I am currently in the planning stages for a dex based Elven Melee Cleric.
My plan is to take Whirlwind for AOE and use Haste Boosted GSWF for single targets. I do not plan on being centered, and only took Monk for two feats and evasion.
15 Cleric (Better for healing)
2 Monk (Feats and Evasion)
2 Fighter (Feats and Haste Boost)
1 Either of Fighter or Cleric. I won't have the AP for Sentinel and not going for centered, so it comes down to Cleric (+1 Fort, 80 sp, and level 7+8 spells), or Fighter (+1 Ref, +2 HP, and could get Sentinal if I drop Amelia Strike; that and I may really need the +1 Reflex for evasion).
Enhancements: (Just the Essentials)
Elf: Weapon Training 4, Grace (Dex to hit and damage), Feywild Tap for incorp and sp (It works great, I use it a lot).
Radiant Servant: All the Tier 5's (I like playing Clerics that can actually heal well).
Warpriest: Amelio Strike and the goodies leading up to it. I do not think Divine Might will work with Dex (bummer).
Kensai: All I could fit was Haste Boost 3.
Heroic: Whirlwind and the 4 pre-reqs (Ouch!), IC Slashing (Duh), Emp Heal, Quicken, and three SWF feats.
Epic: I am still undecided about these, and would really like to fit Maximize in somewhere.
Stats: (Figured for a first life toon; 32 pt.)
Str: 10 (Had a childhood illness that became the catalyst for wanting to heal others)
Dex: 18 (Level ups here)
Con: 12 (Was a sick elf growing up *shrugs*)
Int: 12 (I like having some skills, but still working on what to focus on)
Wis: 08 (I know smoking is bad, but I still do it anyway. Had a potion drinking problem early on too)
Cha: 16 (Turn, turn turn...)
Q: Why Dex? What were you thinking!?
A: I wanted to focus on defense and dps. That and I have leveled a few clerics, and I hate dying in traps, but I love DA... PIT! Once I decided to take two monk to help with getting Whirlwind, I figured why not at least build in the capability for evasion. That required me to either go dex or take some Pally (I enjoy smoking, drinking, and the company of women too much to make a decent Paladin).
Q: Why not a Caster Cleric?
A: I have a Divine Caster. It's called a Druid.
Q: Why don't you roll up a build that somebody else made that is tested and proven?
A: Because that would take all of the fun out of it. I hate it when a build I am working on becomes popular, because then I have to scrap it and never play it again. Strange, I know... call me crazy... it is probably true.
Q: Why not use Bard or Warlock?
A: If I want to use Bard, I will make a Bard. I will never use Warlock (I still want my money back for buying that class Turbine).
So, anyhoo... What do you guys think?
I might be able to play again in a couple of weeks for a short time. Cya around the playground!