Originally Posted by
Yes but, you know how much does it cost a chain Lightning empowered, maximized & intesify as well if you want even with all the discounted metamagic? THose extra 3k sp wont last long. You also need to make sure you got a very high evo dc with the few feat you get, or you won't deal any damage at all.
As well sorc sla, take air savant that I was running...I don't know how you can even compare them.
t5 Scholar, t3, t5 ES are:
- free
- AoE
- no save
- There's nearly no mob in game who can resist light damage.
- 5sec cooldown for ES
- 6sec cooldown for Scholar one.
- Need to be in melee range (not much of a problem with all temp hp), medium armor basically free.
Now, air savant SLA:
Shoking garsp:
- Single target
- 2 sp
- 4 sec cooldown
- No save
- Range touch
- Electric damage, so can be ignored by many mobs or heavy reduction.
Electirc loop:
- AoE
- Reflex save take half damage, Will save negates Dazed
- Range,Standard for initial hit, Slightly shorter for affected AOE
- 4 sp
- Electric damage, so can be ignored by many mobs or heavy reduction.
- 5 sec cooldown
Lighting bolt:
- Single target, well could be multiple if you perfectly align mob
- 50% chance double proc
- Range, double
- Reflex save takes half damage (2 saves if it forks)
- Electric damage, so can be ignored by many mobs or heavy reduction.
- 6 sec cooldown
- 6 SP
- Lots of time you even miss target cos the target is moving
Are you seriously comparing Sorc SLA with WK burst? C'mon.
Greater shout, horn of thunder? lol
Every party I join there is from 2 to 4 warlock.
If there is only 2 player playing pure sorc at cap in Cannith (me and another guild mate) there is a reason I guess. Well, now it's just one since I tr'd few days ago to try out monk.
Why dont we add 6sp x burst, and 4 spell point per blast and see how you doing.
Forgot to say, since you don't even want to post a screenshot of you're already done Slavers part 3 on a melee, cos you don't need to prove anything as people know you, I don't have to prove anything to you either.