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Thread: Missing spells?

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Missing spells?

    so i'm in the process of ltr'ing my wizard as i messed some stuff up and i can't help but to notice that there are some spells missing from the list. is this a known bug? see pic below for further insight.

  2. #2


    Not a bug.
    At any form of LR (LR, LR+1, ER, etc.) you keep the spells you had already inscribed.
    Therefore during the LR you can only pick the spells you have not yet inscribed into your spellbook. All other spells you had before, will still be there.
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    thank you. i apreciate it

    although that seems a bit over the top as far as character balance goes

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by crazytrickster127 View Post
    although that seems a bit over the top as far as character balance goes
    Why? Advantage of a wizard (over a sorc for example) is having the option of having all spells available and being able to change them (in taverns or after shrining).
    You can get all spells on a wizard outside of picking them while LRing regardless.

    You need inscription materials (available at most magic stuff vendors) and a scroll of the spell. Then you can inscribe the spell into your spellbook. You can find the feat to inscribe the spell in your feat list.

    Note there are some scrolls that can only be found in chests. Therefore it's useful to pick the spells with rare scrolls during leveling and inscribe the others by just bying the scrolls at vendors.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    You know you can inscribe spells, right?

    You can just go in shops and buy most scrolls, and get the rest from auction house, or chests. At best you are saving couple hundred thousands of plat. while that might seem a lot early game, in reality that's is like 10 or so mid game(level 15+) quests (depending on your luck, and haggle score, and auction house prices).

    And yes Wizard is better than sorcerer.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Wh070aa View Post
    And yes Wizard is better than sorcerer.
    Wiz is good for learning arcanes. When you got gud you should switch to sorc. :P
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  7. #7
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    Wiz is good for learning arcanes. When you got gud you should switch to sorc. :P
    False. I got good and switched to wizard.

    Well truthfully, you just get mediocre, and switch to shiradi spammer.

  8. #8
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazytrickster127 View Post
    thank you. i apreciate it

    although that seems a bit over the top as far as character balance goes
    not really, you are inscribing spells into your spell book.. the spell book (like your inventory,favor,xp,etc) isn't being cleared.

    NPC vendors sell most of the spells in scroll format that can be inscribed.
    There are 21 scrolls in the level 1-7 range not available from NPC's to inscribe, leaving those and level 8,9 to acquire from other sources.

    my first trip as a wizard is to the portable hole where I inscribe every available scroll.
    The spells not inscribed are the ones I cant buy scrolls for, leaving me only those spells to pickup as I level

    DDO has made inscribing spells overly simplified.. a wizard doesn't have to contemplate bartering or scavanging through quests to find and inscribe scrolls until they are level 17 for those level 8/9 scrolls...
    I would have made it so NPC scrolls were not inscribable, only quest drop ones were.. but then again.. there should be twice as many spells in the game to make it desirable to swap spells regularly.. sorcs have it easy..
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  9. #9
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    not really, you are inscribing spells into your spell book.. the spell book (like your inventory,favor,xp,etc) isn't being cleared.

    NPC vendors sell most of the spells in scroll format that can be inscribed.
    There are 21 scrolls in the level 1-7 range not available from NPC's to inscribe, leaving those and level 8,9 to acquire from other sources.

    my first trip as a wizard is to the portable hole where I inscribe every available scroll.
    The spells not inscribed are the ones I cant buy scrolls for, leaving me only those spells to pickup as I level

    DDO has made inscribing spells overly simplified.. a wizard doesn't have to contemplate bartering or scavanging through quests to find and inscribe scrolls until they are level 17 for those level 8/9 scrolls...
    I would have made it so NPC scrolls were not inscribable, only quest drop ones were.. but then again.. there should be twice as many spells in the game to make it desirable to swap spells regularly.. sorcs have it easy..
    You just need to bookmark/memorize rare scroll list, make a character to use as mule, and mail/shared bank the scrolls over after you pick them up, so you can use them on your wizard (/artificer). That or ask any wizard main you meet. People generally have quite large backlog of the scrolls of rare spells you really use (like firewall, or meteorite storm, or whatever.) I generally try to advise, or give the scrolls to new players, if I have extras. Also auction house generally has scrolls for most spells, even if they are bit pricey.

    Still wish I had a scroll bag, so I don't need to bank 60+ rare scrolls on separate character.

  10. #10
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    I usually take just spells not available from scroll vendors then inscribe anything else I need.

    Here is a good list:

    The change where your previous spell list remained with a lesser TR happened about the same time ETR started. That could possibly the reason why the change was made - it would be a total pain to have to start over every time you ETR.
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