Yes this is what I did. I leveled a character on an alt account up to 380 and then leveled him to character level 20 and then lesser TR'd him to arti with dragonmark of making using free stone from enh pass. This took me right to 400 and I continue to earn xp. I only used collectibles in a few recipes the rest was all essences.
The only thing I would add is that it's best to make your unbound crafter on a non-playing character so you retain your crafting xp changes as you get experience crafting.
For example I made two +7 insightful dex shards for people playing thrower builds and my success rate is now 20% instead of 16%. As long as I never tr, etr, lesser tr I will continue improving my chance to make shards for each two I make.
Remember the crafting success only changes for every 2 shards you make of the same type. So if you made that conclusion by making only one shard - trying making a 2nd.