What I (we) usually do:
"Once and done" in heroics. Except usual Litany and Shadowcrypt EEEHN farmage. Always get traps if you can, Invis wherever possible, half of heroics can be Invised. Save Spies, Fens, Sentinels, Carnival, Vons, Sands, 3bc quests that have epic version for epics. Necro 4 and GH is too good xp in heroics to skip.
EE streak from 20 to cap, usually do Spies and Vons right at 20, "prepare" Eveningstar sagas.
ETR, munch sagas. EE streak Eberron epics, do Eveningstar challenges, those are like 1.2 mill xp in one hour.
Always take advantage of streak and bb if you can.
Some quests are so good xp wise it's foolish not to do them daily.
But basically every epic quest is above 10k if you move fast, Invis or just skip unnecessary fights.
Spies is 21k/min
Mirror is 23k/min ... add 1 or 2 minutes if underlevel or off destiny.
Those are the fat xp ones. Two Toed Tobias, Tor, Tracker Trap, Friends if low places, there are many quests with above 12k /min.
I don't do slayers.