I'm not sure where the best spot to post this is, but advice & guidance seemed to be the right place. If not please let me know.
Anyway, ever since the deity update I've been looking at a maul build. Given that I'm finishing up a 2nd EPL and HPL on a pure paladin I decided to venture a bit outside of that.
After looking around for a while, it seems like the +crit range and multiplier bonuses from kensei and Holy Sword do not stack, so maximum should be around 16-20/x4 in heroics, getting to 15-18/x4 and 19-20/x6 in LD. 19-20/x7 if in Fire Stance. (Edited stance, thanks unbongwah)
So the optimal build involves either 14/15 Paladin or 6 Cleric/FVS/Paladin with at least 8 fighter. Potential builds being 12 cleric/8 fighter (I don't own FvS yet, but it might be better) or something like 15/5 Paladin/whatever (Warlock?).
However, the monk update hit and there's a LOT of low-hanging fruit in their AP trees and in the class. However, much of that requires being centered, which is possible due to Fighter T5 "One with the Blade" which I'd be taking anyway. +30 Melee power seems a bit hard to pass up.
So, 8/6/6 Fighter/Cleric/Monk.
Here's my current build (Note PDK is required for this build, or Deep Gnome/SDK with a +1 LHoW).
Major class features top left, AP spread middle left, feat choices per level right side:
Major class features top left, AP spread middle left, feat choices per level right side:
I currently have Weapon Focus/Specialization for Slashing/Piercing (in cyan) penciled in for another +8 Melee Power, but I'm not sure if that's as good as taking the whole throwing line (in green).
Stat spread:
18 Str, all level-ups.
13 Dex required for some of the feat choices.
12 Con, leftover points here.
8 Int, more if extra skills desired.
13 Wis required to cast 3rd level Cleric Spells (including tomes/gear/ship buff)
16 Cha for Divine Might
Thoughts/Suggestions? What do you all think about it?
Is Divine Might worth it? Does my AP spread seem good?
Should I go with +8 Melee Power and +2 to Hit/Damage, or is the whole throwing line worth more, to have an effective ranged option?
This will be my first Pajama melee toon, any suggestions? Evasion/healing punch will be nice, but I feel like I'll be missing the PRR. If I go uncentered by wearing plate, do I lose anything other than the stances/monk attacks?
Looking over FvS (which I'll unlock shortly at 2500 favor) it seems slightly weaker. Yes, Child of Silvanus is free, but losing three 3rd level spell slots hurts.