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  1. #1

    Default Over 700 DDO trivia questions for you to use in your events

    I've been hosting trivia on Sarlona for a long time. Here's a list I put together and built up over the years. I thought I'd post it here for others to use in their events

    Easy/newbie questions:

    1.Who is the mayor of Korthos? A: Viggie Storr <-HIGHLIGHT FOR ANSWERS
    2.How many non-iconic, non-archetype classes are there in DDO? A: 15
    3.What skill allows you to negotiate better prices with vendors? A: Haggle
    4.What ability score improves the Haggle skill? A: Charisma
    5.Where can you find Algid Falls? A: Korthos
    6.Who are DDO's newest favor patron? A: Morgrave University
    7.What skill Allows you to negotiate more effectively with certain NPCs and to encourage monsters to find targets other than yourself? A: Diplomacy
    8.What quest takes place in the Wavecrest tavern in Korthos? A: The Collaborator
    9.What quest takes place in The Scavenger's Warren? A: Garrison's Missing Pack
    10.Where is Dragon Tooth Arms located? A: House D
    11.What is the name of the tavern next to the market bank? A: Phoenix Tavern
    12.Where can you find a tavern called The Ever Full Flagon? A: House K
    13.What is the name of the armor and weapon shop in the Harbor? A: Hammer and Chain
    14.In the Korthos storyline, who is the traitor/collaborator? A: Jacoby Drexelhand
    15.Who is the quest giver for "Home Sweet Sewer"? A: Scrag
    16.What quest takes place in the Bonebite Hideout? A: Kobold's New Ringleader
    17.Where can you find a spider named Ecru? A: Waterworks
    18.Who is the Mayor's daughter that you rescue in Sacrifices on Korthos Island? A: Arissa Storr
    19.Where can you find The Garden of Stone? A: Cerulean Hills
    20.What warlock pact does sonic damage? A: Fey
    21.What warlock pact does acid damage? A: Great Old One
    22.Who is the Coin Lord patron? A: Monague Goudreau
    23.Where can you find the Tree of Sorrow? A: Cerulean Hills
    24.What quest ends with you telling your contact "Better luck next time"? A: Haverdasher
    25.What quest involves recovering the Dread Eye of Khyber? A: Stealthy Repossession
    26.Where can you find a shop called "Liquid Charm"? A: House K
    27.What skill's symbol is a picture of a man holding a hand of playing cards? A: Bluff
    28.Where can you find Guck, Muck's cousin? A: Searing Heights
    29.In what quest do you first meet Ausirricaex? A: Misery's Peak
    30.What is the name of the tavern in Korthos? A: Wavecrest Tavern
    31.Where can you find an explorer that is a vineyard? A: Cerulean Hills
    32.Where can you find the Cold-Fired Armory? A: House K
    33.In the center of Korthos there is a small garden of flora. What shape is it? A: Triangle
    34.What quest does Nash Braza bestow? A: Where There's Smoke
    35.What quest does Guard Crichton bestow? A: Kobold Assault
    36.Where can you find "the ruined stage"? A: Searing Heights
    37.What quest takes place in Korthos Hall? A: Cannith Crystal
    38.Where can you find Talloak's Dam? A: Cerulean Hills
    39.What quest takes place in the Den of the Kobold Brothers? A: Durk's Got a Secret
    40.What quest takes place in Quickfoot Hideout? A: The Swiped Signet
    41.In the Korthos storyline, who is Lars Heyton's assistant? A: Amalgam
    42.What quest does Pearl Drumling bestow? A: The Captives
    43.Who is the Free Agent patron? A: Capshaw the Crier
    44.What quest does Dalsamira Coudry bestow? A: Recovering the Lost Tome
    45.Where can you find the House of Wizardry? A: House J
    46.Where can you find a shop called Second Gauntlet Goods? A: House K
    47.What is Jeets's last name? A: Shimis
    48.Who is the Silver Flame Patron? A: Astra Quinlin
    49.What quest does Mistress Ahura bestow? A: Walk the Butcher's Path
    50.What quest chain does Harbormaster Zin bestow? A: Waterworks
    51.What quest takes place in Osgood's Basement? A: Information is Key
    52.What is the "kobold" drink that you can get from a tavern? A: Dirty Kobold
    53.What Korthos wilderness quest is missing from the following list: Sacrifices, Redemption, Stopping the Sahuagin, Misery's Peak? A: Necromancer's Doom
    54.What Korthos village quest is missing from the following list: Storehouse Secret, Heyton's Rest, Collaborator? A: Cannith Crystal
    55.What symbol is on an Eberron rest shrine? A: Blue Crescent Moon
    56.What symbol is on an Eberron resurrection shrine? A: Orange Flame
    57.What kind of creatures are Chiku, Deezil, Jeeka, Kutik, Moog, Raktu, Kneeza and Zizoo? A: Kobolds
    58.In what quest do you rescue Lady Azdel? A: The Captives
    59.Decrepit Catacombs is the dungeon for what quest? A: Necromancer's Doom
    60.Name this DDO creature: They are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic natures. They live in dark warrens such as mines or city sewers. A: Kobold
    61.Water Cave, Ominous Cave and Lava Fall Cave are explorers are in what slayer zone? A: Searing Heights
    62.The 6 warlock pacts are Fey, Great Old One, Abyssal, Carceri Storm, Celestial and what other pact? A: Fiend
    63.Korthos wilderness mobs include Sahuagin, Humans, Zombies, Mephits, Spiders and what other kind of mob? A: Rats
    64.When you start playing DDO, you meet a party of adventurers in the grotto. They are Jeets the rogue, Talbron the sorcerer and who is the cleric? A: Cellimas
    65.What kind of NPC allows you to set a place to resurrect out of a quest? A: Spirit Binder
    66.What kind of creatures say "Yark Yark!"? A: Kobold
    67.How many kobolds must be killed to complete Kobold Assault? A: 200
    68.What kind of creature is the boss of Kobold Assault? A: Troglodyte
    69.The 4 lowbie solo-only quests in the adventure compendium are Arachnophobia, Explosive Situation, Home Sweet Sewer and what other quest? A: Miller's Debt
    70.In waterworks the 2 clans of kobolds are Clan Tunnelworm and what other clan? A: Gnashtooth
    71.What quest is described: Working for House Kundarak, you helped a Kundarak warder protect a wealthy citizen's most valuable goods by exterminating of a nest of scorpions. A: Haverdasher
    72.What quest is described: You protected Maxwell while fighting off the Sharn Syndicate. Maxwell is now free to pursue his dream of owning a grand saloon in Stormreach. A: Stand Your Ground
    73.What quest gives rewards Nimble Brooch, Anger's Gift and Devoted Necklace? A: Misery's Peak
    74.The following explorers: Tree of Sacrifice, Watchful Vigil, Adventurer's Camp and Algid Falls can be found in what slayer zone? A: Korthos
    75.The following explorers: Ruined Stage, Cooled Lava Fall, Lone Tree and Pillar Bridge can be found in what slayer zone? A: Searing Heights
    76.What is the name of the +10% xp bonus for not dying in a quest? A: Flawless Victory
    77.The following named mobs in DDO- Shaman Har-har, Shaman Yiley, Dhulokk, Gnarkill and Crumble are rares in what slayer zone? A: Waterworks
    78.In what quest do you fight orange named mobs: Hobble, Mutiny, Scurvy, Dinks and Skartongue? A: Irestone Inlet
    79.What ability score is symbolized by a book? A: Intelligence
    80.Besides Humans and Orcs, what other humanoid inhabits the Cerulean Hills? A: Bugbears
    81.In what quest can you save a farmer's 3 dogs for optional xp? A: Where There's Smoke
    82.After killing Jacoby Drexelhand in The Collaborator, what type of undead does he return as in Necromancer's Doom? A: Wight
    83.The 5 elemental damage resistance types shown on your character sheet are Fire, Cold, Electric, Sonic and what other damage type? A: Acid
    84.What skill is symbolized by a hand shake? A: Diplomacy
    85.What ability score improves the Use Magic Device skill? A: Charisma
    86.What ability score improves the Spellcraft skill? A: Intelligence
    87.What ability score improves the Spot skill? A: Wisdom
    88.What does BAB stand for? A: Base Attack Bonus
    89.What is the mystical energy that powers a monk's attacks or abilities? A: Ki
    90.What does AOE stand for? A: Area of Effect
    91.In the Korthos storyline, what is the name of the first dungeon you do after character creation? A: The Grotto
    92.What quest does Berne Jorn bestow? A: Arachnophobia
    93.What is the name of the clan of drow who inhabits Searing Heights? A: Sulatar
    94.In the Korthos storyline, who is the first person you meet? A: Jeets
    95.What slayer zone has rare encounters but no explorers? A: Waterworks
    96.What ability score is symbolized by a heart? A: Charisma
    97.Where can you find the Pillar Bridge? A: Searing Heights
    98.In waterworks, who is Arlos's friend that is found dead? A: Venn
    99.What quest is bestowed by the mayor of Korthos? A: Sacrifices
    100.In what quest do you activate a giantish device to keep a creature of terror and myth from awakening from its frozen slumber? A: Stopping the Sahuagin
    Last edited by Vooduspyce; 12-31-2022 at 08:19 PM.

  2. #2


    General DDO questions

    101. Where is the Hammersmith's Inn? A: House D <-HIGHLIGHT FOR ANSWERS
    102. What quest does Basil Tallbarrow bestow? A: Redfang the Unruled
    103. What is the name of the set bonus you get when wearing both the Mantle of the Worldshaper and Voice of the Master? A: DM's Vision
    104. Voice of the Master, Mantle of the Worldshaper and 5 Greater Tokens of The Twelve can be combined to make what colorless augment? A: The Master's Gift
    105. What is the name of a +10% xp kill bonus? A: Aggression
    106. What is the name of a +10% xp breakables bonus? A: Vandal
    107. Speaking to Kurvic the Hound takes you to what location? A: Sorrowdusk
    108. Where can you find a rare troll named Zackori Nugroho? A: Vale of Twilight
    109. Who is "The Snitch"? A: Roderic Nettle
    110. Veheer F'nord is one of your contacts in what quest? A: Chronoscope
    111. Besides Gianthold, where can you fight a blue dragon? (not an undead one) A: Riding the Storm Out, TOEE or Seizing the Dawn
    112. Besides Edlin, who is the other sorcerer trainer in the Harbor? A: Talbron
    113. What quest would you be doing if you were fighting a boss named Patrick the Maniacal? A: Foundation of Discord
    114. What seldom run quest involves avoiding killing the "venerated"? A: Faithful Departed
    115. Besides the Inspired Quarter, where can you find Lord Gerald Goodblade? A: Partycrashers and Harbor
    116. What is the name of Sykros's Jewel? A: Ataraxia (his daughter)
    117. What quest has a book as a quest item called "The Daanvi Codex"? A: Caverns of Korromar
    118. What quest entrance is called "The Pool of Reflection"? A: Dreams of Insanity
    119. What quest takes place in The Vile Apothecary? A: Proof is in the Poison
    120. Besides the Lords of Dust chain, what much older quest references the Lords of Dust? A: Let Sleeping Dust Lie
    121. What is the name of the top hat wearing succubus that is the boss of Under the Big Top, Wrath of the Flame and To Curse the Sky? A: Malicia
    122. What quest bears the name of a Van Halen song? A: Running with the Devils
    123. What non-raid quest allows you to fight 2 dragons at the same time? A: Prey on the Hunter
    124. What necro boss's name is a play off of a popular mint candy? FULL NAME PLEASE A: Mentau the Fleshmaker (is a play on "Mentos the Freshmaker")
    125. What quest chain/pack has an unusual wilderness area with 4 mini quests but no slayers, rares, explorers? A: Threnal
    126. What quest takes place "beneath House Jurasco"? A: Hound of Xoriat
    127. Where is the "resort spa"? A: Ataraxia
    128. Where can you find an explorer that is a pile of treasure? A: Three Barrel Cove
    129. What are the names of Brawnpit's nephews? A: Thum and Nale
    130. What quest would you be doing if you were fighting a boss named Sannyasi? A: Monastery of the Scorpion
    131. Where can you find a sword named Tesyus? A: Relic of a Sovereign Past
    132. Where can you find a warforged named Nemesis? A: House P
    133. What is the secret business of House Phiarlan? A: Espionage
    134. What timed quest IN THE ADVENTURE COMPENDIUM contains no monsters to fight? A: Stop Hazadil's Shipment
    135. What quest would you be doing if every mob's name included the name of the boss? A: Hound of Xoriat
    136. What quest is the lowest level quest in which you can fight an orthon? A: Chronoscope (Devil Assault is only on hard+)
    137. Where can you watch a reenactment of The Fall of Truth? A: House P (Livewood Theater)
    138. What is the password in the quest The Riddle? A: Knucklebones
    139. Where can you find a troll named Noozer? A: Sorrowdusk
    140. Where does the clan of drow known as The Raveneye dwell? A: Red Fens
    141. Besides the Plane of Night, where can you find Velah? A: Chronoscope and Bogwater Tavern (she is an unnamed patron in the back, watch her dialogue)
    142. What quest involves breaking up an underground gambling operation? A: Bringing the Light
    143. Where can you find "the submerged road"? A: Menechtarun
    144. Where can you find "the submerged grotto"? A: Tangleroot
    145. Where can you find "the mad archon"? A: Amrath
    146. Where can you find "the zen garden"? A: Soami Garden
    147. Where can you find a giant that bears the real life last name of Andre the Giant? A: Meridia (the hill giant bank guard's name is Roussimoff. Andre the Giant's real name is André René Roussimoff)
    148. How much House Cannith favor is required to unlock Artificer? A: 150
    149. What named sword is an anagram of the band Rush's lead singer's name? A: "Elyd Edge" is an anagram of "Geddy Lee"
    150. What popular quest has a pre-quest called "The Path to Madness"? A: Xorian Cipher
    151. Where can you purchase pickled frog legs? A: One Foot Inn (tavern in Necropolis)
    152. Name the rare slayer area scorpion that bears the name of a member of the heavy metal band Scorpions? A: Schenker (Rudolf Schenker is a guitarist and founding member of hard rock band Scorpions)
    153. In The Tower of Despair raid, what is the pass phrase? A: Eberron Burns
    154. What OUTDOOR slayer area contains no liquids (i.e. no bodies of water/lava/acid/etc.)? A: Demonweb
    155. In what quest does the boss say "This is why we can't have nice things!"? A: In the Flesh
    156. What quest takes place in the Vulkoor Spiral? A: Offering of Blood
    157. What quest takes place in the Dragontail Saloon? A: Stand Your Ground
    158. What quest entrance is called The Tree of Woe? A: Ghosts of Perdition
    159. Where is the Deep Glen Graveyard? A: King's Forest
    160. What quest involves delivering the scroll of planar binding to Master Fulvio? A: Taming the Flames
    161. Where can you find The Bazaar Ritual Site? A: Subterrane
    162. What is the merry band's name that includes members Merek Mulcanus, Mistress Orphe, Haywire Hayworth and Dirge of Karnath? A: The Laughing Knives
    163. What public zone can only be accessed via a teleport spell? A: Portable Hole
    164. How many funerary tokens does it take for the Eldritch Resistance Ritual? A: 22
    165. Where can you find a quest mini-boss named Kkomglol ("KK OMG LOL") A: Let Sleeping Dust Lie
    166. What is "The Oath of Droaam"? A: Axe (from VON 1)
    167. What quest has an entrance called "Mineshaft IV"? A: Reclamation
    168. Who (and where) is Kardin? A: Beholder in Prison of the Planes
    169. Where can you find General Xantilar? A: Stormcleave Outpost
    170. Who is the quest giver for "Mark of the Dragon"? A: Lockania
    171. Who is the Wayfinder to get to the Sands of Menechtarun from the market? A: Kupper Nickel
    172. Where can you find an ooze named Oozo? A: The Captives
    173. Who is the kobold's new ringleader? A: Bloodknuckles
    174. Where can you find a bank guard ogre named "Meata Smasha"? A: Meridia
    175. Friar Renau is the quest giver for what chain? A: Catacombs
    176. What quest does Ulcana Braddock bestow? A: Missing in Action
    177. What is the name of the ship that takes you from Korthos to Stormreach? A: Sojourn
    178. Who is the Drow Elder in the harbor? (Drow Patron) A: Nyx Dyrandimion
    179. Who (and where) is Dax Boon? A: General Vendor in Korthos
    180. Who is the only named Korthos boss to be fought in two different quests? A: Jacoby Drexelhand
    181. In which quest can you find Livingstone's Journal? A: Offering of Blood
    182. What quest has a boss named Barnzidu? A: A New Invasion
    183. Where can you find Ark Sunderhoof? A: Zawabi's Refuge (Minotaur standing by bridge)
    184. In whose chest can you find an Icy Raiment? A: Garamol
    185. Who is the Purple Dragon Knight patron? A: Battlemaster Dint
    186. My first toon's name was Azzalia. Where can you find an NPC of the same name but with only one Z? A: House K hireling vendor
    187. Who is the quest giver for Mindsunder? A: Jeets
    188. In what quest can you fight the dragon Ausiracaex from Misery's Peak? A: Prey on the Hunter
    189. Who is the ominously named favored soul trainer in the market? A: The Exile
    190. What quest takes place in The Hall of the Third Legion? A: A New Invasion
    191. What quest would you be doing if you were fighting a boss named Lothar The Insidious? A: A Cry for Help
    192. Where can you find a tavern called "Adepts Rest"? A: The Twelve
    193. Who is the quest giver for heroic Shroud? A: Aaseamah Screven
    194. Where can you find the Embers Asylum? A: Market (quest entrance for Sane Asylum)
    195. Which house has an actual house that you can go into, but nothing inside to interact with? A: House J
    196. What quest has a boss whose name is an anagram of "Inigo Montoya" from Princess Bride? A: Murder by Night (Ogiyon Tomain)
    197. Where can you find a tavern called Morksarn's Mess? A: Gianthold (have to examine the green cup icon on map to see the name)
    198. What creature of mythology, added to DDO in u39, has a head of a vaguely humanoid beast, the body of a lion and the wings of a dragon. Its back is set with curved barbs and its long tail ends in a cluster of deadly spikes. A: Manticore
    199. Where can you find Visbane's Folly? A: House D (Sentinels crafting device)
    200. Where can you find a tavern called Delver's Canteen? A: Threnal
    201. In what quest does one of the mobs exclaim, "PEANUT BUTTER!!"? A: Dream Conspiracy
    202. Who is the quest giver for Haywire Foundry (VON 4)? A: Arlsie Forr
    203. Where is the Old Man's Face Inn? A: High Road
    204. Where can you find the "player's dais"? A: House P
    205. Where can you find Wylke's Plaza? A: Inspired Quarter
    206. What 2 quests does Talbron Tewn bestow? A: Finding the Path and Brothers of the Forge
    207. What is the name of the ship that takes you to the Restless Isles? A: Soaring Otyugh
    208. Where is the Erstwhile Emporium? A: House P
    209. What is the name of the crafting device where you upgrade Mindsunder loot? A: Dream Forge
    210. What is the name of the crafting device in the basement of Meridia? A: Altar of Fecundity
    211. What is the name of the band of pirates in the House D Sentinels quest line? A: Blood Tide
    212. What is the Eye of Kol Korran? A: Ship to Sorrowdusk
    213. Greezix is the kobold quest giver for what quest? A: The Sacred Helm
    214. What wilderness area has a gazebo as an explorer? A: Ataraxia
    215. Who (and where) is Quixellops? A: Beholder in Delirium
    216. Name a Serpentine Table agent, whose name is a color? A: Cyan, Ochre, Cerise, Rouge, Coralay
    217. Who is the quest giver for Caught in the Web? A: Elminster
    218. Where can you find a shrine to the late creator of D&D, Gary Gygax? A: Delera's Graveyard
    219. What quest has a pre-quest zone called the Jungle Clearing? A: Spawn of Whisperdoom
    220. Where can you find an explorer called the Summoning Circle? A: Menechtarun
    221. What house runs the lightning posts? A: Orien
    222. Where can you find a shop called "In the Runes"? A: The Twelve
    223. Where can you find a memorial to D&D's co-creator Dave Anerson? A: Threnal
    224. What is the name of the explorer in which the DM says "For one hoping to end their existence, a ledge this high up is the perfect place to leap from"? A: Paragon Plunge
    225. What is the name of the orc tribe that inhabits the road to the east in Cerullean Hills? A: Gruul
    226. Who is Taj? A: Festival Egg Collector in the market
    227. What house has every heroic trainer? A: House D
    228. Where can you find a shop called Empty Handed? A: House J
    229. Where can you find Falconer's Spire? A: Market
    230. What quest chain does Yorrick Amanatu bestow? A: Sharn Syndicate
    231. Besides the marketplace or guild ships, where can you find a Stone of Change? A: The Twelve
    232. Who is Peppy Pelal? A: Flutist walking around House P
    233. What non-necro quest takes place in a Temple of Vol? A: The Church and the Cult
    234. Where can you find a tavern called The Windswept Oasis? A: Meridia
    235. In what quest are you told to "be a wolf, then a fish, then a bear"? A: Druid's Curse
    236. What is the name of the hobgoblin tribe from the quest Tear of Dhakaan? A: Arzag-khor
    237. What is the only dungeon zone that has trainers? A: Threnal
    238. In what quest does Harven Gralak ask you to help him eliminate the nasty stink of troglodytes from his house? A: Freshen the Air
    239. What quest takes place within the Tomb of the Ancients? A: Faithful Departed
    240. What is the name of the red-named bezekira in heroic shroud part 2 and 5? A: Nimrisr
    241. What quest bears the name of Garth Brooks' 1990 breakout hit? A: Friends in Low Places
    242. In what public zone can you find a barkeep named Raff? A: Zawabi's Refuge
    243. What was the name of update 1? A: Path of Inspiration
    244. What were the updates called before they were called "updates"? A: Modules
    245. What was the first epic dungeon pack? A: Demon Sands
    246. What item's flavor text reads: Mindflayer tentacles accented by a beholder eye in each palm form Maldetto's gloves. The power in the trophies fuel Maldetto's dark Magic. A: Vile Blasphemy
    247. The 2 djinns in wiz king are Mehrdad and Akvan. What is the efreet's name? A: Rahab
    248. What is the ogre magi chef's name in Chain of Flames? A: Unkor (Unkor's Cleaver)
    249. Where can you find the Garden of Respite? A: House J
    250. Besides Sharn Syndicate, what quest does Yorrick Amanatu bestow? A: Assault on Summerfield
    251. Where can you find the Korunda Bridge of Travel? A: House K
    252. What is the name of the Twelve Agent that first sends you on a quest to Meridia? A: Gustavine
    253. In what quest are you looking for a stolen tool kit in the sewers? A: Garrison's Missing Pack
    254. Who is the Argonnessen patron? A: Genecia
    255. Suulomades makes an appearance in 3 quests: Vision of Destruction, Tower of Despair and what other quest? A: Chronoscope
    256. Where can you find an NPC named Two-toe Wanders-far? A: Gianthold
    257. What popular quest has a "bouncer" standing at the door? A: VON1 (Tharashk Arena)
    258. What is the epic vendor's name? A: Lahar
    259. Where can you find an explorer called The Lava Falls? A: Mount Reysalon (Gianthold is Bleeding Rock Falls)
    260. Where can you find a tavern called Rook's Gambit? A: Crystal Cove (technically Smuggler's Rest)
    261. Where can you find a (general) vendor named Lizardtail? A: Red Fens
    262. Where can you find a vendor named Marraenoloth? A: The Shroud (skeleton at the end of part 3)
    263. Who is Felicia Deneith? A: Ship buffer
    264. In what quest can you find the Statler Brothers? A: Stand Your Ground
    265. What takes place in The Extraplanar Palace? A: House C challenges (Buying Time, Labor Shortage and Dragon's Hoard)
    266. What quest would you be doing if you were in The Lower Arcanum? A: Lord of Eyes
    267. What 2 quests take place in someone else's mind? (Finding the Path is your own mind) A:I Dream of Jeets and The Prisoner (VON 2)
    268. What slayer zones have the most explorers? A: Isle of Dread (has 56)
    269. What slayer zone has the most rares? A: King's Forest has 40
    270. Besides the VON series, in which quest can you find Haywire? A: Made to Order
    271. Name an item, not part of a set bonus, that gives a psionic bonus to spell power? A: Xachosian Eardweller or Meridian Fragment
    272. Where is Coldwake Pond located? A: House J
    273. The Planescaller that takes you to Shavarath has 2 other destination to select that were never added. What are they? A: Lammania and Dollurrh
    274. What is the name of the crafting device used to upgrade Madness chain loot? A: Altar of Insanity
    275. In what quest can you find Duncan the Wayfarer? A: Foundation of Discord
    276. in what quest can you find a statue of a Chimera? A: The Tide Turns
    277. In what quest will you find Jailer Koki? A: A Cry for Help
    278. What is the name of the tavern in Eveningstar? A: The Lonesome Tankard
    279. What quest has part of it's map become a public zone after you complete it? A: Spinner of Shadows (Eveningstar cavern is accessible prior to completing Beyond the Rift)
    280. What is the name of the dungeon in which the quest Overgrowth takes place in? A: Uthe Lodge
    281. What 4 slayer zones have dragons? (Thunderholme has a pseudodragon) A: Underdark, King's Forest, Gianthold, Stormhorns
    282. What 2 quests take place in the Eveningstar War Hospital? A: Outbreak and Murder by Night
    283. Where in DDO can you buy hummus? A: Zawabi's Refuge (at the tavern)
    284. What is the green steel tier 2 crafting device called? A: Altar of Subjugation
    285. What is the name of the dungeon that Devil's Assault takes place in? A: Market Barracks
    286. What public zone is infested with kobolds? A: Reaver's Refuge
    287. In what public zone can you find a statue of a chimera? A: House D
    288. Where can you find the Krona Bridge of Commerce? A: House K
    289. Besides Spawn of Whisperdoom, where can you find Whisperdoom's Daughter? A: Splinterskull
    290. Where can you find The Ark of the Truthful One? A: Repossession
    291. What quest chain does Wayfinder Dael bestow? A: Shan-To-Kor
    292. Besides Lords of Dust, where can you find Inquisitor Gnomon? A: Bogwater Tavern
    293. 2 different slayers zones have explorers called The Crow's Nest. What are they? A: Three Barrel Cove and Sands of Menechtarun
    294. Death's Door is a shield from the Shield of Legends turn in. There is another item in DDO called "Death's Door", what is it? A: Dimension Door token from Shadow Crypt
    295. Who is Anceia d'Lyrandar? A: Guild ship captain
    296. Who are Arganon and Fenris? A: Actors in the Livewood Theater Fall of Truth performance (prior to completing Small Problem)
    297. Jalizco Hellios takes you to what adventure pack zone? A: Threnal
    298. Whose nickname is Blossom? A: House J Patron Rhialle "Blossom" d'Jurasco
    299. What quest chain does Derek Grospic bestow? A: Delera's
    300. Where can you find the Windward Tavern? A: Inspired Quarter
    301. What is the name of place where all Dreaming Dark quests are located? A: Isle of Forgotten Dreams
    302. In the quest Stormreaver Fresco, what is your warfarged contact's name? A: Zircon
    303. In the quest Come out and Slay, who is the bugbear that you can convince to help you? A: Mashpaw
    304. Where can you find an earth elemental named Landslide? A: Depths of Discord
    305. In which quest do you fight "illusionary" monsters? A: Partycrashers
    306. What agency's agent's names are colors? A: Serpentine Table
    307. Where can you find the Parthilcar Tower Crypt? A: House J
    308. What language is "yevo ni kar"? A: Dwarven/Duergar
    309. What quest would you have to disable 339 traps to get Ingenious Debilitation bonus? A: Undermine
    310. What 2 mini boss's name's are a play on 2 Animaniacs toons? A: Brinky and Pain (from Siegebreaker)
    311. In what quest can you find the Flame of Turian? A: Caverns of Korromar
    312. Where can you find an NPC named Krakadoom? A: Gianthold (he is a stone giant)
    313. What quest does Ochre bestow? A: Snitch
    314. Where can you find the One-Eared Bugbear Inn? A: Tangleroot
    315. What quest does Clipse bestow? A: VON 3 (Jungle of Khyber)
    316. What free to play zone can be accessed via the harbor, house D and house K? A: Ataraxia
    317. Where can you find the temple of the Sovereign Host? A: House D
    318. Where can you find a barkeep named Still? A: Portable Hole
    319. What quest does Brunaccio Patroclus, Grandmaster of the Twelve bestow? A: Hound of Xoriat (heroic)
    320. Where can you find Jester's Haunt? A: Market (down by STK)
    321. What quest does Berrigan Enge bestow? A: The Miller's Debt
    322. In the harbor you can find many crates with symbols on them, including a green cross, green and pink swirls, and what other symbol? A: Crescent Moon
    323. Where can you find the Trade Mission Shipping Yard? A: Inspired Quarter
    324. besides Durk's Got a Secret, what quest does Durk the Deranged bestow? A: Palace of Stone
    325. Where can you find an iron defender named "Old Iron Sides"? A: Prove Your Worth
    326. What quest takes place in the "Cannith Manufactury" A: Redemption
    327. In the Demon Sands adventure pack, what is the Demon Queen's name? A: Lailat
    328. What feat reads "If you pass within 5 feet of a trap, you make a search check to notice it as if actively searching." A: Watchful Eye
    329. What feat reads "You gain a +4 bonus to concentration checks when you are being damaged in combat. You are less likely to have your spells interrupted by enemies." A: Combat Casting
    330. What feat reads "You suffer no penalty to your attack roll when moving and attacking. You will also gain a 2% dodge bonus." A: Spring Attack
    331. What feat (besides Completionist) gives you a +2 to balance and swim checks? A: Athletic
    332. What spell reads "Your hands increase in size, granting a +2 size bonus to strength and damage"? A: Ram's Might
    333. What skill improves rust based spell damage? A: Repair
    334. What is the full name of the boss of Stand Your Ground? A: Slab the Crusher
    335. What very rare collectable is used in the Eldritch Resistance Ritual? A: Lightning-split soarwood
    336. How many Fragrant Drowshoods are used in the Eldritch Force Damage Ritual? A: 9
    337. How many shadow dragonscales are needed to craft fully upgraded Shadow Dragon Armor? A: 100
    338. Who (and where) is Tag Hardcastle? A: Street performer in the market
    339. Who is the main villain in Chronoscope? A: Tremas
    340. In the Korthos quest Necromancer's Doom, your objective is to save a member of what house? A: House J (Drusen d'Jorasco)
    341. In what quest can you fight Prince Gornard? A: Claw of Vulkoor
    342. What kind of trinket is visible when worn? A: Ioun Stone
    343. What house has recently begun selling and leasing airships to various organizations in Stormreach? A: House Lyrandar
    344. Tessa Aster, Hector Hyssop, Felicity Mallow, Parker Pipewort and Godwick Spurge all work for what business? A: The Stormreach Chronicle
    345. Who is Spaulder Nine-Band? A: Auctioneer in the harbor
    346. Who is the portable hole collector? (full name please) A: Ryo Silverbrow
    347. What are NPC's Jon and his sister Emelde doing as a pass time in Korthos? A: Watching people jump into the water
    348. Nolan Gann is the questgiver for what quest? A: Chronoscope
    349. Where can you find Scrounger's Canyon and Cackling Canyon? A: Ataraxia
    350. Where can you find the Halls of Lunacy? A: Subterrane
    351. 2 tribes of gnolls dwell in the Sands of Menechtarun, the Firebrand and what other tribe? A: Windlasher
    352. What quest does Miroc Thrice-Born bestow? A: Chamber of Raiyum (wiz king)
    353. The following named mobs in DDO- Brine, Huul Eyx, Kiv Nerl, Vekz Spluhr, Rhix Fyl are all what kind of creature? A: Sahuagin
    354. Where can you find Brine? A: Three Barrel Cove
    355. Update 30 brought us Gnome race and Deep Gnome iconic class! What is another name for a Deep Gnome? A: Svirfneblin
    356. In what wilderness zone can you find Portal to the Battleground, Throne of the Ancients and the Eye Tyrant Council? A: Subterrane
    357. Neihoden is the boss for what quest? A: Fear Factory
    358. The following named mobs in DDO- Chortle, Thornpaw, Halphire, Goregra, and Stinkpelt are all what kind of creature? A: Hyena
    359. Where can you find Halphire? A: Vale of Twilight
    360. The following named mobs in DDO- Turun-Palo, Firenze, Smolder, Anur-Shub and Hell Fire are all what kind of creature? A: Fire elemental
    361. Where can you find Firenze? A: Orchard of the Macabre (heroic)
    362. The following named mobs in DDO- Arkhat, Donox, Helos, Onyxhorn, Zared Mightyhoof are all what kind of creature? A: Minotaur
    363. Where can you find Zared Mightyhoof? A: Gwylan's Stand
    364. The following named mobs in DDO- Adur-nac, Noguk, Gorn Gut-Chewer, Parnash, Ilos Krolk are all what kind of creature? A: Orc
    365. Where can you find Gorn Gut-Chewer? A: Crucible
    366. The following named mobs in DDO- Deluge, Cicic, Calamity, Blood-drinker and Dusk are all what kind of creature? A: Spider
    367. Where can you find Deluge? A: Sykros Jewel
    368. The following named mobs in DDO- Rhyolite, Rochussen, Rrosp, Slam and Damasze are all what kind of creature? A: Earth elemental
    369. Where can you find Rrosp? A: Lost in the Swamp
    370. What is the name of the Chronoscope gear set bonus? A: Might of the Abishai
    371. What skill's icon is a picture of a rabbit in a top hat? A: Spellcraft
    372. Base heroic Green Steel crafting ingredients include Lamannia Lily Petals, Locust Husk, Bitterscrub Fungus, Green Briar Twig, Glistening Pebbles and what other ingredient? A: Chipmunk Funk
    373. Devil's Keepsake, Demon's Blood, Mysterious Artifact and Pure Shavarath Iron are traded to obtain what item? A: Boots of Anchoring
    374. Jorgundal is what kind of giant? A: Stone
    375. In what quest can you find Den Mother Yheeroua? A: Chamber of Raiyum (wiz king)
    376. Where can you find a rare rat named Gorger? A: Red Fens
    377. Sabriz Rinzyn Kho is the boss for what quest? A: Servants of the Overlord
    378. What quest does Lyvetenant Thifspar Bestow? A: Devil Assault
    379. Vargus d'Deneith bestows what quest? A: The Pit
    380. Ruat Acalay, quest giver for Proof is in the Poison, has what title under his name? A: Concerned Citizen
    381. What quest does Inquisitor Gnomon bestow? A: Purge the Heretics
    382. What quest does Karnat Thaar bestow? A: Tear of Dhakaan
    383. What quest does Dirge of Karrnath bestow? A: Tharashk Arena (VON 1)
    384. What quest does Avanti Moonwillow bestow? A: Faithful Departed
    385. What quest does Gatekeeper Chulkash bestow? A: Xorian Cipher
    386. The Anvilfire Inn has quest entrances for Stormcleave, Bounty Hunter and what other quest? A: Stromvauld's Mine
    387. Where can you find the One Foot Inn? A: Necropolis
    388. Where can you find a tavern called The Refectory? A: Amrath
    389. Where can you find the Ball and Chain Tavern? A: Wheloon
    390. What quest takes place in Sentinel's Tower? A: The Tide Turns
    391. What quest is accessed via The Shrouded Vale? A: Faithful Departed
    392. What quest takes place in the Acid Scar Caverns? A: Acid Wit
    393. The 2 arena challenges in Eveningstar are Ring of Fire and what other challenge? A: Fight to the Finish
    394. What is the capstone quest in epic Three Barrel Cove? A: Precious Cargo
    395. What quest's entrance is called "Dank Cave" A: The Riddle
    396. What is the capstone quest for the High Road chain? A: End of the Road
    397. Driftwood Mire is the location for what quest? A: Mired in Kobolds
    398. Aaseamah Screven bestows what quest? A: Shroud (heroic)
    399. What quest takes place in Matador Village? A: Framework
    Last edited by Vooduspyce; 10-26-2022 at 09:44 AM.

  3. #3


    400. What quest takes place in Beckside Castle Ruins? A: Rest Stop <-HIGHLIGHT FOR ANSWERS
    401. The Eveningstar well is the entrance for what quest? A: Don't Drink the Water
    402. What quest takes place in the Den of Obscurity? A: Rainbow in the Dark
    403. What is the name of the highest level solo-only quest? A: Raiding the Giant's Vault
    404. Cannith Boots of Propulsion come from what quest? A: Schemes of the Enemy
    405. Battlemaster Teblyn is the boss for what quest? A: House of Rusted Blades
    406. In what quest do you fight a mini boss named Jala, Master of Ice? A: Stealer of Souls
    407. The vampire Verisgante hangs out in what public zone? A: House J
    408. Where is Locksmith Square located? A: House K
    409. In which house can you find a portal to Khyber? A: The Twelve
    410. In what zone can you find the Summerfield District? A: Lordsmarch Plaza
    411. The Maker's Gate takes you to what location? A: House C
    412. What is the name of the town that is the public area in Three Barrel Cove? A: Barrel's Bottom
    413. The following named mobs in DDO- Sharkbiter, Yarlbur, Furley, Frokke and Suropox are all what kind of creature? A: Troll
    414. Where can you find Suropox? A: Gwylan's Stand
    415. The following named mobs in DDO- Agorthony, Crean, Kalon, Razor Arm, Tafzul are all what kind of creature? A: Orthon
    416. Where can you find Razor Arm? A: Chronoscope
    417. The following named mobs in DDO- Mutiny, Powder, Ruwenzori, Ghamzee, Blizzard are all what kind of creature? A: Wolf
    418. Where can you find Mutiny? A: Irestone Inlet
    419. The following named mobs in DDO- Chief Makka, Granduul, Kivol, Olos Nobrac, Yaaryar are all what kind of creature? A: Hobgoblin
    420. Where can you find Olos Nobrac? A: Cabal for One
    421. The following named mobs in DDO- Sleet, Sizzle, Sear, Zeer, Palumak the Scourer are all what kind of creature? A: Mephit
    422. Where can you find Zeer? A: Korthos
    423. The following named mobs in DDO- Boss Tanka, Chef Grank, Unkor the Gourmet, Tako the Killer, Dinks are all what kind of creature? A: Ogre
    424. Where can you find Unkor the Gourmet? A: Chains of Flame
    425. The following named mobs in DDO- Ghelere, Laetoli, Osaran, Bashevis, Twinfang are all what kind of creature? A: Lion
    426. Where can you find Osaran? A: Vale of Twilight
    427. The following named mobs in DDO- Kaboom, Brinky, Boss Jittik, Kasquik the Mighty are all what kind of creature? A: Kobold
    428. Where can you find Kaboom? A: Undermine
    429. The following named mobs in DDO- Yrrgal, Vorvand Darkfur, Johanie Muhurrem, Haraja the Firedancer, Zheeregh are all what kind of creature? A: Gnoll
    430. Where can you find Haraja the Firedancer? A: Sands of Menechtarun
    431. The following named mobs in DDO- Ebony, Blacktail, Darksting, Rancor, Schenker are all what kind of creature? A: Scorpion
    432. Where can you find Ebony? A: Cerullean Hills
    433. The following named mobs in DDO- Edrassa the Betrayed, Jezzerae, Pyttan Ayrienne, Vanya Amanatu, Vinaldor the Faithless are all what kind of creature? A: Zombie
    434. Where can you find Pyttan Ayrienne? A: Orchard of the Macabre
    435. The following named mobs in DDO- Charoush, Rahab, Rashad, Pyripnon, Checroun are all what kind of creature? A: Efreet
    436. Where can you find Charoush? A: Prison of the Planes
    437. The following named mobs in DDO- Basalt, Ironwing, Scoria, Toligath, Vermilo are all what kind of creature? A: Gargoyle
    438. Where can you find Vermilo? A: Sorrowdusk
    439. The following named mobs in DDO- S'Kara, Lasthess, Hesstess, Yenar, Nessaleesa are all what kind of creature? A: Medusa
    440. Where can you find Nessaleesa? A: Underdark
    441. What is the name of the crafting device to craft tier 1 Green Steel? A: Altar of Invasion
    442. What weapon enchantment bypasses any metal-based damage reduction that can be bypassed? A: Metalline
    443. The center portal in the Eveningstar cavern can take you to the Demonweb, Caught in the Web, Spinner's Prison and what other location? A: Airship
    444. What is the Lord of Eyes's name? Belashyrra
    445. In the Lords of Dust quest, Inquisitor Gnomon turns out to be what kind of creature? A: Rakshasa
    446. what kind of creature are the flying cats around Eveningstar? A: Tressym
    447. The Gatekeepers are a sect made up of what class? A: Druid
    448. What harbor decoration is topped with 2 tridents sticking up out of it? A: Founder's Fountain
    449. What do you get when you put a Toothpick inside a treasure chest in the middle of your lair? A: Dinner and entertainment
    450. Where can you find Princess Aurelia? A: Prison of the Planes
    451. What quest would you be doing if you were fighting a boss named Mahlurat? A: Sinister Storage
    452. What quest would you be doing if you were fighting bosses named Bairger, Tazful and Odaka? A: Running with the Devils
    453. Who is the scorpion god that is worshiped by most Drow in Xendrik? A: Vulkoor
    454. Name the cult, whose deities were cast out of the Sovereign Host because of their evil ways and whose deities and followers continuously scheme against the Sovereign Host. A: The Dark Six
    455. What AOE spell grants +2 morale bonus to attack, saves, skill checks and weapon damage. A: Good Hope
    456. What is the Lord of Stone's name? A: Orlaask
    457. What is the name of the +10% xp trap disabling bonus? A: Tamper
    458. Erisandes and Keradi are the bosses for what quest? A: Bastion of Power
    459. In what public zone can you find Masei Imports? A: Zawabi's Refuge
    460. What is the name of the +10% xp bonus for NOT killing mobs? A: Insidious Cunning
    461. What spell creates a bank of fog that nauseates living targets and obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment? A: Stinking Cloud
    462. What is the name of the zero re-entry xp bonus? A: Persistence
    463. Henritta Daes is your contact in what quest? A: Diplomatic Impunity
    464. Blaze ar'Rhind is your contact in what quest? A: Madstone Crater
    465. How much Coin Lord favor bestows Coin Lord Finishing School? A: 400
    466. How much Purple Dragon Knight favor is required to unlock the PDK vendor? A: 375
    467. Dorris "The Deniable Asset" is your contact for what quest? A: Framework
    468. In what quest can you find mini bosses named Thought, Memory, Hunger and Avarice? A: Purge the Fallen Shrine
    469. Where can you find Nat Gann's Pack? A: Shipwrecked Spy
    470. The following named mobs in DDO- Drakhan, Lady Wrasse, Maldetto, Varney and Wilgor Pockface are all what kind of creature? A: Vampire
    471. Where can you find Maldetto? A: Cursed Crypt
    472. The following named mobs in DDO- Lord Istharan, Qlogru, Haxxorrax, Yaulthoon and Fred are all what kind of creature? A: Mind Flayer (Illithid)
    473. In what quest can you find Fred the Friendly, Faintly Familiar Feat Fixer? A: The Sane Asylum
    474. The following named mobs in DDO- Dackle, Zircon, Hunter, Nakoma and Amalgam are all what kind of creature? A: Warforged
    475. Where can you find Nakoma? A: Mount Reysalon
    476. The following named mobs in DDO- Valak, Prince Gornard, Kae-Teng Fairuza, Garamol and The Thirsty One are all what kind of creature? A: Skeleton
    477. Where can you find The Thirsty One? A: Sands of Menechtarun
    478. What was the name of Update 28? A: Devil's Gambit
    479. Besides a Cleric, Favored Soul or Druid, what class can have Heal in its spell list? A: Bard
    480. What is the effective cap on the jump skill? A: 40
    481. What non-iconic class gets the most base skill points per level? A: Rogue
    482. What spell gives +4 enhancement bonus to charisma for 1 minute per caster level? A: Eagle's Splendor
    483. What race receives +4 skill points and +1 feat at level 1? A: Human
    484. What race gets Darkfire in their racial tree? A: Drow
    485. Where can you find the Floating Bridge? A: Vale of Twilight
    486. Where can you find "The Far Side of the Broken Bridge"? A: Tangleroot
    487. What spell teleports you to the Temple of the Sovereign Host in House Deneith? A: Word of Recall
    488. Where can you find Panic Pass? A: Sands of Menechtarun
    489. What spell Grants a +1 resistance bonus to saves (+2 at 6th level, +3 at 9th level.), and protection from Magic Missiles for 1 minute per caster level? A: Nightshield
    490. Where can you find a rare will o' wisp named Beacon? A: Red Fens
    491. Where can you find an explorer that is a fishing hole? A: Ataraxia
    492. What spell removes ability damage, Exhausted, Fatigued and restores 1 negative level to a single target? A: Restoration
    493. Where can you find the Bloodletting Tree? A: Eerie Forest
    494. What is the maximum character level to get elite bravery bonus for a base level 20 quest? A: 23
    495. What quest grants 30 favor? A: Twilight Forge
    496. What patron grants Draconic Vitality +10 maximum hit points as a tier 2 favor reward? A: Argonnessen
    497. Who was the first red dragon to appear in DDO? A: Velah
    498. What spell gives +10 enhancement bonus to the Swim skill plus 1 for every 2 caster levels beyond 1st? A: Merfolk's Blessing
    499. What is the final quest in the Attack on Stormreach chain? A: Siegebreaker
    500. What spell causes a single target to die from fear if they fail a will saving throw followed by a failed fortitude saving throw? A: Phantasmal Killer
    501. What spell increases base run speed by 25% for 1 minute per caster level? A: Expeditious Retreat
    502. What spell requires a large diamond as a spell component? A: Death Pact
    503. How many different quests are you required to run in order to flag for Accursed Ascension (AKA the heroic Abbot raid)? A: 1 (Litany of the Dead)
    504. What type of miss chance does Dusk, Blur and Displacement give? A: Concealment
    505. Where can you find a farshifter djinn named Bazbeaux? A: Meridia
    506. There are 3 rare "Lords" in the heroic Ruins of Gianthold slayer zone: Lord Cirrus, Lord Ragath and what other lord? A: Lord Jax
    507. Lord Jax is what kind of giant? A: Fire Giant
    508. What spell can be used to unlock doors and chests? A: Knock
    509. Update 20 "Critical Return" brought us 2 quests: A Study in Sable, and what other quest? A: Brothers of the Forge
    510. What is the name of the minotaur town in the quest Framework? A: Matador Village
    511. What is the name of the crafting device in upper necropolis that is used to upgrade necro 4 loot? A: Fountain of Necrotic Might
    512. Where can you find the Head of Throdenvivex, Head of Levexorn and the Head of Austratisk? A: Crucible
    513. In what quest can you find Ionna's Ancestral Staff? A: Claw of Vulkoor
    514. The following named mobs in DDO- Grumnok the Foul, Moldfang, Wham, Shazam and Geeblebrox are all what kind of creature? A: Troll
    515. Where can you find Geeblebrox? A: Redwillow's Ruins
    516. What kind of weapon is Trial by Fire? A: Rune Arm
    517. Leth is your contact inside what quest? A: Creeping Death
    518. King Dolgrim Nightforge is the boss for what quest? A: Relic of a Sovereign Past
    519. The Iron Maw is the dungeon for what quest? A: Bastion of Power
    520. In what quest do you get a Wand of Rock-Solid Evidence? A: Framework
    521. Desaga and Pyripnon are the bosses for what quest? A: Enter the Kobold
    522. Demons are immune to what elemental damage type? A: Electric
    523. Liches are immune to what 2 elemental damage types? A: Electric and Cold
    524. Clay golems are healed by what damage type? A: Acid
    525. Iron golems are healed by what damage type? A: Fire
    526. Eladrin are immune to what damage type? A: Electric
    527. Where can you find an ooze named Glomm? A: Last Stand
    528. In what quest can you fight a village's mightiest warrior, Kukennama, in order to prove that you speak the truth about an army invasion? A: Diplomatic Impunity
    529. What is the only raid in DDO to not have a 3 day timer to run again? A: Tempest's Spine
    530. The following named mobs in DDO- Nosrat, Bazdor, Colonel Baktazudes, Sagrata and Lykomedes are all what kind of creature? A: Bearded Devils (Barbazu)
    531. Where can you find Colonel Baktazudes? A: Subterrane
    532. The following named mobs in DDO- Aspidon, Barnzidu, Makari, Nythirios and Turigulon are all what kind of creature? A: Pit Fiend
    533. Where can you find Turigulon? A: Devil Assault
    534. Who is Muck's cousin? A: Guck
    535. Where can you find an ooze named Phlegm? A: In the Belly of the Beast
    536. What 2 past lives give +3 MRR each? A: Warlock and Deep Gnome
    537. What feat, when active, grants +10% feat bonus to AC and causes spells to have 3x their normal cooldown? A: Combat Expertise
    538. In waterworks the 2 clans of kobolds are Clan Gnashtooth and what other clan? A: Tunnelworm
    539. in waterworks, who is the "Boss" in Venn's Trail: Clan Tunnelworm? A: Boss Jittik
    540. Stormreach is located on what continent? A: Xendrik
    541. Who is the Religious Icon Collector who also makes an appearance in Good Intentions and Night Falls on Stormreach? A: Goldscuttle
    542. What is the name of the library in the harbor? A: Fallowcrest Library
    543. Chamberlain Cyrese Embree bestow's what quest? A: Tempest's Spine (heroic)
    544. What quest takes place in the Dead Halls? A: Dead Predators
    545. Where can you find Feather's Fall Apothecary? A: House J
    546. Circles of Power, Colossal Crystals and Time is Money take place in what dungeon? A: Lava Caves
    547. In the marketplace, Black-Nose Quint tells you about what place? A: Three Barrel Cove
    548. What is the name of the saga that is comprised of Three Barrel Cove and Sentinels of Stormreach quests, and shares the same name as Update 22? A: Pirates of the Thunder Sea
    549. Madhand Mulvaney bestows what quest? A: Come out and Slay
    550. Who is the Argonessen agent in the market that tells you about Gianthold? A: Cydonie
    551. What feat allows you to apply your dexterity modifier instead of strength when making attacks with light weapons and rapiers? A: Weapon Finesse
    552. What feat, other than Completionist, gives a +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Haggle skills? A: Negotiator
    553. What feat, other than Completionist, gives a +2 bonus to Disable Device and Open Lock skills? A: Nimble Fingers
    554. What feat gives +1 to will saves and +2 to Intimidate? A: Bullheaded
    555. What feat gives +1 to all saving throws? A: Luck of Heroes
    556. What feat allows you to use your charisma modifier for will saves, instead of your wisdom modifier? A: Force of Personality
    557. Who is the Argonessen Emisary that appears as a silver dragon in the market? A: Hennespyra
    558. How many level 1 free to play quests are there in DDO? (that are listed in the Adventure Compendium) A: 8
    559. How many solo only quests (that are listed in the Adventure Compendium) are there in DDO? A: 5
    560. What is the name of the performing group that puts on the Phiarlan carnival? A: The Travelling Troubadors
    561. Who is the captain in the quest Shipwrecked Spy? A: Carthy Cave
    562. What race is Edlin the sorcerer trainer in the harbor? A: Kobold
    563. What race is Synn Ironfist the fighter trainer in the harbor? A: Bugbear
    564. Nurse Ratchet is what kind of creature? A: Beholder
    565. What is the name of the +8% xp breakables bonus? A: Mischief
    566. Besides Bogwater, what is the other tavern in House P? A: Golden Wing Inn
    567. What raid does Sir Rohine Stiedra bestow? A: Abbot (Accursed Ascension)
    568. Where can you find an NPC named Altan Eguilan? A: Harbor (by the upper mailbox)
    569. What is the name of the +15% xp kill bonus? A: Onslaught
    570. In Gianthold, what is the occupation/trade of NPC's Regnak, Rukts and Armec Orem? A: Scalesmith
    571. Where can you find an NPC named Warder Ravnika? A: House K
    572. What is the name of the +20% xp trap disarming bonus? A: Neutralization
    573. In what single location can you purchase Level 1-7 arcane scrolls? A: Portable Hole
    574. What race and class is Jeets? A: Halfling Rogue
    575. What is the new drink added to taverns that restores 6000 spell points over 1 minute? A: Broccoli Juice
    576. Where can you find an NPC named Johanna d'Orien? A: Harbor
    577. What is the name of the +10% xp finding secret doors bonus? A: Perception
    578. What is the name of the djinni in Zawabi's Refuge? A: Zawabi
    579. Quagmere Highpeak, Moon-Eye, Morksarn and Vanyel are NPC's in what zone? A: Gianthold
    580. Where can you purchase Zombie Juice? A: Necropolis (at the One Foot Inn)
    581. What public zone (not counting airships) has 2 banks? A: Hall of Heroes
    582. Marek Malcanus tells you about what story arc? A: Vault of Night
    583. Where can you find an NPC named Vertigo? A: Market (he is the Fabricator Recruiter and ingredients bag NPC)
    584. The following named mobs in DDO- Edgar, Muertasmo, Parcae, Shelley, Thorfl are all what kind of creature? A: Flesh Golem
    585. Where can you find Edgar? A: Fleshmaker's Laboratory
    586. What is the name of the smallest class of guild airships? A: Windspyre
    587. Grim Goodbellows guards a door in what quest? A: Prison of the Planes
    588. Caravan Master Ormar takes you to what location? A: Red Fens
    589. What quest has a boss named Lucy Lawful? A: Memoirs of an Illusory Larcener
    590. Raef Larksong, Jalin Kalabrey, Olvod Alorum and Lorna and Morna Wyrmtouched are NPC's in what zone? A: Market (they are all vendors)
    591. What brothers periodically put on a magic show in the market? A: DeGenev
    592. Grazla, Chulkash, Ormis Vartarkarsk, Tavnar Kronnak and Zarnoth the Vigilant are all members of what faction? A: Gatekeepers
    593. Slab the Crusher, Washer Will, Zircon and Talon Darsin are all members of what crime organization? A: The Sharn Syndicate
    594. Alatra the Gatekeeper and Bagnam the Gatekeeper bestow what quest? A: Temple of Elemental Evil
    595. Where can you find the "Monster Hunter"? A: Hall of Heroes (he's the mysterious remnant trader)
    596. Name a faction that has a favor patron in a tavern? A: The Harpers or Keepers of the Feather
    597. Quest givers Lady Nepenthe, Inquisitor Gnomon and Aratrix are located in what tavern? A: Bogwater Tavern
    598. Quest giver Grinwhite is located in what tavern? A: Phoenix Tavern
    599. In what quest do you fight brothers Urugot and Zotisi? A: Ghosts of Perdition
    600. Quest giver Inquisitive Ingaram is located in what tavern? A: The Wayward Lobster
    601. What does Celaeno Kelle collect? A: Mushrooms
    602. Where can you find the only vendor who sells wands of Stoneskin? A: The Twelve
    603. What is the only zone to have 3 favor patrons? A: Market
    604. Where do you fight warforged named Hunter and Gatherer? A: Blown to Bits
    605. What zone can be accessed via the Remembrance Stone? A: Subterrane
    606. The following named mobs in DDO- Waine Brousch, Edeva Yllka, Horus Hammercrush, Callin Fornan and Jack Jibbers are all what kind of creature? A: Wraith
    607. Where can you find Edeva Yllka? A: Orchard of the Macabre (heroic)
    608. The Gate Chamber is the final dungeon for what chain? A: Threnal
    609. Besides Mira's Sleepless Nights, what quest takes place in Parthilcar Tower Crypt? A: The Enemy Within
    610. What is the only free to play raid? A: Tempest's Spine
    611. Lesto Half-Price bestows what quest? A: Stealthy Reposession
    612. What is the only Korthos quest to give House J favor? A: Necromancer's Doom
    613. What is the name of Update 31? A: Gnomework
    614. What is the name of Update 29? A: The Codex War
    615. In what quest do you fight mini bosses named Geryon, Phlegyas and Argenti? A:Ghosts of Perdition
    616. The word "Vorpal" originally comes from what famous poem by Lewis Carroll? A: Jabberwocky
    617. The catacombs dungeon for The Crypt of Gerard Dryden is modeled after what classic board game? A: Sorry!
    618. Caught in the Web weapons Twilight, Nightmare and Celestia are references to characters in what cartoon? A: My Little Pony
    619. ARN-01D is the boss for what quest? A: Made to Order
    620. Steelthorn is the boss for what quest? A: Power Play
    621. What mini-boss proudly proclaims "My Paralyzing Sword of Power 1 will certainly finish you off. I got a very good deal for it, you know." while fighting him? A: Kai-Teng Fairuza
    622. What is the smallest public zone in the game? A: Delver's Canteen (tavern in Threnal)
    623. in the 10th Anniversary Party challenge, who is "The Dark Overlord"? A: Jeets
    624. In the 10th Anniversary Party, who did Jeets fall in love with? A: Malicia
    625. In the 10th Anniversary Party, who was the "Party Planner" gnome girl with pink hair that stood out front? A: Gnoa Bn'for
    626. In the 10th Anniversary Party, what dev was the Party Favor Collector? A: Tolero
    627. In the 10th Anniversary Party, what does Cordovan say when he dies? A: Not cool cool
    628. In the 10th Anniversary Party, as a star objective we got to fight Cordovan, Severlin, Varguille and what other dev? A: Steelstar
    629. In the 10th Anniversary update, what new fixture was added to the Hall of Heroes? A: Oracle of Wisdom
    630. What faction gives you a large ingredients bag as a 100 favor reward? A: The Twelve
    631. Where can you find an NPC named Bloody Mary? A: Necro
    632. In what new quest will you find NPC namesakes of Pulp Fiction characters Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield? A: Memoirs of an Illusory Larcener (where you will find Vincent and Julias)
    633. Syloth is your contact at the start of what quest? A: Running with the Devils
    634. What quest takes place in Perdition Pass? A: Weapons Shipment
    635. Where do you fight warforged titans named Margie and Ronny? A: Master Artificer
    636. What is Sorjek's last name? A: Incanni
    637. Where can you find Tahareh the wandering beholder? A: Orchard of the Macabre (heroic)
    638. Where can you find a dragon named Daeronnax? A: Search and Rescue
    639. Where can you find The Gatekeepers patron? A: Hall of Heroes
    640. Viercha Ettervs is your contact in what quest? A: Last Stand
    641. Lirange the Oracle "Platinum Concord Apprentice" is an orange named optional boss in what quest? A: Foundation of Discord
    642. In what quest do you fight orange named Tahmael and Marideth and red named boss Karas? A: Lords of Dust
    643. Where can you find the Drowning Sorrows tavern? A: House J
    644. Where can you find a shop called Vestrii's Arms? A: House P
    645. Where can you find an ogre named Bruku? A: Sorrowdusk
    646. Where can you find Chief Ungurz? A: Tangleroot
    647. In the quest Tear of Dhakaan, how many shards of the Tear are there? A: 6
    648. Where can you find "The Hidden Chapel"? A: House P (it is the entrance for Purge the Heretics)
    649. Who is the "Eldritch Expert" in Meridia? A: Valairea
    650. Where can you find Remembrance Plaza? A: Market
    651. What tribe of gnolls inhabits The Burning City where the quest Chains of Flame takes place? A: Firebrand
    652. In what quest do you return supply crates to Corporal Delvascon for optional xp? A: Stormcleave Outpost
    653. The following named mobs in DDO- Giallo, Ghamzee, Smolder, Cruor Rosso and Calcine are rares in what slayer zone? A: Searing Heights
    654. The following named mobs in DDO- Kithba, Goregra, Dulk, Bestore and Hellgut are rares in what slayer zone? A: Ataraxia
    655. The following explorers- Temple Ruins, Sacrificial Site, Overgrown Fortress, Bone-strewn Lair and Wolf Hunter's Fate are located in what slayer zone? A: Tangleroot
    656. The following named mobs in DDO- Blackpaw, Flamefang, Herli'nak the Untamed, Teargon and Firefang are all what kind of creature? A: Hell Hound
    657. In what slayer zone can you find Blackpaw and Firefang? A: Devil Battlefield
    658. The following named mobs in DDO- Mudfoot, Druuhl, Chief Ogh, Insgadreer and Brawnpits are all what kind of creature? A: Hill Giants
    659. Where can you find Insgadreer? A: Stormcleave Outpost
    660. The following named mobs in DDO- Cho'ahz, Rhitez, Garen'thir Szind, Phargred Avithoul and Chaszoj'ryn are all what kind of creature? A: Drider
    661. Where can you find Rhitez? A: In the Belly of the Beast
    662. Refuge of the Ancestors is the dungeon for what quest? A: Last Stand
    663. What 2 quests takes place in The Saltire District? A: Missing and Good Intentions
    664. Baktor, Hell Fire and Turigulon are bosses in what quest? A: Devil Assault
    665. Khaszlokhar, Draegloth Champion is the boss for what quest? A: Reclaiming the Rift
    666. Where can you find The Enforcers' Prison? A: Amrath
    667. What raid does Melene bestow? A: Defiler of the Just
    668. In what quest do you fight mini bosses named Vidhan, Galamesh and Modius? A: I Dream of Jeets
    669. What name is carved into aqueduct memorial pillar explorer in the Vale of Twilight? A:Thadeus 14
    670. Wilgore Pockface, Higgis Blacksail, Dead William and Tragish the Blighted are vampires in what quest? A: Epic Two-Toed Tobias (A Legend Revisited)
    671. Behn the Prospector can be found in what public zone? A: Zawabi's Refuge
    672. Where can you find a kobold named Snutch? A: Gianthold Tor
    673. Who is the kobold floating in the red gelatinous cube in the quest Creeping Death? A: Garko
    674. In what quest do you have to deal with the insults of warehouse supervisor Morley Blode? A: Sinister Storage
    675. Who is the spider queen in Let Sleeping Dust Lie? A: Lycosa
    676. What kind of spiders are found in Let Sleeping Dust Lie? A: Crimson Foot
    677. In what quest do you obtain the Jurmo'ta, Wul'ta, Vilbu'ta and Elsb'ta Shards? A: Stormcleave Outpost
    678. Oseerz the djinn is your contact inside what quest? A: Coalescence Chamber
    679. The following explorers- Gate of Shavarath, Crystal Spin Peak, Bleeding Rock Falls, Gnoll's Breath Ridge and Fields of Immolation are located in what slayer zone? A: Gianthold
    680. The following explorers- Quarry Bluff, Abandoned Mine Shaft, Fallen Temple, Fallen Ancient and The Wading Pool are located in what slayer zone? A: Vale of Twilight
    681. In what quest do you obtain the Olipar, Nular and Talen Runes? A: Tempest's Spine
    682. Update 31 included quests Search and Rescue, Memoirs of an Illusory Larcener and what other quest? A: Good Intentions
    683. What kind of DDO mob proclaims, "Dizafrabadoo!" A: Kobold
    684. In the Devil Battlefield, Gatesmasher, Bonebreaker and Demoncrusher are all what kind of creature? A: Golems
    685. In the Storm Horns, Nexxylplyx and Charillion are what kind of creature? A: Dragons
    686. Besides the market and Eveningstar, where can you find a Fatespinner? A: Hall of Heroes
    687. In the King's Forest random encounter, The Antidote, what item does the Eveningstar healer ask of you? A: Vial of Dryad Tree Sap
    688. Yarrow Glade is the dungeon for what quest? A: Tracker's Trap
    689. Gorn Gut-Chewer, Vrall the Fearless, Harza Ghost-Waker and Daggertooth are bosses in what quest? A: The Crucible
    690. The following named mobs in DDO- Darkstinger, Aspect of the Hunter, Mendexethazz, Volrune the Curate and Sannyasi are all what kind of creature? A: Scorrow (Drow Scorpion)
    691. Where can you find Darkstinger? A: Offering of Blood
    692. The following named mobs in DDO- Aurora the Wicked, Devashta, Keradi, Lady Mourne and Princess Aurelia are all what kind of creature? A: Marilith
    693. Where can you find Devashta? A: Extraplanar Palace (Buying Time, Labor Shortage, Dragon's Hoard)
    694. The following named mobs in DDO- Agni, Blaze ar'Rhind, Ferros, Ignos and Ingstoldt are all what kind of creature? A: Fire Giants
    695. Where can you find Ingstoldt? A: VON 2 (The Prisoner)
    696. in what quest do you fight mini bosses named Bhumi, Jala, Agni and Pavan? A: Stealer of Souls
    697. In what quest can you find optional orange named mobs Shaman Prysass, Vorag the Vengeful, Warlock Cyressy and Witch Doctor Kneeza? A: Walk the Butcher's Path
    698. In what quest do you find named loot: Cloven-Jaw Longbow and Shaagh's Helm? A: Sacred Helm
    699. The following explorers: Tranquility Grove, Dragon's Roost, Daycrystals, Boneyard and Agathea's Hut are in what slayer zone? A: Underdark
    700. Arlyn's Ring and Phiarlan's Ring can be found in what quest? A: Gwylan's Stand
    701. In what quest can you find named loot: Braza's Hat, Crude Bauble and Zaramang's Longbow? A: Where There's Smoke
    702. In what quest can you find named loot: Phiarlan Mirror Cloak, Mask of Tragedy and Shimmering Pendant? A: Partycrashers
    703. Aberrant Robe, Mace of Wraith, Chill Shard, Necklace of Contemplation and Xoriat Forged Blade can be found in what quest? A: Caverns of Korromar
    704. Charoush's Inferno, Death's Locket, Royal Scimitar and Spiked Boots can be found in what quest? A: Prison of the Planes
    705. In what quest can you fight optional orange named mobs Herli'nak the Untamed, Kron'zek and Maz'il'tilnik, along with a cabal of tieflings? A: Under the Big Top
    706. in what quest can you find named loot: Dueling Schlager, Face of the Demon, Grievous Blade, Ironweave Tunic and Sword of the Thirty? A: Tear of Dhakaan
    707. The following explorers: Asperous Flats, Summoning Circle, Paragon Plunge, Panic Pass and Crag Plot can be found in what slayer zone? A: Sands of Menechtarun
    708. The following explorers: Tree Bridge, Fell Isle, Eastern Falls, Underground Pass and Slaughtergrounds can be found in what slayer zone? A: Orchard of the Macabre
    709. In what public zone can you find The Eldritch Chamber? A: Meridia
    710. What quest takes place in Knave's Hollow? A: Bounty Hunter
    711. What quest takes place "aboard the Sea Witch"? A: Guard Duty
    712. What quest takes place in Mammoth Valley? A: Small Problem
    713. What quest plots House Phiarlan vs. House Thurani? A: Gwylan's Stand
    714. What feat grants a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. poison and +1 to reflex saving throws? A: Snake Blood
    715. What was the name of Update 26? A: Warlock's Legacy
    716. In what 2 quest can you fight a pseudodragon? A: What Goes Up and Tracker's Trap
    717. In what quest can you fight an animated ladder? A: Good Intentions
    718. Besides The Grotto, in what quest is Talbron Tewn adventuring with you? A: Brothers of the Forge
    719. What is the name of the final quest in the Slave Lords chain? A: Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords
    720. Who is Joe Candymaker? A: Night Revels trader (Mabar trader)
    721. In what quest do you return research notes, a warded container, personal effects and a necklace to NPC's Gadbin, Sil, Caldia and Jada? A: Redwillow's Ruins
    722. How much total favor is required to unlock Favored Soul? A: 2500
    723. In what quest do you rid Philver Sharpwood's warehouse of the Quickfoot gang? A: An Explosive Situation
    724. In what quest do you infiltrate the Shiny Shilling to break up a money laundering operation? A: Dirty Laundry
    725. What feat grants Echoes of Power if you drop below 12 spell points? A: Magical Training
    726. What quest is described: Lady Nepenthe's enemies have trapped her son in deathless suffering. Destroy his bones to end his torment. A: Rest for the Restless
    727. In Caught in the Web, what does Ana say after she conjures a rest shrine? A: "Ta-da!"
    728. How much Silver Flame favor is required to purchase Silver Flame potions? A: 400
    729. What epic feat gives you +75 spell power when active? A: Intensify Spell
    730. What past life gives you +10 light and alignment spell power? A: Morninglord (Sun Elf)
    731. What passive past life gives +1 to the DC's of Conjuration spells? A: Cleric
    732. How much Yugoloth favor is required to purchase Yugoloth potions? A: 75
    733. The DDO thrown weapon list includes axe, dagger, hammer, shuriken and what other type of weapon? A: Dart
    734. How much favor are each of the solo lowbie quests worth? A: 2
    735. In what quest do you use Configuration Patterns Delta, Epsilon, Beta and Sigma to run training programs? A: Brothers of the Forge
    736. In what quest do you fight bosses Stalman, Nerals, Ajakstu, Eanwulf and Slippery Ketta? A: Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords (Slavers part 3)
    737. Update 28 The Devil's Gambit included quests Tavern Brawl, Grim and Barett, Multitude of Menace and what other quest? A: Subversion
    738. Update 22 Pirates of the Thunder Sea epified what previously non-epic quest in the Sentinels chain? A: Storm the Beaches
    739. The 3 Wheloon prelude quests are Disciples of Shar, Shadow of a Doubt and what other quest? A: Escape Plan
    740. What is the largest guild ship? A: Daedalean Kraken
    741. What is the capital city of the Kingdom of Cormyr? A: Suzail
    742. Who is the Sage of Shadowdale? A: Elminster (his title appears under his name)
    743. Eveningstar is located on what continent? A: Faerun
    744. Where can you find the Open Palm Inn? A: House J
    745. The following NPC's all have what occupation in common: Glaive, Still, Raff, Morksarn and Veel? A: Barkeep
    746. What spell increases base run speed by 15% for 1 minute per caster level? A: Longstrider
    747. Where can you find a kobold who claims to be a dragon? A: Ataraxia
    748. What is another name for sea trolls? A: Scrag
    749. Besides Good Intentions, in what quest can you find Durk the Deranged? A: Sane Asylum
    750. Vanyel is the farshifter that takes you to the market from what place? A: Gianthold
    751. Nimbus ar'Yorg, quest giver for and your contact inside Prison of the Planes, is what kind of giant? A: Cloud Giant
    752. In Against the Demon Queen, the six swords are represented by a snake, bat, monkey, wolf, scorpion and what other animal? A: Octopus
    753. The following explorers- Eastern Perch, Northern Perch, Southern Perch are located in what slayer zone? A: Vale of Twilight
    754. The following explorers- Bell Tower, Rotten Shark, Bazaar Crescent, Black Loch and Elusive Bounty are located in what slayer zone? A: Three Barrel Cove
    755. Waterworks slayer zone mobs include kobolds, spiders, oozes, a troglodyte, a troll a rust monster and what other type of mob? A: Wolves
    756. The following explorers- Mudpot, Giant Mushroom Forest, Great Red Tree, Dank Cave and Hidden Waterfall are located in what slayer zone? A: Red Fens
    757. The following explorers - Shattered Ruins, Flayed Lands, Gullet Trenches, Shrine to the High Council and Outer Wall Gate are located in what slayer zone? A: Devil Battlefield
    758. The following explorers- Wight Lair, Troll Lair, Ogre Cave, Spider's Nest and Hellhound Den are located in what slayer zone? A: Sorrowdusk
    759. The following explorers: Stones of Slaughter, Bone Yard, Overwatch Point, Shadow Plots and Burial Chamber can be found in what slayer zone? A: Orchard of the Macabre (heroic)
    760. The following explorers: Gnoll Camp, Assassin's Roost, Collapsed Entrance, Summoning Circle and Dead End can be found in what slayer zone? A: Sands of Menechtarun
    761. The Eladrin Stronghold is the dungeon for what quest? A: Running with the Devils
    762. The following explorers: Wildman Cave, Ocean Cave, Mining Cave, Scrag Cave can be found in what slayer zone? A: Ataraxia
    763. In what quest do you fight named bosses Aspect of Cunning, Aspect of Wrath and Aspect of the Hunter? A: Offering of Blood
    764. Not including teleporters or planecallers, what public zone has exits to the market, the harbor and to The Twelve? A: Lordsmarch Plaza
    765. Sir Pythias the Radiant, Hallestrom, Skorn, Loremistress Jinna and The Herald are all quest givers in what location? A: Necropolis
    766. Lille, Taggart, Galton and Greigur d'Deneith are all quest givers for what chain? A: Sentinels
    767. What is the name of the clan of drow that inhabits the Red Fens? A: Raveneye
    768. Where can you find the Salty Wench Tavern? A: Three Barrel Cove
    769. Where can you find the clan of Drow known as the Sulatar? A: Searing Heights
    770. Tsa Ketn is the Sahuagin boss in what quest? A: Last Stand
    771. Speaking with Captain Agamon takes you to what location? A: Siber Atoll
    772. Where can you find a rare Quell named Lerroux? A: Soami Gardens
    773. Cerulean Hills mobs include Wolves, Bugbears, Lions, Orcs, gargoyles, Humans and what other kind of mob? A: Scorpions
    774. Aside from rares, Searing Heights mobs include Wolves, Mephits, Hell Hounds, Fire Elementals, Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Orcs and what other kind of mob? A: Drow
    775. Ataraxia mobs include Spiders, Wildmen, Razor Cats, Rust Monsters, Scorpions, Scrag, Hyenas and what other kind of mob? A: Duergar
    Last edited by Vooduspyce; 10-26-2022 at 09:52 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Manager
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    You have made a bunch of people's lives so much easier.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  5. #5
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Apr 2013

    Default The roll!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    You have made a bunch of people's lives so much easier.
    I could not resist for the RNG on the Qs,

    /roll d719

    Could even be a rap song, roll the d 7 1 9...

    BTW to all your native Sarlonians and others, when Livmo says lowest roll wins, any dice, you want to do:

    /roll d2

    And hope for 1

    EDIT ~ My head is still spinning trying to get thru all the questions. Might take a few days

    Ginger runs a great event and does trivia not just on Halloween, might want to roll an alt on Sarlona to get in on the good times. His Harbor hide and seek is a blast as well.
    Last edited by Livmo; 11-01-2016 at 01:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Sep 2009



    Clearly though, what we need here is a 700 choice poll to determine the most obscure question.

    I'll leave that with you, Nacho.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  7. #7
    Community Member Nissebror's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post

    /roll d2

    And hope for 1

    /roll d2-999999999

    and hope for -999,999,998

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post
    I could not resist for the RNG on the Qs,

    /roll d719

    Could even be a rap song, roll the d 7 1 9...

    BTW to all your native Sarlonians and others, when Livmo says lowest roll wins, any dice, you want to do:

    /roll d2

    And hope for 1

    EDIT ~ My head is still spinning trying to get thru all the questions. Might take a few days

    Ginger runs a great event and does trivia not just on Halloween, might want to roll an alt on Sarlona to get in on the good times. His Harbor hide and seek is a blast as well.
    Thanks Liv, I'm glad you enjoy the events!

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