You seem to change your mind very often, don't you? Yesterday the other classes were not even close to warlock power because they were nerfed and today it's just a matter of player skill. Very convincing yes. Standing in the middle of 5 LE bosses and never see you hp drop below 50% while pushing the same 3 buttons over and over takes a lot of skill yeah...
Opening you destiny window in a middle of a fight whith 6-7 LE mobs to check whatever for 30 seconds while standing still doing nothing and your hp never drop below 80% take a huge amount of skill yeah... those are not things I pulled out of thin air like some here like to do more often than not, those are hard facts you can see in the vid I posted.
LOL. Do you even know of a class called warlock, because that is exactly what it is
Oh so that is the new excuse to justyfy the fact that after 20, 20 lol! pages no one posted a single vid or screenshot of any other class overperforming like the warlock in this vid after making several claims about imaginary completions and vids? Expected.