
    So same playstyle

    Now at epics, I plan to try out 3 Ed
    Fury, shiradi and ld
    I was thinking of a primal past life tho I could go martial
    Because I want to do another epic as a dg Shintao
    Almost same build, just ua
    I want to see how each plays out,
    Ya mostly a test build
    So I haven't done any rouge lives yet
    So can't take past life
    But I maxed out hide on this build
    Thinking of sneak attack cap
    I'll have to look at numbers but I favor astral
    Maybe if I do 2 epic thrower lives I can switch out and see the diff.
    But now I'm inclined to go rogue next life...
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  7. #7
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    Dark Monk is much better than Light Monk when you look at the finishers - tons of CC and debuffs, with some DPS moves, and Touch of Death is solid. Unfortunately Dark Monk is crippled by low DCs. They're fine in Heroic or EN, but outside of that they are trash. Even on a 100 WIS Monk you will not have them work. *IF* they fix Dark Monk DCs, I see it eclipsing Light Monk pretty heavily - not to the point of the early days of Monk as they did buff the finisher and FoL damage slightly so it is now strong enough to sustain you (if albeit a bit painfully) so there's more reason to go Light Monk beyond anti-stun for TOD... though they need to buff Harmonious Path finishers to have it actually compete with a Dark Monk that can reach end-game DCs.

    Unfortunately all of this means that the only reason to go Dark path is for Touch of Death. Touch of Death used to proc on off-hand strikes (part of the reason everyone went Dark), but as the game scaled and this move did not. Now it finally does, and Melee Power actually takes it beyond what it used to do, but IMO, not enough to build around. However if you're already invested into Ninja Spy and plan on doing a solid amount of Melee, it is worth it as Cocoon is enough for self-sustain anyways.

    Now for DPS comparison it really depends on how hard you hit vs your hide and melee/ranged power values. A quick and dirty way to see is before you take the level throw your shuri (throwing it multiple times and averaging the damage would be more accurate) and multiply that damage by .08 and you'll get about the DPS increase of Astral. Compare that to your hide value divided by 3 and then multiply it by your Melee Power (converted to decimal, so 150 MP would be 2.5 as you would need add +1 to include the base) followed by multiplying by 1.5 to cover the improved scaling Sneak Attack has. You then have to multiply this number by the number of shurikens. A quick example being extremely generous in favor of Astral:

    1000 damage per shuriken * .08 = 80 average damage per throw

    100 hide / 3 * 2.5 (150 MP/RP) * 1.5 = 125 damage per shuriken. This means that if you're throwing 3 shuris, that is 125 * 3 for 375 damage per throw. Depending on how high you can get your DEX, you can get yourself safely into a 3-4 throw with 10K stars adding a shuri and a chunk of RP which scales better with SA.

    As you can see, though, Ethereal is significantly more damage. The problem, of course, is that Astral works on everything while Ethereal only helps on targets that you can get SA on. That's where Deception items, CCs like pin, imbues, and venom matter, etc. The more reliably you can make sure your SA lands, the more unquestionably Ethereal is the winner. If you're looking for DPS, many cases Arborea or Ethereal will beat out Astral. Astral, however, comes with 4 dodge cap, 4 Reflex, and 4 DCs. On tactics heavy builds or a Rogue Assassin, that can make a big difference if you are borderline (such as with Quivering Palm), and dodge cap is nice too. Essentially you're giving up DPS in favor of utility. I do that, but I also have 9 tactics-based moves I use.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

  8. #8
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Default Level 15

    Level 15
    Ok jumped into ninja at 15
    Brush hooks and a Greensteel star
    And it's a thrower build
    So I'm ranging and kiting backwards
    Even tho I seem to have pretty good defenses
    But I generate no ki throwing stars
    Gotta go melee
    So I find myself switching stances and weapons a lot
    Generating ki for 10k stars has been the issue
    Normal, I would melee n fire a bit
    Then back up and throw for a few mobs
    Or I can run just throw or just melee
    The hooks do pretty good in fire
    But I'm surprised at the damage of the Greensteel
    Averaging 30 per star
    And seeing some sneak damage too

    So overall this beast is not pure fighter
    And gets dps from 10k
    But needs melee to generate ki
    And about finishers
    Not used them much
    Used touch of death
    But gotta melee for special attacks
    Could only sustain that versus dragons in mired
    Will be picking up envenomed blades at 16
    And prob a couple melee attacks
    So will melee then 10k to death
    In groups just easy to hang back and provide ranged dps
    Easy enough so far
    Just so different from pure henshin with all it's special attacks
    I am liking the deep gnome
    And at 18 ic pierce so decent melee damage
    I think this build will be fun and challenging

    Already thinking of epic
    Need cocoon and a couple tier1s
    Enlightenment and dance of flowers
    One of the secrets of the monk is its ki
    Idle ki and passive regen
    It's calculated at concentration times passive ki regen
    So if you have 50 concentration and +2 regen, idle is 100
    So enlightenment pays off because you end up with a higher ki pool
    Because I was thinking of running gmof, but I think I can get around it by twists, and running ld.
    Don't take the sneak regen that's worthless

    Because the breakdown is 20 ki for 10k
    At +2 regen you only get 10/30 sec, so 20 every minute
    Just enough to fire it off, but you have no room for any melee
    So it's a trade off working in ki regen to work 10k
    And touch is 50. So you got to melee a lot before it
    And cycle in some dark fists, so you charge a finisher.
    That's what I'll work the most on is melee
    Cause ranged is just too easy.
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  9. #9
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Default 18 almost 20

    18 almost 20
    Been meleeing
    In fire stance
    Using reed shadow double touch of death
    Trying to work in finishers
    But this is another point of contention
    The three second cycle on a fist attack
    Makes it 10 seconds to get a finisher off
    Nothing lasts that long
    And melee (I've got brush hooks, enveloped blades and dream edges)
    Just is piddling average damage, even with 30 mp
    So I've been charging into combat,?*
    And this little monk is pretty tough
    Can hang melee easy enough
    But is really a thrower build
    So the 10k comes either before or after some ki charge
    It's really pretty versatile
    Seeing touch of death hitting for 800
    So melee a bit build ki and tod it
    But that's for single trash mob
    Got no aoe, no cleaves, no whirling anything
    But it's hanging in there
    I really wanted to see an effect of finishers, but
    Using the neg level one, I see no difference
    Haven't even tried the others
    Haven't done any poison exploits,
    The mark of the ninja
    Guess I got more testing to try and figure out if it's worth it
    As is, I'm gonna reallocate those 6 ap

    But overall I'm not impressed,
    It's ok, its versatile, it can hold its ground
    But I liked the henshin better
    But this is per epic, and maybe going epic Ed is what's needed

    I could buy more melee attacks,?*
    The mp/rp add is very noticed when used
    Never use shadow veil, got good enough defenses without it
    Well, it's just another ability I got to cycle in
    But it's pretty lazy play just being a star chucker
    Just left click or auto attack
    Trying to line up monsters for ips
    Sometimes it works
    Getting better at it, kiting them in lines back and forth

    Went to the monastery of the scorpion
    Have to say that is a cool map and architecture
    Had a three man group doing it
    Was challenging, but in a good way
    Mobs had about right amount of hp for a tod finish
    And really tested my melee there
    Got a chance to kite boss and rescue the group once
    Even tho I can't Rez,
    That's a serious downer on monks
    Wont have the Umd until mid epics

    Oh ya, poisoned darts
    Try to use it, never seems to do damage
    Low damage dot, everything dies too fast in group
    I guess I would have different experience solo
    But with no aoe I'd be slow going,
    Definitely not really a Zerg build
    And as always right around 18
    Warlocks are owing everything
    So it's easy to just take a back seat and add dps
    I'll do more testing as I level up
    But so far this will probably be a one and done
    And never think of ninja again

    Because I think they really missed the rework on ninja
    In my monkey write up
    I gave ninjas neg energy spellpower
    And finishers that did neg energy damage
    Would have completely complimented Shintao positive
    And been awesome for mc palemasters
    But as it is I see ninja taking the least award
    Because I look funny running around in armor using green short swords.
    I never sneak or hide, even tho I got the skillz
    And I do see sneak attack damage on the shurikens
    Just gotta be behind the mobs
    So I'll probably take ethereal
    Since its 30 anyways and I won't be there long
    Just to see if it makes a difference in slavers
    Won't need the d, will be ranged

    So my assessment is at this point is
    They could buff the hell out of this pre
    And I'd still not play it
    Ninjas should be able to use daggers and kukris too
    Maybe then...
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  10. #10
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Default Level 20/21

    Level 20/21
    Did some dailys got to 21
    I have 330 crafting skill, and made a 21 set

    Bracers str 10 fort 115 prr 25 green
    Cloak int 10 dodge 10 green
    Belt doubleshot 6 nat armor 10 colorless
    Gloves dex 10 heal amp 40 ins dex 4 green
    Cowl wizardry 203 stunning 10 yellow
    Goggles wisdom 10 ins wis 4 yellow
    Necklace con 10 devotion 115 ins con 4 green
    Boots rng speed seeker
    Ring1 prowess
    Ring2 open
    Trinket litany
    Body garments of equilibrium
    22 spider spun caprison

    I'm really stoked. This is exactly what I wanted to craft. Items that are bis and generally usable to many classes. This setup will work for my monk builds, even tho a couple items may be more suited such as the helm and cloak.
    But it should level me through 28, and take away all the Tetris I do in between. I mean I have 4 chests on the ship full of good rng I use for leveling, maybe make some shards off them now.
    It was easy enough, to get my crafting skill to 330 in two leaps. One to 220 and a second to 320. Used about 1500 TP. I think thats pretty fair for the little time involved, and that I got an account crafter.
    I used all augmented items, what I could gather on my own and what I find on the auction houses. And I had all the ingredients to make everything. I am getting low on some but I farm collectibles through epics so I should replenish. Used the +2 tomes from 1750 favor for purified. And it all took me about 30 minutes to craft everything.
    After I worked it all out on paper
    Oh the trick was getting house c favor for the marks. Ran the three quests on leet and presto, marks for free instead of 200 TP each!

    Now, at 22 will be thunder forged and Greensteel at 26. And whatever else I may have stashed.?*
    So that covers me to 28, and works for all three monk types plus melee in general.

    Notes in general
    Star chucking is easy mode. If you want a fight, you can melee.
    But they're both about the same, shuriken pulling ahead with 10k.
    Running in shiradi for now, seeing some procs. If I do primal, I'll grab another colors. Otherwise I'll test ld and fury as I do dailys.

    Haven't slotted augments. Will look next in Vishs goodie bag.
    Just so happy I completed a tr set.
    Last edited by Vish; 12-14-2016 at 03:32 PM. Reason: Bis
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  11. #11
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Default Level 25

    Level 25
    What is the assessment
    Took improved martial arts at 24. For the .5 on shuriken
    Thought combat archery but I don't think that works
    Been taking the easy route
    Spear chucker. Just Rp boosting 10k stars.
    It does the trick,
    Using tier1 tf shuriken, doin avg 100 dam shot
    And there is a high rate of fire
    Dex around 46, wis at 60
    And good doubleshot with 10k
    But it's only single target mostly
    I line em up but ips is a tricky thing
    And the other is to stand close, point blank
    Running in shiradi
    Sometimes seeing procs, running prism
    Maybe I should switch to stay frosty?
    Will start testing other eds, but I'm committed to a primal
    Ki idle is fine enough, I run in water mostly
    For the regen and saves

    I guess my impression is shuri builds are supposed to be awesome
    Haven't crafted a Greensteel yet, but maybe that'll make the difference. Don't know what it'll be yet. Tier2
    But I'm not super dps or anything
    I can generally take down a mob before it gets to me
    And always stealing kills with high rof
    But it's not really a ninja
    That's the secret though
    It's a full monk build
    And it's got hella defenses
    Enough to tank
    I was tanking the golem end of von5 the other night
    Got a laugh out of it
    Just stood there and fired away
    No damage to me
    High saves, 120 AC, 40% dodge, blur, no real prr/ mrr
    But mostly I don't get hit. Got a 70% defense rating
    Highest I've had on anything I played
    So it's suited to go full ninja
    Going twf with short swords
    But I dont go there,
    I have tried it out, but I'd have to gear up
    And this is a test run to 30
    Mostly I'm finding the twf is too slow using finishers
    Most fights are over in 10 seconds
    So even though I've got some cool abilities
    They don't see the light of day
    Maybe I'll melee it from 25 to 30
    I can make some base Greensteel to get an idea
    But what I was thinking was a tf tier2 shuriken with paralyzing
    That would be worth crafting
    Usable on all monks

    Now my proponency wasnt for ninja it was henshin
    But I've seen ninja
    I think touch of death should scale 400%
    Just massively, and be an instakiller,?*
    Or at least a 3/4 finisher
    And I think the fists should be on a 1 sec cooldown
    Then you'd have 4 sec finishers
    This game is much faster than 10 years ago
    Needs to be updated
    But that's not going to happen, is it?

    And I've seen others play ninja,
    Better than me
    But they weren't all that either
    And complained about it
    So I don't know what to bring it up to speed
    I don't think the poison is effective
    Never use the darts
    But do have on sting of the ninja
    I think it does little damage
    Flavorful damage
    So I think what's best about ninja is its allure
    Not necessarily its uberness

    But I can't really say until 30
    Which will be a few more quests
    I want to try out ethereal, since I'm practiced at
    Sneak attacking
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  12. #12
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Default Level 30

    Level 30
    Running in shiradi, water stance
    Str 34
    Dex 54
    Con 52
    Int 23
    Wis 76
    Cha 18
    Hp 1045
    Sp 300
    AC 162
    Fort 68
    Reflex 81
    Will 85
    Spell res 40
    Fort 268
    Prr 79
    Mrr 50
    Heal amp 81
    Pos 334
    Doublestrike 31
    Doubleshot 29
    Melee speed 15
    Ranged speed 22
    Mp 69
    Rp 63
    Dodge 36%

    Concentration 91
    Hide 71
    Jump 53
    Umd 36

    Head hardened hide
    Neck slavers con +17 +4 resist +14
    Goggles mentau
    Trinket slavers symbol w true blood festive wis
    body outfit of celestial avenger
    Cloak rng ins wis +6
    Braver slavers str +17 +4 stunning +20
    Belt rng doubleshot 6
    Ring1 prowess
    Ring2 slavers wis +17 +4 devotion 185
    Boots rng dodge +10 ins dodge +4
    Gloves cannith dex +15 +7 heal amp 61 topaz of power 200

    Sense weakness tier4
    Lithe tier2
    Dance of flowers tier1
    Cocoon tier1

    Ok made it to 30 pretty fast
    +25% xp weekend
    Will run here until next patch
    Then I'll switch to deep gnome Shintao

    Gear notes, couple items need upgrade
    Such as cloak and belt
    Cloak could be int ins wis
    And belt could be highest doubleshot
    And slavers str could be int

    Because I ran know the angles,
    But it seemed to make no difference
    Even with a 36 int which I had using the cannith gear
    But I feel kta is useful only on int builds
    But I wanted to look at it, it figures into the Shintao build too
    But seeing what I have I may drop it and take more henshin,
    Or more Shintao, or more deep gnome
    Since deep gnome racial seems pretty good

    On the playstyle,
    Just a ranged toon. Easy button autoattack
    Line things up, stand behind things
    Run away when mobbed, or kite backwards until dead
    Or just stand there and tank it, lolz
    This is a full wisdom shuri build, and it does fine
    Awesome defenses, enough to melee, but mostly just a support toon
    Because I've seen what the elf monkchers do, damage wise
    And it's much better than pure monk
    Must have to do with going ranger and getting special attacks
    Because they out damage me big time,
    And as far as I can tell this build can't get any tighter
    So I'm not that impressed with shuri build
    I feel for one monk feat I can take 10k stars and get just about as much mileage out of it, on any wis monk build, which all your monks should be.

    At 30 I took ethereal, for the sneak adds,
    Not really seeing improvement in damage, just on soft targets
    But only got 70 hide. Could add 20 with a slavers item, maybe int hide bracers. But definitely better on a rogue build.
    Well this was a test run anyhow,
    And it performed pretty well
    I wish I had went more ninja at times, but I didn't invest into the weapons needed. Didn't have a shard for a epic envenomed blade, so I thought I won't go there...
    Still haven't ran a shroud, may save that first time xp for next LE, and upgrade the shuriken then.
    Oh ya, something else I tried. Since I have a triple pos staff I used it. Hits just fine, procs, and then can switch back to shuri. I found it funny. It didn't do as much damage or have extra blows, but it worked fine for affirmation. Never used it much tho, just wanted to see.
    Will probably make a double pos shuri, short comps for the tier3.
    But I've definitely noticed shroud getting easier, what with the slavers creep. Will be putting it back on the schedule.

    Really my issue is with ranged though.
    It's just too easy. No defense needed and pure offense. And everything dies before it even reaches you.
    No challenge,
    I can see why the game has gravitated to warlocks and monkchers.
    Easy button builds that remove any challenge.

    They need to make warlocks blast and burst cost spell points
    And ranged needs a big nerf. Or they need to increase ranged on monsters damage to be similar. Everybody rushing to kill the archers while melee beat on them.
    Because I get this is fantasy, but ranged toons are way overboard.

    I'm thinking next life will be a mechanic.

    Notes on Ed's
    Ran fury, ld, and shiradi
    Fury I didn't like, didn't seem to help much
    Maybe moreso for bow users
    Dreadnought was good, lots of boosts and easy to keep blitz up
    Ran a couple million xp testing it, like it well enough
    But I really like shiradi for the +6 wisdom add
    And rainbow or stay frosty
    So I got a primal life out of it
    Last edited by Vish; 12-20-2016 at 05:01 PM.
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  13. #13
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Post 30

    Post 30
    Upgraded the shuriken to tier2 pos pos
    Makes it good, I can kill abishai now easy
    Fixed my shiradi
    Omg I didn't have whirling wrists in there...
    Then I switched to wind stance
    58 dex 70 wis
    After talking to a famous monkchers about his build
    I guess dex trumps,
    So I'm learning that I could switch the stats
    And maybe increase dps
    So I'm thinking of switching wis for dex in shiradi and enhancements
    Can probably swing +8
    Missing quality dex
    May put that on a special slavers item, with hide

    Because I'm liking the ease of this build
    Ranged is so gravy
    Just select target rednamed and it stays cemented
    The you can move around
    So much better than melee engagement
    And I slotted a protection +8 in the hardened helm
    Make it über defense
    Jacked my AC up to 169
    199 in mountain

    So I'm just farming seeds and running slavers twice a day
    The end fights are all I'm there for,
    How a pug handles it is always fun
    And usually a challenge
    Most groups are overperforming
    But some struggle,?*
    And then you gotta turn it on
    I've already felt a 100% increase in dps
    Since I made said changes
    So I'm gonna further tweak this build and report back

    Ki consumption is something else to note
    Concentration is 90, so my idle is 180
    But I don't melee to increase it,
    After shrine I meditate, just to push it
    When running gmof, there is wholeness of spirit
    Clickie to restore ki
    I found that primer for fights
    Because I've been using diversion
    And it's 50 ki
    But it's good aggro magnet when Nerals is on yer ass

    Ya I'm gonna tone down wisdom
    That will decrease my ranged power on 10k
    But it will still be over 100
    And maybe higher dex equals higher rof?
    Not sure what that formula is...
    I didnt think it worth it over higher wisdom
    But I dont use finishers
    So the DCs aren't needed
    It will also lower my AC, but that may be offset by dex

    Gonna stay here until Christmas
    Then reroll into the dark Phoenix
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

  14. #14
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Wind stance build

    On the wind stance build
    64 dex 64 wis
    Shuriken expertise, dex is % extra shuri = 64
    10k stars wisx2 rp = 128

    So I'm seeing 130% doubleshot, 157 rp during boosted 10k
    Avg on dummy is 200+ per hit, 400 on 10k
    Avg rof is 2 shuriken, often 3, sometimes 4
    Dps is over 10k

    Lot of left clicking for mobs
    Bosses are easy
    Mass dps from behind
    Takes big chunks out of hp bars
    Crits to 1000, 2000

    Don't really know the sneak tho
    I line up behind, usually seeing chunk damage for 400-1000
    And I saw poison on the dummy, 150

    Overall it's a killer
    And it's got defenses too
    169 AC, 36 dodge, blur, Stoneskin, invis on hit, 87 reflex, 80 will
    And he's deep gnome small
    So nobody aggros him anyway

    Breakdown on ap
    41 ninja
    9 Shintao
    13 henshin
    17 deep gnome

    In ninja took out the finishers
    Maxed helpless damage, goes with sense weakness
    And works in slavers meta
    Sneak4,agility3,acrobatic3,boost3,sting,+2 dex
    Touch, deadly striker, shadow double
    All stuffs for melee are no use but flavor
    Shintao for best adds
    Reed1, deft3,iron skin3, core2
    Henshin for best adds
    Mystic3,turtle,contemplation3,+1dex, core3 for quick draw
    Deep gnome for good stuff up to Stoneskin
    Underdark3,hardy3,nimble3,stoneskin2, core4 for +2 wis
    Shiradi is
    Stay frosty2, prism, rainbow, double rainbow, whirling wrists3, +4 dex, nerve venom3

    The next best thing I can do is go slavers set
    With 5 pc might
    For +2 dex/str. Will break the avg for extra star
    But I'm looking long term as henshin, so it works just as well
    Then I'll pick up artifact bonuses
    Minor gains but might make the difference

    I'm running +101 to hit,highest I've ever had
    Ya I don't count the extra damage in on the dps avg, just the overall
    Overall it's an easy monster build
    Go ranged or go home
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

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