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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010

    Default point me in the right direction

    Looking for a little help with a tr. looking into a warlock dwarf TYWA build 36pt. but i have some reservations. i like the idea of con to damage, and actually having enough hp to stay alive for a change. but worried about dps. not sure if bard is the way to go, or also fighter. maybe warlock/fighter/pal. or wlk/ftr/brd. maybe switch out for rogue for evasion and traps in there? i have seen a few builds but i am looking for links to others if you have them? or advice on what not to try.

    does a pure warlock con build still do enough dps? i would also like to try a fighting version aposed to caster. i just feel like going back to level 1, for a dwarf is a bit of a undertaking, and i dont want to mess it up. (havnt been back to level 1 in a few years...)

    Any help, or advice would be aprecaited.

    I just want something with alot of hp (and preferable defences) but also can kill stuff.

  2. #2
    Community Member adrian69's Avatar
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    Dec 2013

    Default Con based is fine, but wasting 18 pts in dwarf racials is

    Quote Originally Posted by MatteKudesai21 View Post
    Looking for a little help with a tr. looking into a warlock dwarf TYWA build 36pt. but i have some reservations. i like the idea of con to damage, and actually having enough hp to stay alive for a change. but worried about dps. not sure if bard is the way to go, or also fighter. maybe warlock/fighter/pal. or wlk/ftr/brd. maybe switch out for rogue for evasion and traps in there? i have seen a few builds but i am looking for links to others if you have them? or advice on what not to try.

    does a pure warlock con build still do enough dps? i would also like to try a fighting version aposed to caster. i just feel like going back to level 1, for a dwarf is a bit of a undertaking, and i dont want to mess it up. (havnt been back to level 1 in a few years...)

    Any help, or advice would be aprecaited.

    I just want something with alot of hp (and preferable defences) but also can kill stuff.

    Check out Voodu's build. He's got a serie where he does it first life on youtube as well. You're DPS will be fine con based, but you focus on spell power and keeping it high as possible. Going 18 points into dwarf for con to damage with splash of bard is ok, but it could also be a great way to gimp yourself out the door.

    start 16 con/(12/14/16 intel)/18 charisma and put the rest of your level ups into Con. Find yourself a Fanion or Skyvault shield. You can use master's touch or pick up prof/shield mastery/Imp Shield Mastery.

    In heroics, grab max/empower/quicken at minimum. Mental Toughness and Improved may be good since you lower charisma limits SP pool and it gives you +2% more chance to crit. Going Human, you could take shield prof. SM and ISM and have these covered.

    Unless you just like playing melee with flavor, a pure warlock is going to better off for many reasons.

    Just remember the difference in going con or charisma focused is just 7 level points, which is nothing in todays game alone, but it all adds up.
    Last edited by adrian69; 11-29-2016 at 12:10 PM. Reason: typos

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    thanks for the feed back. those where the things i was wondering. is losing those ap worth it or not. i think it will be fun either way. i havnt played a fighter in a few lives, so thought it would be fun. also i dont think i ever played a dwarf.

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