The Dark G Star
Deep gnome monk20
Lawful neutral
Dark path
Requires a LR+1
Str 6
Dex 17 +3
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 18 +4
Cha 9
+6 tomes
Skills concentration, balance, jump, Umd, hide
1 monk shuriken expertise
Feat point blank shot
2 monk twf
3 rapid shot?*
Monk dark fists
6 monk 10k stars
Feat precise shot
9 ic:thrown
12 dodge
15 imp precise shot
18 icierce
21 oc
24 itwf
27 blinding speed
28 doubleshot
29 chaos
30 astral
41 ninja
13 henshin
16 Shintao
8 Harper
2 dg
The playstyle.
30 sec 10k stars and 30 sec twf poison attacks
The perilous is the split
Kta is untested by I.
So I don't know how good it is, was going there with the Shintao build...
The eta on u34 is now january,
So I'll save unarmed until then.
So I've decided to go full dark ninja
On a deep gnome. Barely makes the difference
I built this with multi playstyle, like a traditional ranger
It's all untested.
So I'll give up most of December delving into an iconic.
Lots of feedback to give here,
But shuriken and shortswords should do the job.
The trade off is abilities to go deeper into gnome
Or to lose Harper and do the same. For at least blur.
I'll have to switch it up and see.
Plenty of flexibility in the build,?*
Can already see its split hard and won't reach the 76 wis I saw on my henshin...
And the finishers are more crucial.
It'll be a twist to play both ranged and melee,
Like a good ninja, gotta know where to engage
Like a bad ninja, a touch of death.
Well at least heroics will be fun.
For all 5 levels of it...
I imigine this will be a shuricannon, or furyshuri
Never played one gonna see what it's about...
Still 30 as henshin, again.
Farming slavers and seeds for another week
2 epic martials and a monk
This run