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  1. #1
    Community Member talanh133's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Default Cannot redeem Menace of the Underdark expansion

    I went through and bought the expansions as a gift for a friend the other day and sent them the keys and instructions on redeeming them.

    For the Shadowfell Conspiracy there were not any issues. However, when attempting to redeem the MotU key we ran into problems. Trying the key through the DDO store code redemption did not work. And the instructions for MotU(And only that expansion) mention going to and signing in there, then redeeming the product key that way. However, upon signing in there, there is no field at all for putting in a product key for DDO.

    Has anyone else had this issue, and figured out a way to redeem the expansion?

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    You should have been able to apply the MotU key through the DDO Store in-game. Since you report that it didn't work, our Account Support team should be able to get this figured out. You can get in touch with them through
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  3. #3
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by talanh133 View Post

    Has anyone else had this issue, and figured out a way to redeem the expansion?
    Yes, I have and the solution is very simple.

    When you redeem multiple expansions, the system locks up for a time window and will not accept the 2nd expansion.

    Give the computers a day or so to catch up, or as one customer service representative said, "...keep trying ever so often till it goes thru..."

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