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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default build request : melee healer


    So I need some advice to build a melee healer for my wife.

    She already played a pure S&B cleric and a SWF FvS and want to keep the healing + melee gameplay but with improved dps.

    To makes it even harder, she really likes the "group heal" spell

    So I thought about two 17/3 splash : either a swashbuckler cleric (3 bard) or a sacred defender cleric (3 paladin).

    PDK seems to be the best class with these two build as it would allow to go all charisma and improve turn undead.

    Any insight ?

  2. #2
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default This one was a blast to play

    if use a FR (not Morninglord) could always use Helm (bastard sword+board)

    so many little tweaks to adjust to playstyle... but able to melee (warlock bursts), mass heal while in melee, and even melee.

    Old Healing Angel of Light (aka Greater Angel of Light)
    12/5/3 Cleric/Warlock/Favored Soul
    Neutral Good Morninglord
    Level Order
    1. Cleric . . . . .6. Favored Soul. .11. Cleric. . . . .16. Cleric
    2. Warlock . . . . 7. Cleric. . . . .12. Cleric. . . . .17. Cleric
    3. Warlock . . . . 8. Cleric. . . . .13. Cleric. . . . .18. Cleric
    4. Favored Soul. . 9. Warlock. . . . 14. Cleric . . . . 19. Cleric
    5. Cleric . . . . 10. Warlock . . . .15. Favored Soul . 20. Warlock
    . . . . . . . .36pt . . Tome . . Level Up
    . . . . . . . .---- . . ---- . . --------
    Strength. . . . .9. . . .+6. . . .4: CHA
    Dexterity . . . .8. . . .+6. . . .8: CHA
    Constitution. . 15. . . .+6. . . 12: CHA
    Intelligence. . 10. . . .+6. . . 16: CHA
    Wisdom. . . . . 14. . . .+6. . . 20: CHA
    Charisma. . . . 18. . . .+6. . . 24: CHA
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: CHA
    . . . . . C. W .W. F .C .F. C. C. W .W. C. C. C. C. F .C .C .C .C .W
    . . . . . 1. 2 .3. 4 .5 .6. 7. 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    Heal. . . 3. . . . 1 .1 .1. 2. 2. . . . 1. 1. 1. 1. . .2 .2 .2 .2 .1. 23
    Spellcr . 4. 1 .1. 1 .1 .1. 1. 1. 1 .1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1. 23
    Concent . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 2 .2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 3 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1. 17
    UMD . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
    Tumble. . ½. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ½
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    . . . . . 8. 2 .2. 2 .2 .2. 3. 3. 3 .3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4
    .1. . . . : Empower Spell
    .1 Deity. : Follower of: Amaunator
    .2 Warlock: Pact: Great Old One (or Fiend for Fire Damage) ?mostly using for evil damage. :P
    .3. . . . : Completionist (Quick Draw)
    .6. . . . : Extend Spell
    .9. . . . : Mental Toughness
    12. . . . : Maximize Spell
    12 Deity. : Child of: Amaunator
    15. . . . : Improved Mental Toughness
    15 Deity. : Amaunator's Brilliance
    18. . . . : Heighten Spell
    21 Epic . : Epic Mental Toughness
    24 Epic . : Intensify Spell
    26 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Light
    27 Epic . : Ruin
    28 Destiny: Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
    29 Destiny: Arcane Warrior
    30 Epic . : Master of: Light
    30 Legend : Scion of: Celestia
    1. Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Nightshield, Remove Fear, Obscuring Mist, <Any>
    2. Cure Moderate Wounds, Close Wounds, Find Traps, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Seek Eternal Rest
    3. Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, Mass Aid, Magic Circle Against Evil, Water Breathing
    4. Cure Critical Wounds, Freedom of Movement, Panacea, Death Ward, Restoration
    5. Mass Cure Light Wounds, True Seeing, Raise Dead, Protection from Elements, Divine Punishment
    6. Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Blade Barrier, Banishment, Heal
    1. Master's Touch, Jump, Entangle
    2. Invisibility, Knock
    Favored Soul
    1. Nimbus of Light, Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds, Bless
    Enhancements (72 of 80 AP) Divine Disciple (34 AP)
    • Emissary: Light, Sacred Defense, Sun Bolt, Sunbeam
      1. Nimbus of Light III, Spellpower: Light III, Spell Critical: Light, Spell Points III
      2. Spellpower: Force III, Efficient Empower I, Spell Critical: Light
      3. Searing Light III, Spellpower: Light III, Spell Critical: Light
      4. Universal Spellpower, Spell Critical: Light
    Enlightened Spirit (22 AP)
    • Eldritch Aura, Aura of Courage
      1. Resilience of Body III, Brutal Spellcasting III, Rewards of Tribute I
      2. Power of Enlightenment III
      3. Eldritch Burst III, Power of Enlightenment III, Charisma
      4. Charisma
    Tainted Scholar (12 AP)
    • Tainted Spellcasting, Tainted Lore
      1. Planar Power I, Eldritch Focus III
      2. Utterdark Blast, Eldritch Chain Shape
      3. Charisma
    Radiant Servant (4 AP)
    • Healing Domain
      1. Altruism III
    Destiny (24 AP) Divine Crusader
    1. Interrogation, Purge the Wicked, Charisma
    2. Consecration III, Charisma
    3. Sacred Ground, Empyrean Magic, Charisma
    4. Crusade, Charisma
    5. Charisma
    6. Strike Down, Charisma
    Twists of Fate (19 fate points)
    1. Blood and Radiance (Tier 4 Exalted)
    2. Radiant Power (Tier 1 Exalted)
    3. Endless Faith (Tier 1 Exalted)
    4. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)

  3. #3
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default slightly older version

    Great Old Healing Angel of Light
    13/7 Cleric/Warlock
    Neutral Good Morninglord
    Level Order
    1. Cleric          6. Cleric         11. Cleric         16. Cleric
    2. Warlock         7. Cleric         12. Cleric         17. Cleric
    3. Warlock         8. Cleric         13. Cleric         18. Cleric
    4. Cleric          9. Warlock        14. Cleric         19. Warlock
    5. Cleric         10. Warlock        15. Warlock        20. Warlock
                   36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength         9       +6       4: CHA
    Dexterity        8       +6       8: CHA
    Constitution    15       +6      12: CHA
    Intelligence    10       +6      16: CHA
    Wisdom          14       +6      20: CHA
    Charisma        18       +6      24: CHA
                                     28: CHA
              C  W  W  C  C  C  C  C  W  W  C  C  C  C  W  C  C  C  W  W
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Heal      3        1  1  1  2  2        1  1  1  1     2  2  2    23
    Spellcr   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Concent         1                 2  2  1  1  1  1  3  1  1  1        15
    UMD          1                                                         1
    Tumble    ½                                                            ½
              8  2  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4
     1        : Empower Healing Spell
     1 Deity  : Follower of: Amaunator
     2 Warlock: Pact: Great Old One
     3        : Empower Spell
     6        : Extend Spell
     8 Deity  : Child of: Amaunator
     9        : Mental Toughness
    12        : Maximize Spell
    15        : Amaunator's Brilliance
    18        : Improved Mental Toughness
    21 Epic   : Epic Mental Toughness
    24 Epic   : Intensify Spell
    26 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Light
    27 Epic   : Ruin
    28 Destiny: Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast
    29 Destiny: Arcane Warrior
    30 Epic   : Master of: Light
    30 Legend : Scion of: Celestia
    1. Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Nightshield, Remove Fear, <Any>, <Any>
    2. Cure Moderate Wounds, Close Wounds, Find Traps, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Seek Eternal Rest
    3. Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic, <Any>, <Any>, <Any>
    4. Cure Critical Wounds, Freedom of Movement, Panacea, Restoration, Divine Power, Death Ward
    5. Mass Cure Light Wounds, True Seeing, Raise Dead, Divine Punishment, Slay Living
    6. Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Blade Barrier, Heal, Heroes' Feast
    7. Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Destruction, Resurrection
    1. Master's Touch, Jump, Entangle
    2. Invisibility, Knock
    3. Dimension Door
    Enhancements (80 AP) Divine Disciple (41 AP)
    • Emissary: Light, Sacred Defense, Sun Bolt, Sunbeam
      1. Nimbus of Light III, Spellpower: Light III, Spell Critical: Light, Spell Points III
      2. Spellpower: Force III, Efficient Empower I, Spell Critical: Light
      3. Searing Light III, Spellpower: Light III, Spell Critical: Light
      4. Universal Spellpower, Spell Critical: Light
      5. Flame Strike III, Light Spellpower, Divine Empowerment
    Enlightened Spirit (22 AP)
    • Eldritch Aura, Aura of Courage
      1. Resilience of Body III, Brutal Spellcasting III, Rewards of Tribute I
      2. Power of Enlightenment III
      3. Eldritch Burst III, Power of Enlightenment III, Charisma
      4. Charisma
    Tainted Scholar (12 AP)
    • Tainted Spellcasting, Tainted Lore
      1. Planar Power I, Eldritch Focus III
      2. Utterdark Blast, Eldritch Chain Shape
      3. Charisma
    Radiant Servant (4 AP)
    • Healing Domain
      1. Altruism III
    Warpriest (1 AP)
    • Smite Foe
    Destiny (24 AP) Divine Crusader
    1. Interrogation, Purge the Wicked, Charisma
    2. Consecration III, Charisma
    3. Sacred Ground, Empyrean Magic, Charisma
    4. Crusade, Charisma
    5. Charisma
    6. Strike Down, Charisma
    Twists of Fate (19 fate points)
    1. Blood and Radiance (Tier 4 Exalted)
    2. Radiant Power (Tier 1 Exalted)
    3. Endless Faith (Tier 1 Exalted)
    4. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
    Have fun!

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Community Member Eryhn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    here is a bit of an oddity fun build with the new silvanus maul detiy feat line i am currently leveling up:

    New Build
    12/6/2 Favored Soul/Fighter/Paladin
    Lawful Good Purple Dragon Knight
    Level Order
    1. Fighter         6. Paladin        11. Fighter        16. Favored Soul
    2. Favored Soul    7. Fighter        12. Favored Soul   17. Favored Soul
    3. Fighter         8. Favored Soul   13. Fighter        18. Favored Soul
    4. Paladin         9. Fighter        14. Favored Soul   19. Favored Soul
    5. Favored Soul   10. Favored Soul   15. Favored Soul   20. Favored Soul
                   34pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        16       +3       4: STR
    Dexterity        8       +3       8: STR
    Constitution    16       +3      12: STR
    Intelligence    14       +3      16: STR
    Wisdom           8       +3      20: STR
    Charisma        15       +3      24: STR
                                     28: STR
             Fi Fv Fi Pa Fv Pa Fi Fv Fi Fv Fi Fv Fi Fv Fv Fv Fv Fv Fv Fv
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Heal      2  3     1  1  2     2     2     2     2  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Concent   2        1  2        2     3     2     1  2  2  1  1  2     21
    Spellcr   2  1     ½  1        1  1     1  1            1  3  2  4  20
    Intim     4     1  1     2  2     2     2     2  1  1  1  1           20
    UMD        ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  11
    Jump      1     3           3     1     1                              9
             20  5  5  5  5  5  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
     1        : Power Attack
     1 PDK    : Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning
     1 Fighter: Cleave
     2 Deity  : Follower of: Silvanus
     3        : Empower Healing Spell
     3 Fighter: Two Handed Fighting
     6        : Quicken Spell
     8 Deity  : Child of: Silvanus
     9        : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning
     9 Fighter: Improved Two Handed Fighting
    12        : Great Cleave
    12 FavSoul: Energy Resistance: Fire
    13 Fighter: Greater Two Handed Fighting
    14 Deity  : Blessing of Silvanus
    15        : Force of Personality
    18        : Heavy Armor Combatant
    18 FavSoul: Energy Resistance: Electricity
    20 Deity  : Beloved of: Silvanus
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Epic   : Ruin
    28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    29 Destiny: Arcane Warrior
    30 Epic   : Maximize Spell (to boost ruin and when in EA free boost to EA cure med)
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea
    Favored Soul
    1. Nightshield, Protection from Evil, Divine Favor, Remove Fear
    2. Close Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Resist Energy, Remove Paralysis
    3. Magic Circle Against Evil, Cure Serious Wounds, Remove Curse, Remove Blindness
    4. Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Divine Power
    5. Mass Cure Light Wounds, True Seeing
    6. Heal
    Enhancements (80 AP) Kensei (33 AP)
    • Kensei Focus: Picks and Hammers, Spiritual Bond, Strike with No Thought
      1. Extra Action Boost III, Weapon Group Specialization, Haste Boost III
      2. Weapon Group Specialization, Ascetic Training: Agility III
      3. Critical Mastery III, Weapon Group Specialization, Shattering Strike II
      4. Opportunity Attack, Strike at the Heart
      5. A Good Death: Melee, One with the Blade, Keen Edge
    Angel of Vengeance (21 AP)
    • Font of Power, Shield of Condemnation, Aura of Menace, Summon Archon
      1. Scourge III, Animus I, Smiting
      2. Just Reward III, Smiting, Articles of Faith
      3. Wand and Scroll Mastery II, Smiting
    Stalwart Defender (21 AP)
    • Toughness, Stalwart Defense
      1. Durable Defense III, Stalwart Defensive Mastery III, Threatening Countenance I
      2. Resilient Defense III
      3. Inciting Defense III, Tenacious Defense III, Strength
      4. Swift Defense
    Warpriest (4 AP)
    • Smite Foe
      1. Divine Might III
    Purple Dragon Knight (1 AP)
    • Damage Boost
    Destiny (24 AP) Divine Crusader
    1. Interrogation, Purge the Wicked, Strength
    2. Consecration III, Strength
    3. Sacred Ground, Empyrean Magic
    4. No Regret, Crusade
    5. Castigation, Heavenly Presence, Celestial Champion
    6. Strike Down
    Twists of Fate (18 fate points)
    1. Lay Waste (Tier 3 Dreadnought)
    2. Momentum Swing (Tier 2 Dreadnought)
    3. Extra Action Boost (Tier 1 Dreadnought)
    4. Endless Faith (Tier 1 Exalted)
    cheaper twists: Twists of Fate (10 fate points)
    1. Extra Action Boost (Tier 1 Dreadnought)
    2. Endless Faith (Tier 1 Exalted)
    3. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
    4. Healing Power (Tier 1 Exalted)
    12 fvs, for decent SP from charisma, aura debuff to fort, and to counterintuitively pick up the archon with 21 AP in angel of vengeance, providing constant spell point regen via just reward, a always charged up empyrean magic in epics, some minor added light damage to be coupled with a lantern ring at lvl26 and some added melee power via lvl29 feat arcane warrior, as well as some overall boost to universal spell power and spell crit to give a semi viable ruin when used with a force kinetic stick situationally, i.e. on shroud crystal

    2 pally for the saves mainly, no AP spent there

    6 fighter for kensei tier5 and core lvl6 +1 to crit range and multi, stacking with the silvanus bonus, haste boost, added dmg to 2handed fighting, +3 dodge cap from ascetic training, also spending 21 in stalwart defender for the 10% run speed as well as 20% hitpoint stance

    downsides: only one mass heal spell, cure light mass. cannot fit in a raise spell so needs to scroll. cannot fit in heroes feast and cure med mass. tight on AP.

    alternative version: 12 cleric instead of 12 fvs: this loses the archon bringing SP regen, but gains better spell selection, as well as the option to switch to aura with tier5 radiant servant (which loses keen edge but you still get the kensei lvl6 core at least) - it offers more AP too if you do not spec for aura and thus its possible to boost AC and STR in defender tier4 - it is also possible to replace the 21 AoV with 21 warpriest ameliorating strike.

    this isnt as much of a healer as say axel's build, but in epics you can do well enough as 2ndry raid healer when running in Exalted Angel. that goes for both the fvs and the cleric version. its a good build to solo or duo quests, however it doesnt rly excel in any area greatly, there are better heals and better dps and better defense out there. its a bit of everything. it is totally capable of soloing all hard quests and some elite quests at level though when geared decently. it also offers some variation of playstyle if you have legendary dreadnaught, unyielding sentinel, divine crusader and exalted angel maxed out. i did the first life on the cleric split and in unyielding it can tank EH thunderpeaks just fine i.e and when no proper raid healer is there running in EA and twisting in consecration and sacred ground it will still offer some decent amount of party healing capability.
    on the last cleric life without the silvanus deity, when not running in LD the dmg output wasnt overly great rly, but now with the update it has become a bit more viable to do a somewhat spread thin utility build like this

    its however not an EE build, though it can somewhat contribute in parties on EE ...
    Last edited by Eryhn; 10-24-2016 at 02:12 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013



    This sylvanus deity feat seems very interesting to easily build a tanky healer (17/3 sacred or stalwart defender cleric) with a bit of dps (17-20/x3 crit, 16-20/x3 in LD).

    I have never played any THF, are glancing blow any good ?

  7. #7
    Community Member Vish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Thf is where u will see higher dps

    I would suggest paladin splash
    A lot of synergy, good saves good defense
    Axels build is the standard
    I run a 15/4/1 raid battlecleric
    Thinking of tring into more dps side
    Now that lags gone
    Uses falchion
    But you can go /15 and get masses and death pact
    And pally has good ap to spend

    If you try swash, you have to go light armor

    I would recommend the tank, works best with aura healing
    Then you don't need the masses
    Kil Glory
    30 alchemist

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