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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2013

    Default Weapon transformation kit

    The idea of this kit is to be able to transform one non-named weapon to a different weapon.

    The weapon would retain its metal type, amount of permanent wear, augments, bound type, festive effects, minimum level etc.

    So for an example a pick could be turned into a longsword or a shortbow into a great crossbow.

    I guess it could work on crafted weapons as well. There would have to be some limitations. Like can't turn a hand weapons into a bows. Maybe cant turn a two handed weapon into a one handed weapon (If for example a quarterstaff has more effects then say a scepter).

    This would make some unusable random gear usable.

    Players could also convert favorite weapons when TRing to different classes.

    Possibly can also select the look of the new weapon as well.

    One extra way the DDO store can make some cash.

  2. #2


    I don't think this would work. BUT I think it could be cool to have some kind of forge where you can take, say, three silver weapons and have them melted down and reforged into a blank silver weapon of your choice; to add an augment slot you would need to also include a weapon with an augment. So melt down 4, 3 of them silver, BAM you get a blank silver weapon with an augment. This is not OP but goodness knows what kind of programming it would take.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Daine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertum View Post
    Possibly can also select the look of the new weapon as well.
    This bit already exists, check out the Mirror of Glamering in the DDO store, or the wiki.

  4. #4
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    I don't think this would work. BUT I think it could be cool to have some kind of forge where you can take, say, three silver weapons and have them melted down and reforged into a blank silver weapon of your choice; to add an augment slot you would need to also include a weapon with an augment. So melt down 4, 3 of them silver, BAM you get a blank silver weapon with an augment. This is not OP but goodness knows what kind of programming it would take.
    I would have luved for them to have created a smelting interface for deconstructing materials into ingots (silver, cold iron, etc) or other type materials (darkwood, ironwood, etc) and then us being able to craft our own item blanks possibly using large amounts of gems to add augment slots. Think about it... most of those super, special, enchanted items in myths and legends are just covered in gems. I don't think it would take all that much more programming then we have for Cannith Crafting but I could be wrong. Essentially, instead of disjuncting for a blank, or deconning for essences, you would have a third choice smelting (for instance) for ingots. Then either an extra machine or in the shard machine you would use the new ingredient ingots plus essences to craft a blank. Again either in the new machine or in the shard machine you would use essences plus gems plus maybe collectibles to create augment slot shards and add those to the blanks in the item crafting machine.

    Not all that dissimilar to what we do now.
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  5. #5
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    as much as i would love to have sometihng like that, i dont see that as possible, limitation is in the way items are created, and traded.
    basicly it would mean taht devs would need to create all of the weapons in ddo, in all weapon type variants, so they can be traded from one variant to another. it would still mean that its not the same weapon, but new one of diffrent type that has same effects.

    a little idea i had a while back for that would be to take this issue from other end, make all effects on named items, not just weapons, a special type of augument, so with some special jewelrs kit you could remove all or just those that interest you, and move them to weapon or item of your choice, thus creating the named item or weapon that suits your needs or desires.
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