Haven't done one of my top 10 lists in a while so... In honor of the upcoming Halloween night
I thought it would be fun to revisit my top 10 lists and have some good spooky fun. In years past
We have had a lot of fun visiting the top 10 Moments in horror movies, Non horror movies and
Just movie history in general. This has led to bond over such terrifying moments from big budget movies
such as Carrie, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Alien, and the dental torture scene in marathon Man (Is it safe!?)
*dental drill whirs in the background... (Shudder)
We've also found great moments from low budget and Indie horror
movies such as Audition, Ju' on (the Grudge) The Ring, and many, many others.
This year however I have decided to have us join together share our greatest and
most terrifying moments from a shared love of all of us; Video games!
Now this is by NO means a definitive list; because asking for (and providing)
Is the top 10 scariest moments in video games based upon the games you (and I)
have played, so More than one moment may actually come from the same video games.
So many game moments may be missing from this list; moments from games such as, Slenderman,
fatal frame, system shock, fFve Nights at freddys and and many, many others. Games which sadly
I personally have never had the pleasure, money, (or maybe the courage...) to play.
I know that horror games will likely top these list but know that The choices are not limited to just horror games
since there are surely some terrifying moments in other types of games as well.
And since we will be discussing video games you may or may not have played it goes without saying that....
There will be spoilers ahead! (Duh) So; CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED!
So without further ado and in closing; What I am looking for, is the top 10 scariest moments in video gaming that had
your heart racing, and or had you jumping out of YOUR seat and screaming HOLY S*** like a little school girl!
So (in no particular order) Here are my Top 10 below; and remember to have... a Happy Halloween....
*fade to black...
10: Silent Hill 2 (Meeting Pyramid Head)
My first encounter with this hulking beast scared the bejeezus out of me, I don't know whether
it was the shape of its head, or The fact that Pyramid head was actually blind, or The highly disturbing first scene
in which you actually encounter him... But the following scenes where you are first chased by him still rank up there
with best and most frightening moments of all the games I played.
09: Last of Us (Hotel basement)
The Last of us is chock full of disturbing and scary moments but the scene
where you are separated from Ellie in the hotel basement Is downright terrifying.
You have to skulk around in the dark to find a keycard just to open the door only to discover
there's no power. Then have to crank up a generator (nice and quiet right...)
only to be ambushed by stalkers, Clickersand of course; a Bloater!
My heart still pounds thinking about it.
08: Bioshock (The dentist office)
Maybe it just me, but I never liked the dentist office anyway.
(My apologies to anyone in the dental field; you all really do a great job
and I do really appreciate it ) But Bioshock did me (or the dental field)
no favors with this scene...
You creep into the dentist office already abandoned and spooky in its own right,
as that creepy fog drifts in and out... Suddenly a dead body appears in the previously empty dentist chair...
If you continue to brave this office and pick up the audio log and hacker upgrade from the back room you turn
around to suddenly be confronted by The Undead spliced dentist himself!
It was a Holy Carp moment if there ever was one!
07: Alien Isolation: (Your first encounter with the Alien)
Nothing scared us as movie goers more than the Alien in the fantastic movie of the same name
the year it came out and it still ranks up there In any top 10 scary encounter list for the very same...
enter Alien: Isolation. You play as Amanda Ripley daughter of Ellen Ripley (Alien franchise fame.)
Landing on Sevastopol space station in pursuit of the flight recorder from the Nostromo (Ellen's ship)
You come face to face with the horrors of the Alien. But it is that first that sets the stage for the rest
of the game that scares the hell out of you and tells you in no uncertain terms...
"Toto; you aren't in Kansas anymore."
06: The Evil Dead: A Fist Full of Boomstick (The deadite Samurai)
So there it is, you spend your time in "A fist full of boom stick running around fighting deadites
and trying to find a way to stop them... So finally when all is said and done there you are sitting
there listening to Ash finish up telling his story to a Samurai Shogun when Bam! He jumps up suddenly a deadite
Only to have ash left to fend for himself yet again! Whatdaheck!?
05: Tell Tale games: The Walking Dead. (Dinner with the St. John's family)
Rarely in the walking dead game are things entirely like they seem, and this is never more apparent than in Terminus.
But in The Walking Dead game by Tell Tale games; they didn't have Terminus they had... The St. John's Farm. Nestled in a
Quiet section of the forest near the motel where our heroes had mad there home was; The St. johns dairy farm. A quiet seemingly
Idyllic place it seemed like our protagonists may have finally caught a break. Until... in a scene reminiscent of Soylent Green
Lee makes a shocking discovery as to where exactly they were getting their meat. It's that slow build up as he discovers the butchering room and then makes the shocking discovery of their friend missing his leg that makes this scene just terrifying as you learn the lengths PEOPLE may go to
in order to survive.
04: The Last of Us (Ellie's final showdown with David)
As I said; I had a few games on here more than once. What makes a scene terrifying?
Some of you make recall I once made reference to a scene in the movie Marathon Man
(Which I briefly revisited here);That showed the level of evil humans are capable of.
This capability made that scene absolutely terrifying. This leads me to my point.
Sometimes it is just what humans are WILLING to do in order to survive
That is more truly terrifying rather than the blood and gore or fearsome nature of a horror movie
or video game monster. And this showdown scene in The Last of Us between Ellie and David
( the leader of a group of survivors turned cannibals) that really highlights this masterfully.
As the 14 year old Ellie separated from Joel you must contend with David in a burning Resort restaurant
armed with only a switchblade knife. As you run and hide from David while trying get in position to stab him.
You really begin to feel the desperation, as he relentlessly pursues you; First with a Machete and later with a pistol
until you face off in the final confrontation and he makes it known to you exactly what he is capable of doing to Ellie
IF you do not succeed in stopping him. I still get Goosebumps thinking about it.
03: Fear: (Meeting Alma)
The final showdown with Alma is the one of the most creepy, terrifying, Bizarre things I ever experienced!
Just the whole dynamic they put together was awesome. The crazy twist they threw in, the powers she
possessed along with her overall look as well the situation you are thrown into all combined to make it one
hell of a scary fight! It is still one of the most terrifying game scenes I ever played through.
02: Until dawn: (Chris and Ashley scene with the gun.)
while Until Dawn is chock full of scary moments and great jump scares galore. Not to mention some really
creepy as hell clown scenes depending on some of the choices you make...Nothing is more nerve wracking
and terrifying, than some of those scenes that leave you feeling like you are being backed into a corner.
Such was the scene with Chris and Ashley. After already being forced into making a horrifying choice
earlier in the game Chris and Ashley are again kidnapped by one of the main villains in the game and
he is forced to make another horrifying choice. He must choose (in true Saw fashion) to either shoot Ashley;
or shoot himself to save Ashley. And you the player must choose. While there are other scenes that may have
more shock value; this scene where you literally have to make a clear cut blatant life or death choice between two
of the characters sitting in two chairs with a gun in your hands is the stuff of nightmares.
01: The Evil Within : (Meeting Laura for the first time)
This scene is positively terrifying. You walk into a room and a body lies on the floor.
As you approach the monster Laura erupts from the body in a shower of blood!
She the proceeds to chase down a corridor till you are backed into a corner! Luckily an alter ego bursts from a door to
distract her for you! You dash through the door with Laura in pursuit! You duck through rooms down ladders and elevators
until you finally manage to escape! It is one of the most tense fear inducing terror filled scenes in video gaming history.
And still one of my favorites!
Honorable mentions:
As I said more than one of some of the best encounters for me were also kind of in the same games.
So here are some more of them as honorable mentions because they are just too good to leave out...
(1.) The Evil Within: (Meeting the Butcher)
Your first real introduction to how things are going to be in the evil within! When you first meet the butcher, a large leather face like
Humanoid beast you hang upside down, blood dripping from your arm, as he systematically takes apart a body next to you just out of
Sight to your left. He then proceeds to drag the torso over to a large butcher counter in full view of you to happily finish the job!
While you try to quietly swing back and forth to grab a knife to use to make your escape before you are next! Upon escaping
he then proceeds to chase you down relentlessly (wounding you in the process) till you manage to make your escape. It is an unforgettable
introduction to the series that clearly states hang on to your hat; it's gonna be a bumpy ride! And this is just in the INTRO!
(2.) The evil Within (1st Encounter with "The Keeper" )
What can I say about the Keeper? This terrifying 'Pyramid Head' like Behemoth with a huge hammer, a safe for a head, and this huge
Morning star like bag impaled with spikes and nails and filled with who knows what to bludgeon you to death with; is one of the most
imposing figures in the game! (I'm not counting the Giant spider creature, monstrous creature in the parking garage, etc. or Ruvik
only because by that point I think you are kind of a little jaded; and have more than enough items to take them on.)
But the Keeper is just terrifying to look at; deadly to encounter early on in the game and the scene where he decapitates himself
Just to be able to resurrect to get to you is just terrifyingly awesome! It was very tough to choose between this and Laura.
So there it is! Those are my choices; what are yours!?
Have fun and have a Happy and fun Halloween!