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This is the thing. I find some of the content challenging in some classes. So maybe it isn't the content, but rather the power we have.
I play curse the sky on a barb, and I find that I have to be careful. I play it on a warlock, and I demolish it with little thought. (and these are actual gameplay experiences, I have played both classes multiple times, with multiple builds, in that content).
Now yes, I can demolish some of the content (a lot of it) on all classes, but THERE ARE small patches of difficult content.
For example, search and rescue. If you are not careful the dragon breath of the kobold shamans can obliterate you on some classes. Or in slavers, I cannot beat the whole chain easily on my barb, or my pure fleshy kensei, but I crush it on a warlock, and I can finish it on a ranger. Add toee p1 to this. No care plus fleshy melee class results in plenty of deaths.
So why is it that I, a single player (hence holding skill constant), have trouble in some content with some classes and I don't with others? Simply because some classes are better all around. Being better, as in they have more power, they make content easy.
Some argue that content is too easy, and agree for the most part, but then I look at the classes used, and then I start disagreeing. Because for the most part they are the overperforming builds, classes, and archetypes. And as I said, it seems to me that the easiest way to bring back challenge to the game is not to reinvent the wheel with a complete new gameplay mode (reaper), but rather toning down character power to a level where there is challenge.
Some will say that they can solo easily anything on any class. Maybe thats true, maybe their superior skill makes up for the extra challenge. The question is different, the issue is whether it would be possible to have current content be challenging for the majority of players. And the fact that on some of the less powerful classes there is still some challenging content seems a good promising start.
So my suggestion for the devs: what makes the existing challenging content particularly difficult on some classes? And look at that challenge component and build from there. Now if it doesn't challenge other classes, what particular things could be brought in that would challenge them? Or what is it particularly that those OP builds have that nullifies the challenge that other builds face?