Also if that doesn't pan out I`ll consider trading it for 1 epic stone and some extras. If that doesn`t fly I`ll consider any offers.

Things I need: slavers mats, ingots, essences and collectables, expert crafting services and any uber gear such as epic golden orb of death. Things I like: SP pots, GH pots, lev20 haste pots, death ward pots, suulomades cookies, restoration pots, pet certificates (no mimics or snowy owlbears or tressyms), stave of the seer, royal guard mask, ring of the ancestors, planar gird, double slotted gear for crafting, and of course shards and anything else useful I might have forgotten.

pm me on the forums or find me in game on Amedeus, Shesha or Elapatra.

Thanks for reading folks. Happy trading.