Nerf the Nerf Herders
Anyone crying for Nerfs
Deserves to be Nerfd
And while your at it bring on the
Stamina Bars
^^^ this.
I was about to let my VIP expire awhile back. Then? Warlock class came along-- and I was hooked with DDO again.
These days? They have nerfed my favorite solo class *again*.
Come July, when my VIP is up? I will not be renewing, most likely...
The gnomes are nice but insufficient to keep my interest--especially as how they've nerfed the monks....
Who were desperate for anti-nerfing in the first place (too weak for soloing) Now? Monks are useless.
I've said many times the devs made high defenses too much of an easy button but that obviously isn't limited to warlock as only a tiny amount of PRR comes from the warlock tree.
Shield feats, past lifes, max con, gear, epid destiny is where almost all that PRR comes from.
People have already linked videos of other classes soloing that end fight - there is no need for me to repeat it.
This is a build with strong defenses but weak dps. Nothing is wrong with that - it's a reasonable choice but he gave up offense for defense.
As I said I don't like that high defenses is such an easy button, but you can do the same thing with other classes also. All 6 of my main characters can solo that end fight no problem and I didn't focus so much on defenses.
Last edited by slarden; 10-22-2016 at 04:27 PM.
The Hatchery
Most folks I met play as spirit warlocks. While spirit warlocks are good at surviving, that is not their full DPS. Warlocks are only powerful once you gear them in epics. High spell power, high critical.. if you twist empy magic and use slave gear, it's possible to achieve over 50% crit chance + 85% crit damage (scion of fire). You could have: divine wrath, energy burst, hellball, eldritch ball (x2 more damage than spirit burst), enlight burst, ruin and greater ruin. Once you apply certain play style, you could pretty much out kill any class, and putup some serious big numbers. But it's in fact, mana intensive. While your SP last, you are top tier DPD. Once it hit zero, you are mid tier. But from my experience and what I seen, if you maximize your warlock DC and be more towards tainted with extra light damage bonus from enlight, you could deal over 10k damage in just 1 sec (no mana).
No, it def is warlock. I can take max con, shield feats, and take PRR in an epic destiny. True, now do something that is not a warlock and tell me how your DPS is going. That's why warlock is so broken in quests.
Here, an example of how other toons can do that. I wouldn't try it on a Cetus build, though. Or on a barb, or a melee rogue, or a bard, and I would think it twice before trying it on a ranger. I have seen monkchers have an awful time there.
In order to find somewhere where a warlock wouldn't do great without really requiring much skill you need end game raids. But then again, how much of the game is that? Arguably soloing slavers fast is nowadays the best end game skill. Sad but true.
I can take an 18 fighter 2 druid.
Take max con, since power surge means it doesn't matter what stats I put levels in.
Take shield feats. Take more or less every feat I want with 18 fighter.
Use vangaurd for combat style attack speed.
Use defensive sweep instead of dance of death, netting rediculous defenses from StD, plus a no-fail dire charge.
Use kensai for melee power.
End up with a non-exploit wolf hitting multiple targets at a time very fast and very hard, while shield blocking. Take PRR out of LSM and Blitz from EDs, combine with StD for nigh-invulnerability.
Last edited by Tilomere; 10-22-2016 at 05:11 PM.
Feel free to breakdown the prr coming from the warlock class itself. It's minimal.
So far I've solo'd slavers chain on warlock, wizard, barbarian, kensai, tempest, fvs, bard.
Maxing con vs. another stat is really just a diff of 7-10 pts now with slavers gear. It's not much of a dps loss for many builds at all as a %.
All casters have the same disadvantages with shield feats. Wizard obviously has more room for those feats.
Warlock is not broken from a power perspective. It's very easy for a new/casual player to pick up and learn if the devs think that is a problem. That doesn't make it more powerful.
No but here it is, super simple fighter - druid.
PDK 1 Fighter 2 Druid 17 Fighter
Dex 15, good str/con
1 PA, TWF, Shield Mastery
3 Wild Shape: Wolf, Completionist
4 WF: B
6 WS:B PL: Monk
9 IC:B
10 Shield Deflection
14 GWF: B
15 GWS: B
16 Heavy Armor Champ
18 Heavy Armor Master, Tactical Supremacy
20 Tactical Mastery
21 OC
24 PL Rogue
27 Tactical Combatant
28 + SP
29 Dire Charge
30 Scion of Ethereal, Heavy Armor Combatant
30 Feat Swap: PA to Precision
3 Human HAMP
33 Kensai 60 MP, dmg, stuffs
31 StD Defensive Sweep
13 Vangaurd 5% AS, 6 MP
ED: US with BA/Sense Weakness or any with BA, consecrate, sacred ground
Since wolves can block and attack at the same time, between shield deflection feat, US shield deflection, shield deflection past life, and 150 MRR doubled against reflex you end up taking more or less 0 elemental damage. Add in tons of PRR, AC, a mana pool for healing, kensai and human HAMP, and sizable HP and you are good to solo 5 LE slavers bosses in part 3 no problem.
Last edited by Tilomere; 10-22-2016 at 07:32 PM.