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Mass hold monster in reaper difficulty makes it too easy now.
It's like death sentence for mobs, but, you can just spam it especially if you are sorc(3.5sec, 6 sec for wiz).
How about raising its cool-down to 30~60 sec or more on reaper difficulty? And raise cool-down for more mass CC type spells(otto's dancing ball, earthquake, sunburst, etc).
You can still use other various CC spells for single target, multi targets, targeting against will save, fort save, reflex save.
Single or multi-target slow, fear, web, hypnotism, daze, confusion, suggestion, charm, fatigue, illusion, stone, blind, earthquake, fogs, sprays, etc.
Don't forget to give mobs very high specific saves. DDO gave us very high universal spell DC on U32. So, you can just spam mass hold on every mobs without thinking mob's weak save. I think it's not good design for spell.
ex> very high fort on brute types, so, it will resist against your finger or 'flesh to stone', but, it would be good target for hold, fear, daze, suggestion.
very high reflex on archer, rogue types, so, it will resist against your web easily, but, good target for will & fort save spells.
vert high will save on divine & arcane types, it will resist against your will save spells, but, good target for fort & reflex save spells.
It would give players more challenges & need for tactical decisions. And it would make casters to use more various spells, not just single trick pony.