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  1. #1
    Community Member Enguebert's Avatar
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    Aug 2011

    Default Updating old named items

    Most old named/raid items are junk because they are outclassed by random gear.

    They have updated Cannith Challenge gear so bonus are now on par with crafted items of same ML
    Why not updating ALL old named items so they have at least same bonus as crafted item of same ML ?

    Of course, there are tons of named items, but it could be done pack per pack. Each update, they update named items of one old pack.
    It shouldn't require lot of work, at least for basic items. Just change the stats in the DB
    Even if old items are not updated, having decent named items could bring life to some old packs

  2. #2
    Community Member Sir_Noob's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Enguebert View Post
    Most old named/raid items are junk because they are outclassed by random gear.

    They have updated Cannith Challenge gear so bonus are now on par with crafted items of same ML
    Why not updating ALL old named items so they have at least same bonus as crafted item of same ML ?

    Of course, there are tons of named items, but it could be done pack per pack. Each update, they update named items of one old pack.
    It shouldn't require lot of work, at least for basic items. Just change the stats in the DB
    Even if old items are not updated, having decent named items could bring life to some old packs
    Not only does the random gear outclass most old named/raid items, take a look at what the new crafting does to it.
    The new crafting also renders 99% of what you find in chests to junk status as well.

    The power creep has destroyed loot in general at this point.
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Yeah, this is something they really need to look into. Waaay overdue. It kinda kills any kind of special loot until you get to end-game stuffs.

    Think about it from the new player's perspective. They're going through quests, pulling all this nice new random loot, then get into a raid, where you're supposed to get really cool stuff, and when it pops in the chest, they get all excited. Now they read the decriptions and compare. I'd imagine after they look at it they're probably a might bit confused.
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  4. #4


    They did this with Return to Gianthold and the augment slot system. Many old named items were reworked and named items were especially unique because they were the only thing with augment slots.

    Then, goodness knows why, they put augment slots on lootgen. Then lootgen got hugely buffed. Then cannith crafting got hugely buffed, and these latter two benefit hugely from the formerly-named-items-restricted-augment slots.

    So now what? Boost named items makes them worth pursuing, but results in a heavy dose of power creep. This game has had insane levels of power creep in too short a time. Then again, it would probably help newer players and people on Wayfinder who do not have the full access to cannith crafting or the lootgen lottery.
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