Stuck on the loading screen, can log onto other servers so was wondering if cannith is down?
Stuck on the loading screen, can log onto other servers so was wondering if cannith is down?
Argo is also acting super weird. Can't log in (stuck on loading screen with the message: Searching for logon server...(Attempt 1 of 20)
A few minutes back I fell through a bridge in the GH slayer area.
Was in party with a guildie with an LFM up; someone hit the LFM and I tried to accept several times but tells with the person revealed that they were getting the "Can't modify party while members are teleporting" message.
Tried to leave party; same message.
Guildie left party (I think by killing his client) and I got this: "Unknown is now the party leader". At this point I realized that despite being the party leader, I did not have a star.
So I killed my client, and now I'm stuck.
Heatherx (Completionist--honest, no stones)
Toryen Warchanter 24 ~ Treslyn Cleric 26 ~ Lohikaerme Druid 24 ~ Khenshii Monk 28
Heroes of Light and Darkness ~ Argonnessen
I'm pretty sure it's game wide.... I'm on Thelanis
Stuck in a loading screen and then nothing. Relogged and got back in but can't change instances, send tells or even drink a potion.
well, good to know it's not just me, bad to know it's possiby game wide. I guess they "fixed" something yesterday...
Well, the login process is failing at an earlier stage now, so I'm wondering if they are rebooting over in Boston. Nothing on FB or Twitter yet that I've seen
Heatherx (Completionist--honest, no stones)
Toryen Warchanter 24 ~ Treslyn Cleric 26 ~ Lohikaerme Druid 24 ~ Khenshii Monk 28
Heroes of Light and Darkness ~ Argonnessen
Just logged into Cannith all right. Trace route goes through Chicago (in case the problem is Internet, and not servers).
Edit: Oh, Cheeseburgers!! I spoke too soon. I got in just fine, but I freeze on the loading screen to 3BC from House D. Twice.![]()
Last edited by Tscheuss; 11-17-2016 at 04:31 AM.
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
Seems can log in (sporadically?), but can't use any "travel" screen, and hard to log-out/alt w/in same account.
Had 2 diff accounts successfully log in (dual boxed), tried to combine (and dump old party), but got ''cannot change party while a member is teleporting'' both to add my other alt and boot old members.
Not whining, just giving as much info as possible.
Aye, I also got stuck in a loading screen in Cannith server, and after I killed it for taking too long, I got a "Cleaning up old game data..." message. Waited for over an hour and when nothing happened, killed that too and reset my PC. After rebooting, I tried to log in again and now I'm stuck on "Loading character data..." where it constantly refreshes trying to load the character data.
*sigh* Alas, my DDO plans have been put on hold for now.
Edit: Also, I tried logging onto Orion and *was* able to connect and create a character. Pl0x f1x Cannith DDO!
I have the same problem, same server - Cannith. It seems to be on all servers though from other posts.
The Skyrim server seems to be working just fine. I will be there for a while.![]()
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
Still hooped at "Loading character data..." on Argo, here.
It seems that my earlier optimism was misplaced.
Heatherx (Completionist--honest, no stones)
Toryen Warchanter 24 ~ Treslyn Cleric 26 ~ Lohikaerme Druid 24 ~ Khenshii Monk 28
Heroes of Light and Darkness ~ Argonnessen