That's funny, I had a warlock, and running ee's, I never could kill anything in 2 seconds, and usually resorted to kiitng and blasting because my damage output was rather weakish. Just because a bunch of ubers have the pastlives and equipment to make themselves more powerful in a certain class, is no reason to nerf that class. Leave It alone/
this exactly.... I still need to pay atention to my stats to be able to solo half-decently.
let me suggest a different approach.
rather then setting into motion an endless series of nerfs, (see league of legends) where you nerf one thing, so people complain about someting else, so you nerf that to bring it into line and on and on it goes....
make all the classes even by buffing the less played ones. that way EVERY class is fun, does that make sense?
no one gets salty, and no one has to TR just cause other people had an issue with their class competing.
I remember when people enjoyed playing the game when it was actually a challenge. Not some magic blasters running around with infinite temp HP. I'm sorry DDO can't accommodate you're needs for an OP character. I made a 1st lifer warlock and got to lvl 30 only doing elite+ solo. Sad. I remember when you couldn't start a raid without a couple clerics because back then not every could self heal with endless amounts of temp HP. It was fun scheduling nights to raid and takedown these big challenges. Now, I can 3 man meridia on elite, at level with alts. 2 Warlocks and a Cleric. Try building a character, I hear FVS has some pretty good damage, or even a ranger. Now that DDO has redirected your tunnel vision from Warlocks, check out some fun classes, not some boring warlock class with 2 clickies.
This is just my opinion, I understand some people enjoy warlocks, but in my opinion, they are too easy to solo, and this game was built on the idea of teamwork.
Icedtea - CashierTwo - Jolyrancher - Arrance - Antiquary - &4/5 moreProud member of The Dead Poets Society
Last edited by PermaBanned; 06-24-2017 at 06:21 AM.
I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...
I really wish I had known they were gonna nerf warlock into the ground before I bought it from the ddo store. It's a shame I can't return it under the warlock lemon law. They really don't seem op compared to the druids I see doing massive dps. I was considered buying dragon born but, I know as soon as I buy it they will probably nerf the **** out of it.
Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.
I own all knowledge but am no God.
I'm not sure what your point is... this same thing can be done with Rogue Mechanic, Monk, artificer, barbarian, etc. There have been builds forever that make mincemeat of Heroic content (yes even on Reaper 1). And all of them are able to have a set of gear that they use every life. Heck, there are 8/6/6 builds that people were using for Heroic Class Completionist that only required a set of gear before warlock was around. and they burned through heroic past lives (classes) in 1-3 days.
Please explain more what your exact point is.
The only thing warlock does is make it easy for the "lower-skilled-at-the-game" people to burn through the lives as well.
the new crafting uses a lot of rare mats so if you invested in warlock gear from 1 to 30 and now need to make a set for mechanic it's going to be hard to do if you spent years of collectibles on your warlock gear. That is more of an issue for me than actual class changes is the re-gearing for a new build.
Casters are still going to be the best solo Reaper builds. Ranged are still going to be second best and in Heroics maybe the best. Melee are still going to be complaining that they die too often and they lag in the kill counts in most groups.
It's the nature of the difficulty rating. The ability to do damage and CC at range is really valuable when mobs are able to routinely kill players they get near in a few swings.
It's not casters and ranged that need to be nerfed to make Reaper manageable for melees. It's Reaper itself that needs to be nerfed and then there will be low challenge levels for everybody as a result.
All of this is a reflection of D&D 3.5 in a perverse way since high level casters have always dwarfed anything high level melees could do. It's the nature of the game that Magic is more powerful than Melee and it always has been after you get out of the low levels where the situation is reversed.
I think you are making a different point than Asylumist.
Asylumist seems to be saying "ONLY Warlock can craft a set of gear they can use every life and that's what makes Warlock so easy to get past lives with" (but I've asked for clarification).
I'm saying that there are many builds that can burn through Racial lives/Heroic class lives in 1-3 days. and they call can be made with the single sets of crafted gear as they go through each life.
It sounds like you are saying: "Now that warlock is nerfed, people are going to have to pick a new class to do their hamster wheel and will need to craft new gear"... and then you extend it to include levels 21-30 to help your argument regarding rare ingredients. This is a different debate point than what I was discussing.
And Warlock is still going to be one of the better classes for doing racial past lives after the nerfs. The only thing affecting the REALLY good warlocks is the loss of 3d6 damage at the top levels. The big nerf is with the EASIEST BUTTON aura/burst/blast builds.
The EASY button "Cone/Necrolock" is still going to be as formidable as it is now (it is only losing the 3d6 at higher levels). It's not as easy as the Auralock... but it's still a big easy button.
Not going to discuss levels 20-30 because I wouldn't use a warlock for getting epic past lives... there are better builds for that.