The Knights of Daggerford are looking to recruit 3 active players for a small raiding/dailies group guild we run lots of quests for dailies and more quests after dailies. We would like people that value taking guild renown to help our small level 74 guild grow. We currently have 3 active players in all and we get a level a week running sagas for guild renown. We dont require anyone to take it if they need the xp or tomes but we appreciate it. We prefer daily players but some exceptions can be make for real life we dont want the game to take over your life just play when you are free. members will be removed once they go inactive because we cant support inactive players. We try to help all we can. My toons Rickdabrat and Iconicheals put up weekly lfms to help new and returning players and canith crafting for people that need it when i have the extra mats or people have them for me to use. once again it is not required you help anyone you dont want to just nice to have out going players. Any people interested please contact Iconicheals or Krewcutter in game we are on most days from 11 am eastern to 10 pm eastern. Hours we are on vary with real life some times we are on more some times less but catching us in game or joining our groups for dailies and raids are a good way for us to get to know you so if you are interested we would love to hear from you. have a good day and thank you for reading this